Qingyun is one of the five battlefields of the Xuanwu continent.

After countless wars here, the original look is long gone, not only permeated with blood, but also the terrain of the mountains and rivers has changed.

The monks guarding this place have undergone earth-shaking changes.

After the baptism of war, life and death, these people have become as strong as iron and set aside life and death.

There are even a lot of people who have achieved absolute calmness, no fear, and never despair.

But today, everyone, including the popular, is heartfelt despair.

Because of this, the demon outside the territory has come to the door again, not many people, only two people.

However, they are all eighth state power!

This force is undoubtedly a disaster for Feng Xing and others. Not to mention two people, even if there is only one, it is enough to sweep the place.

Therefore, even a person with a firm heart can't help despairing at this moment.

"The eighth state power comes, and the decisive battle is about to begin ..."

"This day, it's finally here, brother, brother will go down with you soon."

"It's glorious to be able to die in the hands of the strongest in the eighth state. At the very least, we persisted to the last minute.

Everyone is desperate, let alone fighting spirit, and even the resistance is gone.

The enemy is too powerful, even if he fights desperately, it will not help.

"It's disappointing to have no fighting spirit."

A man in a black robe opened his mouth indifferently, glanced calmly at the people below, and said, "I don't want to humiliate you, let me decide."

"Dream!" Snapped coldly, and said, "Self-discipline is the greatest shame on a soldier!"

"A bit of a backbone, unfortunately, without strength."

The man in the black robe looked indifferent, and said, "You can't stop me with a finger. What qualifications do you have to talk to me about dignity?"

"You!" Burned in rage, but more, but helpless.

"Well, stop their humble indigenous crap, kill them." Another Tsing Yi man spoke.

Upon hearing this, everyone looked pale and desperate.

Popularity is no exception.

However, just as everyone was desperate, a cold word came from the clouds.

"Want to kill them, have you asked me?"

The voice fell, and an old man in white appeared.

She is a fairy-tale girl, her hair looks like a child, and despite her stature, she is swallowed up by mountains and rivers and shakes the wasteland.

That power is no less favourable than the two extraterrestrial demons.

This made everyone embarrassed, especially Qin Wuya, who was still sluggish, staring at the old **** without blinking.

After a few breaths, he confirmed the identity of the person and could not help exclaiming: "You ... you are Bai Fengzhen!"

"What ?! She is the famous Bai Fengzhen who is the teacher of Taichu Holy Land!"

"It was saved. As early as two hundred years ago, Bai Fengzhen was on the eighth realm and was one of the most powerful figures in the Xuanwu continent. Now that three hundred years have passed, her strength must be unfathomable and outrageous. "

"Haha, with her, we will never die."

After learning that the old man is the famous Bai Fengzhengjun, everyone suddenly showed joy.

As the name of a person, the shadow of a tree, Bai Fengzhen, as a teacher in the sacred place of the early age, can be regarded as the top in the world in terms of strength and reputation. In this way, naturally it gave everyone confidence.

"It sounds like a big man, but in fact, it's just the middle of the eighth state."

The man in black robe smiled, and so did the man in Tsing Yi, apparently he did not take Bai Fengzhen as a thing.

"The realm does not mean everything. What the old man says is also a generation of arrogance." Bai Feng Zhenjun's eyes narrowed and his hair burst out.

"Who isn't?"

The man in the black robe shook his head and smiled, and said, "People who are in dire straits and incapable on the path of spiritual practice either stagnate or die on the road. In this case, where can the person who is in the eighth state go? ? "

Hearing that, Bai Feng Zhenjun was silent and had nothing to say.

As the man said, none of the people who can reach the eighth level is mediocre. Even if it is bad, it is a generation of arrogance.

Seeing Bai Feng Zhenjun was speechless, the crowd seemed to be poured with a basin of cold water, and the excitement suddenly disappeared, replaced by worry.

After all, there are two outside demons, but Bai Fengzhen is alone.

"I have to fight before I know."

Bai Feng Zhenjun's expression was cold, and he said, "One enemy and two may not lose."

"Then we will complete you." The man in the black robe smiled, raised his palm, and covered the sky.

There is no dazzling light and no momentum overflowing, but it contains the true meaning of the avenue, and it is extraordinary in plainness.

Suddenly, Bai Feng Zhenjun's expression was dignified, his hands moved between the yin and yang, and he blocked the big hands.


The big day shook, the void collapsed, and the aftermath of terror swept thousands of miles, shaking everyone to cough.

There is no way, the battle between the eighth strong players is too powerful, even if it is only aftermath, they can not bear it.

"So powerful interracial ..."

Feeling the horrible power of this palm, Bai Fengzhen's eyes narrowed, making it difficult to hide the shock.

"Sure enough we already know who we are."

The man in the black robe frowned slightly, but at the next instant, he stretched out, "Well, it doesn't matter if you know, anyway, you are all about to die."

"Before the endless years, your plan failed, and it will still be the result today."

Bai Feng Zhenjun shouted, turned into a silver phoenix, his wings covered the sky, and his mighty power was in the world.

With her sharp claws, she struck forward, and the void shattered like tofu.

"A bit interesting, but unfortunately, it is not enough." The man in the black robe shook his head, his hands rising like a knife, breaking the ground, terrifying.

Suddenly, a wound appeared behind Bai Feng Zhenjun, and blood couldn't stop flowing.

At the same time, the Tsing Yi man also shot.

He chanted different curses, and the mysterious power shrouded Bai Fengzhen.

The next moment, the blood she shed turned black, and returned to her body along the wound.

After that, Bai Feng Zhenjun was teetering, and had no choice but to return to human form.

"Is this the strength that exists at the top of Xuanwu Continent ... it's really disappointing."

The man in the black robe shook his head, so that all monks clenched their fists and felt a deep humiliation.

No one can refute it.

Although only a few moves have been fought, the situation is already very clear. Facing the two outside demons, Bai Fengzhen does not have the ability to compete.

"Is it true that two enemies are one?"

A bland discourse came from afar, like a thunderous thunder, shaking the world.

Immediately, a gray-clad old man appeared at the end of the line of sight, sympathizing with the heavens and the earth, and converging with the avenue. Just like Supreme True Immortal, Daoyun flows and returns to normal.

It is the Taoism spiritual fruit that turns into a giant mountain of the spiritual tribe.

In the past, he promised Lingxian that once he became a Ling tribe, he would go to Qingyunyu.

Today, it is time for him to come by appointment.

"Another killer, but this person is much stronger than this woman." The man in the black robe raised a frown, a little dazed.

"Mountains become spiritual ... no wonder they can be so close to the avenue."

The man in Tsing Yi froze, and then became fiery: "I just need Shan Ling's medicine, that's him."

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