Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1699: Repair double swords

In the ravaged mountains, Zhong Lingyue frowned and hesitated.

Wu Weiwei said a lot, but her proposal was right, so she was in a dilemma.

"Zhong Xianzi ignored it a little bit. It's very important."

Ling Xian's expression was sober, Shen said: "Isn't Zhong Xianzi thinking that there are no similar means to soul lamps in the outside world?"

On hearing that, Zhong Lingyue's face changed, and she said, "You mean ..."

"Yes, we can judge the life and death of a person through the soul lamp. Isn't it possible for a demon outside the territory?"

"If I'm not mistaken, the relative's teacher is already aware of his fall at this moment."

"That is to say, the extraterrestrial demon that will come next time will definitely be vigilant. It will even set a dead end and lead me to wait."

Ling Xian looked at Zhong Lingyue seriously and said, "If you stay here, it is not that we are blocking the demon outside the territory, but that we are being blocked by aliens.

Hearing that Zhong Lingyue fell into silence.

Although he did not want to admit it, Ling Xian was right. From the moment the man died, the bureau was not a bait, but a trap.

"You're right, I think it over." Zhong Lingyue was silent for a long while.

"The fairy understands just fine." Ling Xian smiled slightly, relieved.

Zhong Lingyue is much stronger than him. If he insists on staying here, he can't help it.

Right now, this woman wants to open, naturally everyone is happy.

"I'm greedy. It's a privilege to kill an eighth-level power." Zhong Lingyue sighed, and she had a few apologies in her eyes, but naturally it was impossible for her to apologize.

"It's not too late on the cliff." Ling Xian smiled slightly, exposing the matter gently.

Then, he came to the front of the Scarlet Array, a little bit of perseverance in the star eyes.

It's not that I want to continue to attack the demon outside the region, but that this team is so clever that it's amazing. It's a pity to ruin it.

However, this array must be destroyed, or else it will be impossible to obtain precious breathing time for the Xuanwu continent.

"Write down this array and slowly come to realize it." Ling Xian said to herself, watching the **** array under her feet carefully, and printing every pattern on her heart.

After a while, he memorized the scarlet array, and then began to break.

The rank of this array is not low, even if you look at the array, it can be regarded as a first-class existence. Ordinary masters have no ability to destroy them at all.

But for Ling Xian, who is already a great master, he is naturally nothing.

Therefore, it was only after a short time that he was completely clean.

This means that the trip has come to an end. Despite the thrilling process and a lifetime of nine deaths, the results are undoubtedly gratifying.

"It's over, this trip is worthwhile, gratifying and congratulating." Ling Xian smiled slightly.

"Indeed, it's just ..." Zhong Lingyue smiled bitterly and stopped talking.

The same is true for Wu Weak. She was always smiling, but now she was full of sadness.

This made Ling Xian frown slightly, glanced at the dull gold and silver double swords, knowing her heart.

In the battle with the men, the inside of the two excalibur swords was damaged. For example, it ’s like a monk hurts the foundation and is hard to heal.

As a result, the two women are naturally sad.

However, Ling Xian didn't take it seriously. He was a master of Taoism, and he had the highest inheritance of Taoism. To others, it is difficult to repair the gold and silver swords, but to him, it is really nothing.

At the moment, he asked with a smile: "If it is because of these two swords, the two fairies can be assured."

"You can tell?" Zhong Lingyue froze.

"It's just broken internally, it's not hard to see." Ling Xian smiled lightly.

"It's not difficult to see, but repairing, but not everyone can do it." Zhong Lingyue smiled bitterly.

"Yeah, before that, the gold and silver swords were broken once."

"My sister and I searched the master Taoist masters of the Xuanwu continent, but no one could repair them."

"Finally, I was fortunate enough to meet a master gurus who traveled the world, so that the gold and silver swords returned to their original state."

Wu Weiwei sighed softly, quite helpless.

"Let me give it a try. I can't guarantee that it will be repaired, but it won't make it worse." Ling Xian smiled slightly and said, "If you luckily repair, you can just return the favor of the two fairies."

"Okay, since you can see the problem with this sword, and you want to have a certain skill, let you try it."

Zhong Lingyue groaned and handed the golden sword.

Wu Weak also handed the silver sword to Ling Xian.

However, the two still looked bitter, and apparently had no hope.

In this regard, Ling Xian laughed and ignored it.

He shot to return the kindness of the two women. Although Zhong Lingyue and Wu Weak were here voluntarily, the purpose was to protect the continent, not in his face.

But anyway, the two were invited by him, and he was responsible for repairing the gold and silver swords.

"These two swords are made of special materials. They are ordinary masters. They really have no ability to repair."

"However, I am not an ordinary master."

Looking at the internally damaged gold and silver swords, Ling Xian smiled secretly, but did not feel tricky.

His instrumental accomplishment is really only the Grand Master level. He is still a thousand miles away from the Grand Master who symbolizes the peak. However, he possessed the inheritance of Qixian, which the Grand Master also looked forward to.

There are many special tactics recorded in this inheritance. One of them is the main restoration.

This method is very mysterious, like a fountain of life, it can moisturize the magic weapon from the inside and let it reappear.

Therefore, Ling Xian did not hesitate to hit this method directly.

Suddenly, the soft halo bloomed from his hands, covering the gold and silver swords.

The next moment, mysterious power poured in, nourishing the damaged interior of the two swords.

"Well?" Zhong Lingyue raised her eyebrows, a little surprised.

Although she doesn't understand the path, she can still feel the magic of halo, and it feels like an immortal elixir with vitality.

Therefore, she came to the spirit, staring at the gold and silver swords without blinking.

The same is true for Wu Weak.

After that, a magical scene happened.

I saw the gold and silver swords gradually lightened, and the disappearance of the power gradually gradually reappeared.

Two hours later, the gold and silver swords rose into the sky, shining like the sun, and imposing.

This means that they have been repaired just like before!

"You ... you did it." Zhong Lingyue shuddered.

"And it only took two hours, it was incredible." Wu Weiwei widened her eyes, and became more and more curious and admired.

Even the arrogant Zhong Lingyue admired her.

I am also grateful.

The gold and silver swords are the key to their power against the eighth realm.

"Better luck." Ling Xian waved her hand with a smile.

"It's really a monster. Not only is he proficient in array formation, but his skill is also so extraordinary." Zhong Lingyue slowly exhaled a spit, as if it was the shock in her chest.

"The fairy is over."

Ling Xian smiled slightly and said, "If nothing else, I'll take a step first."

"Go, my sister and sister should also go back and prepare." Zhong Lingyue nodded slightly.

"Farewell." Ling Xian smiled slightly, leaving like a fairy.

The goal, Qingyun.

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