Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1686: Keep promise

The night was dark and the moon was hanging high.

On the top of the mountain, Lingxian stood with his hands on his shoulders.

Just a pair of sword eyebrows, but wrinkled tightly, we can see that he was full of sorrow at this moment.

There is no way to worry, once the eighth state can participate in the battle, the situation will be more severe, and it may even rise to the last moment.

After all, in this declining era, the eighth state is almost at its peak.

Therefore, if the eighth state can participate in the war, it also means that the war has reached its final stage.

"If that step is really reached, with my current strength, it won't help at all." Ling Xian sighed lightly, a little helpless.

He practiced only two hundred years, and with this achievement, it was already amazing. But after all, it is only in the middle of Ming Dao, and it is impossible to play against the real peak powers, let alone control the situation.

Therefore, Ling Xian was helpless, but he did not want to give up.

For himself, for the entire universe, he had to do his best. Otherwise, there will inevitably be some guilt.

At the moment, Ling Xian frowned, thinking about how to break the game.

After a moment, he thought of the giant mountain of Yaoling Mountain.

In the past, Lingxian came to Yaoling Mountain for Tao Lingguo, where he saw an unpredictable peak.

According to his estimation, the mountain is about to become a spiritual race, and the cultivation of the eighth state can be regarded as a strong aid.

"If you can ask for it, it is undoubtedly a happy event. At the very least, it can also increase your chances." Ling Xian smiled and determined.

Although the eighth state power has not yet appeared, but this is a matter of time, he must make preparations early.

"Just as I promised the Giant Mountain, if Tao Tao fruit resurrected, I would return half of it. Taking this opportunity, it should promise."

Ling Xian smiled slightly, condensed Jiutian Divine Wing, and hurried to Yaoling Mountain.

Half a month later, he landed on Yaoling Mountain and was attacked immediately.

However, before the attack was approaching, it dissipated automatically.

After that, countless mountain peaks separated towards both sides, giving way to Lingxian.

"Recognize me ..." Ling Xian smiled slightly, then took a big step, and walked towards the depths of Yao Shilin.

A moment later, he saw the unpredictable mountain.

"I smell the breath of the holy fruit, human, do you bring it back to life?"

Jushankou spit words, sounds bland, but hard to hide.

"That's right." Ling Xian nodded with a smile, and Tao Lingguo appeared. Suddenly, the avenue was full of emotions, covering the entire monster stone forest.

This excites the giant mountains, as does all the peaks.

For them, the Tao fruit is not the dead, but their mother.

Had it not been for its magical abilities, they would have been only mountains for their entire lives and could not have given birth to spiritual intelligence.

Therefore, after seeing the resurrected Tao Lingguo, all the peaks were so excited that they couldn't help themselves.

"Hahaha, okay, okay."

Giant Mountain laughed wildly and stared at Tao Lingguo tightly. In addition to respect, it was joy.

"Fortunately, I will give half of the Taoist Fruits to my predecessors." Ling Xian smiled, splitting the Taoist Fruits into two halves with a smile.

Half retracted the storage bag, half suspended in the air, still as bright as the sun, the charm of the road is permeated.

This made all the mountains distressed, but there were no complaints, and some were just grateful.

Because Lingxian not only restored Tao Lingguo, but also fulfilled his promise!

"Thank you, son, I will never forget this demon Shilin." Ju Shan said in a deep voice, his words were powerful and his voice was loud.

"Wait for you."

Ling Xian smiled secretly and arched her hand toward the giant mountain: "Senior, I just have something to ask for."

"Please say, as long as I can do it, there will be no other words." Ju Shan said in a deep voice.

"I don't know if the predecessor knows that Momen wants to conquer the mainland?" Ling Xian asked.

"Slightly heard, but this has nothing to do with my demon Shilin."

Ju Shan said: "No matter who is in charge of this continent, my demon Stone Forest is in a transcendent position and no one will come to commit crimes."

"It is true that there is an eighth-level power who can sit in town. Even if the magic gate dominates the mainland, it will not provoke the demon stone forest."

Ling Xian nodded gently, staring directly at the giant mountain, his eyes were sharp as a sword: "It's just that the seniors are part of the Xuanwu continent, shouldn't they be doing something?"

"No, I don't want to."

"In case I die in battle, the Demon Stone Forest will be over."

"But if you speak, I'll take a trip myself."

Ju Shan said with a smile, he was just a monster born of Taoism, and had no sense of belonging to the Xuanwu continent. The shot is that it has affection and righteousness, no matter what, it is taken for granted.

Looking at Ling Xian's face, he chose to shoot.

"With the words of my predecessors, I can rest assured." Ling Xian smiled and relieved.

No matter what the giant mountain is, as long as it promises, it is good.

"However, I can't shoot for the time being."

Jushan Road: "I haven't completely turned into a spiritual race. I can only stay honestly in the Demon Stone Forest and cannot move."

Hearing that Ling Xian frowned.

He can wait, but he can't wait for the war. If Giant Mountain can't make a shot in time, the trip is meaningless.

At the moment, he asked: "I don't know how long it takes for the seniors to fully become a spiritual race?"

"If you put it before, it would take decades."

Ju Shan laughed: "But with Tao Lingguo, it's probably about two or three years."

"Two or three years ..." Ling Xian raised his eyebrows and relieved.

This time is acceptable. Even if the eighth state power appears tomorrow, coalition forces can resist for several years.

He did not believe that the entire Xuanwu continent had only the eighth power of Jushan. At the very least, there must be an eighth state powerhouse in those five **** emperors' families, but they will not show up as a last resort.

And once there is an extraterrestrial demon in the eighth realm, the family of the **** emperor must be the first to bear it. At that time, it is impossible to not show up.

"Then please ask seniors to hurry up. The situation is really serious." Ling Xian said in a deep voice.

"Rest assured, in your face, I will participate in the war." Ju Shan solemnly responded.

"Thank you, senior," Ling Xian said with a faint smile. "If the seniors are fully transformed into spirits, please move to Qingyun Temple, I will wait for you there."

"I took it, you can rest assured." Ju Shan nodded.

Seeing this, Ling Xian no longer talked, arched his hand toward the giant mountain, and turned to leave.

A month later, he came to the vast snow-capped mountains and planned to meet Zhong Lingyue.

The cultivation of this woman is that Ling Xian cannot see through it. Even if it is not the eighth state of power, it is not far off.

Therefore, he wanted to try if he could invite this woman to the war.

"Don't report it, just go in."

Ling Xian groaned a bit. To save time, she chose to sneak in.

Based on his current practice, sneaking into the main peak couldn't be easier. Even with many restrictions, it can't be stopped.

Therefore, Ling Xian came to Zhong Lingyue's residence silently, and then she saw a delicate hand.

Seemingly weak and weak, it is fierce and overbearing. Even a mountain must be smashed.

"Shoot as soon as you meet. Not great."

Ling Xian, helpless, hit the fifth finger of the cutoff, resisting this palm.

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