"You will keep your vows, right?"

Ling Xian smiled brightly, but it was a hidden threat, cold.

This caused the son of Ming Luo to be angry, but he was afraid to resist.

He knew very well that if he dared to say nothing, he would immediately die. Moreover, he has already made a vow of heaven, and if he dares to break the covenant, even if he is not a person in this world, he will also suffer a heaven punishment.

Therefore, Ming Luo Shengzi could only swallow his voice and nodded: "I will not break the contract. In three years, I will never set foot on Qingyun."

"Very good." Ling Xian smiled with satisfaction and sighed secretly.

Although the process was difficult and dangerous, and the crisis did not stop there, at the very least, he saved his life and that of everyone, and also gained valuable breathing time.

Everyone was relieved, in addition to being grateful to Ling Xian, it was respect.

Even the people of the Qinhuang family brought a little gratitude.

The situation is before them. If Lingxian puts out a gamble and suppresses Ming Luo Shengzi, all of them will have to die.

In this way, anyone who has a mind will be grateful to some extent.

Of course, Qin Che is not in this list, he is still full of resentment, but dare not reveal it.

"Now you can let me go." Sheng Mingzi pressed down the anger in his heart.

"Not in a hurry, the battle above has not yet been separated." Ling Xian waved her hand and turned her eyes to the sky.

I saw the peace and chaos emperor's domineering arrogance, overwhelming the Three Thousand Realms, and the earthquake shook the sky.

She made a strong shot, showing the true meaning of the road and showing the invincibility of the world.

In the face of her stormy offensive, the Supreme is undoubtedly falling behind, even if the highest mystery of the extermination gun is used, it cannot change the war situation.

This shocked everyone present, especially the extraterrestrial demons.

"It's impossible! How could the Supreme who created the annihilation gun be crushed?"

"It must be hallucination, which is too incredible."

"What the **** is this girl? The power is too strong, it is simply outrageous!"

Everyone was horrified and confused.

Especially people on the Xuanwu continent are even more confused.

Seeing the power of Jimo Ruxue, it is obvious that the figure on the top of all ages is better than the Emperor of God.

On the Xuanwu continent, there are a number of **** emperors. Although there is also a woman among them, it is clear that it is not the Heian Emperor above.

Therefore, everyone is naturally puzzled.

"Sure enough, the Emperor is powerful." Ling Xian smiled, surprised, and relieved.

No matter the Supreme Master or the Emperor of Chaos and Chaos, they are all ghost images condensed after practicing Famen to a certain level. Does not have the same mind as the summoner.

Therefore, Ling Xian was worried that the Emperor Heian would lose, after all, he was a little lower than Ming Luo Shengzi.

But now it seems that the emperor is the emperor after all, even if he is facing a supreme Supreme, he can win.

"It fell into the downwind ... no wonder my family has attacked many times and failed to win." Ming Luo Shengzi sighed.

And just as everyone was talking, the battlefield above was already divided.

Although the Supreme is also very powerful, he is still inferior to the peace and chaos emperor who has beaten down the ten thousand people.

Therefore, Jimo Ruxue blew it up, and after that, he dissipated.

This is just a trace of her imprint in the Pingran Dingxianquan, which cannot be maintained for long.

Of course, it can be summoned again, but it is costly. If the Son of Mingluo summoned the Supreme who created the destroyer gun, he would not be able to summon the peace chaos.

"Unexpectedly, there is such a magnificent woman in the world."

"It's too powerful and beautiful, I think I'm in love with her."

"It's so amazing. It's a man who has to be tempted."

Seeing that the emperor had dissipated, everyone felt as if they were lost.

This made Ling Xian cried and laughed. The heart said that the emperor was too attractive. Just by showing up, he took away the souls of dozens of men.

"Now, you can let me go." Mingluo Shengzi's eyes were deep, and he returned to the past indifference.

It was just deep in the eyes, but there was hidden hatred and fighting spirit.

"Of course you can, I believe, you can talk."

Ling Xian nodded with a smile, and said, "However, it was so difficult to capture you. It was a pity to let you go like this."

"What do you want to do?" Mingluo Shengzi said coldly, "If you dare to insult me ​​and fight for your life, you will also pull you down Huangquan."

"Don't be so excited, I just want to know some information about the outer demons." Ling Xian waved her hand and said in a voice that only two people could hear.

"Do you know where I came from?" The son of Ming Luo shook.

"I wasn't sure before, but I'm sure now." Ling Xian smiled, but her heart sank.

Although he had already guessed it, the truth was still his concern.

"What's the matter? We can't stop our steps," said Ming Luo Shengzi with a chill in his eyes.

"You have to try, otherwise, how can you be willing?"

Ling Xian smiled lightly and said, "The fighting has hit now, and the monk of Ming Dao Jing should also retire from the stage. If I guess correctly, the eighth state of power should also come on stage.

Hearing that the son of Ming Luo was shocked and said nothing.

But he trembled for a moment, obviously telling Ling Xian that his guess was correct.

"It seems that it is really time to dispatch the eighth state."

Ling Xian sighed, he had long guessed that war could not be controlled by monks in the Ming Dao. One day sooner or later, the eighth state of power will come to life.

And this day, it won't be far away.

"Don't be delusional, I can't leak the slightest news." Son Mingluo looked cold and determined.

"I want to know, you already told me."

Ling Xian chuckled, waved her hands and scattered to the mountains and rivers, and fell to the ground.

"Huh, today's shame, I will remember."

Ming Luo Shengzi snorted, and said, "I will let you return ten times in the next day."

"It also needs to be capable."

Ling Xian smiled slightly and said, "Don't forget, you are the loser of my men."

Hearing that Ming Luo Shengzi's lungs exploded, and then left in a hurry.

He didn't dare to stay any longer, afraid that if he continued, he would be mad by Ling Xian.

When the demon outside the domain left, there was a burst of cheering, or applause, at the scene.

Cheers for their hero, Lingxian!

However, Ling Xian did not rejoice, and some were only worried.

The reaction of Son Mingluo confirmed his guess.

In the near future, the eighth state of power will emerge in the war, and by then, the situation will be more severe.

And he was powerless.

In other words, all monks in the Daoist state could not play a role, and even reduced to cannon fodder.

"Well, the future situation, I don't know where it will evolve ..." Ling Xian sighed, but the surface remained calm.

These things, there is no need to tell everyone, let them worry with him.

"Well, you guys go back to rest, although the enemy will not come in for three years."

"However, there is an accident when it is difficult to guarantee. I will wait for 12 minutes to play. Don't relax."

Ling Xian spoke in a deep voice, then took a big step and walked into the forest.

He has to think of some countermeasures.

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