Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1666: Step on face

Looking at the finger that was coming to death, Qiyun was shocked, and he did not expect that he could not resist with all his efforts.

At the same time, he was horrified and even hopeless.

All the means have been used, and I still can't stop the finger of Lingxian, how can I not despair?

At the close of the moment, several people reacted and hurriedly tried to save Qiyun.

They are all five wizards who have joined the polar world. In the case of saving people, they have used their full strength.

Therefore, each attack was very powerful, but as a result, it failed to shake Lingxian.

Not to mention blocking his finger, he couldn't even get him a few points off.

No way, Ling Xian's physical body is too powerful. With all his fingers, how many people can shake it?

At the critical moment, it was the mysterious man who shot and condensed into a round shield in front of Qiyun, blocking Lingxian's aggressive offensive.

Qi Yun was relieved, but still panicked.

He has also encountered many life and death crises since his debut, but this time is undoubtedly the closest to his death. It is no exaggeration to say that he was walking around in front of the gate of the ghost. If the mysterious man didn't take the shot in time, he would be destroyed.

"The look on your face is wonderful."

Seeing that the mysterious man blocked himself, Ling Xian did not continue his shot.

There is no difference between killing and not killing.

When he heard his words, Qiyun blushed suddenly and became extremely angry. However, he was powerless to refute.

Therefore, anger can only turn into aggrieved, let him spit out a blood spurt, and stood still.

This made everyone present silent, and looked at Ling Xian changed. It was no longer full of contempt, but shocked with fear.

The facts are already in front of him, and no one except the mysterious man can shake Ling Xian, and he is not even qualified to fight with him.

Only a mysterious man can confront him, that is to say, he is one of the six extreme realms!

"I underestimated this person, but I did not expect that it turned out to be the six evil spirits who came together."

"No wonder this person has always been calm. It turned out to be full of confidence."

"Anyway, even if this person joins the six extreme realms, he cannot be the opponent of the Holy Son. He is a late strong in the seventh realm."

The men opened their mouths, thinking of the mysterious man next to them, and returned to their faces with confidence again.

"Please ask the Son to take revenge for me!" Qiyun gritted his teeth, eyes full of resentment.

"Those who stand in my way must die."

The mysterious man opened his mouth indifferently and looked at Ling Xian with deep eyes, and said, "You are good, give it to me, so you will not die."

"Gushun? Do you have this qualification?" Ling Xian smiled.

"Presumptuous! The Son of Mingluo has a bright future, and he will certainly become the most powerful in the future. It is your pleasure to be his slave!"

"I don't know how many people want to be slaves of the Son of Mingluo. You should cherish this hard-won opportunity."

"Yes, not everyone can have this blessing. Don't kneel yet, thank you?"

The rhetoric was fierce, and it was difficult to hide irony.

"Since it's so good to be his slave, why don't you do it?"

Ling Xian yelled at each other. In a word, everyone trembled, and his lungs exploded.

Although they were led by Prince Ming Luo and flattered from time to time, how could they bend down?

"The humble race, even if you are the six extremes, you are still low, how can you compare with me?"

"Human races should be slaves of my tribe when they are born, so are all the heavens!"

"Mr. Mingluo, kill him. A humble race like a human race doesn't even match me with shoes!"

The heroes scolded and let Ling Xian's eyes cold, and said, "What a humble man, I would like to see how wonderful the expression on your face will be when you wait to be stepped on by my humble person.

The words fell, and he was killed like a beast of fierce fright, and the world was shocked and overwhelming.

Suddenly, everyone except the mysterious man was discolored, disdainful, and they dare not despise Lingxian's strength.

At the moment, everyone is elevating to the top and using all their strength.

Unfortunately, they are stronger, but Lingxian is stronger!

Except for the Son of Ming Luo, who was in the seventh stage, the rest were all in the early stage of Ming Dao, and there were only five polar states. In other words, it is difficult for them to stop Lingxian's blow.

And the fact is true.

In the face of Lingxian who was swallowing the galaxy, everyone seemed so powerless that even if his life was spared, it was not his combination.

There is no way, the gap is too big, although it seems only a polar difference, but it is actually like cloud mud, without qualifications for comparison.

Bang Bang!

Ling Xian made a strong attack, such as entering a realm of no one, beating the heroes with a big mouth, coughing up blood, and going backwards.

At the same time, he was also alert to prevent the Son of Mingluo from firing.

To his surprise, the Son of Ming Luo stood indifferently, without any intention of shooting.

"Interesting, does it mean that this person is not a force with them?"

Ling Xian frowned, ignoring Prince Luo and focused on beating the crowd.

Yes, it was a beating.

He was arrogant and powerful, bruising everyone, scratching his head.

In the end, he left a footprint on everyone's face. It was not deep, but he stood out.

In this regard, Lingxian is very satisfied.

Therefore, he no longer shot, watching the expressions of anger and anger, and said with a smile: "It's a wonderful expression. I want to come and feel bad."

"Ah, I'm going to kill you, I must kill you!" A man growled and yelled, all mad.

The rest of them are the same. One by one, their lungs are exploding, and they ca n’t wait to smash Ling Xian to death.

They are all arrogant sons of heaven. Even if they are not as good as the Son of Ming Luo, they are also distinguished.

However, at the moment, not only was Ling Xian mad, but there was also a shoe print on his face, which was simply a shame!

"Kill me? Do you have this qualification?"

"If I were you, I would remain silent, so that I could save my life."

"Don't dare to say more, even if this person is watching, I can find a chance to kill you."

Ling Xian's eyes narrowed, and the cold mang burst out.

Although it shows that Luo Shengzi did not stop him from violating everyone, Qiyun's example has proved that the mysterious man will not tolerate him killing everyone.

Therefore, he just vented his anger and did not kill.


The man's eyes were full of resentment, and the rest hated his teeth.

But no one dared to shout anymore.

The fact is in front of them, Ling Xian has the power to kill them completely, so even if the son of Ming Luo is watching, they dare not bet.

"Good strength, but unfortunately, it was a big miss for me."

Mr. Mingluo said without disdain, but just plainly stated a fact.

In this regard, Ling Xian could not deny.

Mingluo Shengzi is a strong man in the late seventh stage. He is two small realms higher than him. This difference, even if it is described by sky difference, is not excessive.

"Lastly ask you once, would you like to surrender to me?"

"No need to ask, come on."

Ling Xian spoke faintly, looking at the figure in front of her, and slowly spit out a firm word.

"You can let me fall, but you can't bend me over."

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