On the **** battlefield, more than a dozen monks of Ming Dao were full of enthusiasm, as if looking at a peerless treasure.

This made Ling Xian frown, and wrote down the key words of the patriarch.

Obviously, the patriarch in the man's mouth is the Supreme Being, because he only hates that person.

In other words, in the world of extraterrestrial demons, that Supreme Shadow is the head of a family.

"Big chance, if you kill this person, the patriarch will definitely give you a great reward."

"It's a rare opportunity. Just thinking about it makes me feel excited."

"Haha, I want his head. No one of you should grab me!"

"Fart! His head is mine. Wait a minute."

More than a dozen extraterrestrial demons have discussed fiercely, that attitude has taken Lingxian as something in the bag.

This made Ling Xian look slightly cold, and said, "Take me as a prey. Wait, is it enough to be a hunter?"

"Haha, this is the funniest joke I heard in this world."

"The ants in the Xuanwu continent are nothing. Our clan's combat power is not what you can imagine."

"If you are the son of the Emperor, you are eligible to fight with me, but you are only eligible."

Several people spoke one after another without sarcasm, and some were just arrogant, arrogant deeply into the bone marrow.

"I'm not the son of the Emperor Shen, but if you want to kill me, you have to pay for it." Ling Xian's eyes were deep, cold and dignified.

Although these extraterrestrial demons are arrogant, they do have arrogant capital. The next most of them are the five extremes who have a deep foundation.

One of them was added to the six polar realms, which is equivalent to the candidate of the Emperor of the Xuanwu continent!

This kind of combat power, even Lingxian, is also under pressure.

"Kill you without any effort." A man picked and walked out, the earth cracked, and the mountains shook.

Seeing this, the rest were unhappy, and they let the person return and replaced themselves.

For a time, these people had a heated discussion about who shot Ling Ling.

That attitude obviously didn't take him seriously, thinking that anyone could kill him.

This made Lingxian look cold. How could some people not be so angry when they despised him so much?

"Well, let Qiyun go."

A mysterious man spoke, saying he was mysterious because he was shrouded in chaos and could not see his face. However, his strength is obvious.

Just where to go would distort the void, and imagine how powerful he is.

Hearing his words, the men shut their mouths and stopped talking.

It can be seen that this person has a high status. At least, these people dare not refute.

"Haha, thank you, Son!" Qiyun glanced at everyone in triumph.

"Don't let me down." The mysterious man said indifferently, like a true immortal, like a **** emperor, and he had his own power.

"Holy Son, don't worry, an ant is just as easy to kill him."

Qi Yun smiled disdainfully, strode towards Lingxian, the wind and the clouds suddenly changed, the world changed color.

I have to say that this person is very powerful, and he is based on the five extreme realms. He is fundamentally different from ordinary people and has the ability to esteem his peers.

However, in Ling Xian's eyes, this person was nothing.

If the mysterious man takes a shot, he will stand by and try his best. But this person is not even qualified to use 50% of his power.

Therefore, Ling Xianyun is light-hearted and at ease.

"Boy, it's kind of calm." Qiyun sank and said, "I like to see my opponent's expression of panic."

"Unfortunately, you don't have this ability." Ling Xian's eyes were deep, like a Wang Qingquan.

"Soon, you will panic, and you will despair." Qiyun smiled, raised his hand, and Weiwei rose.

Immediately, a dark hand fell down, like a supreme hand, pushing across the sky for nine days.

Suddenly, the void shattered, and the whole world was shaking.

"Supreme Great Power ..." Ling Xian's expression was condensed, but he did not expect that just at the beginning, the man used the invincible method.

"It's a bit of eyesight," Qiyun said. "This method is one of our invincible methods. It can be used for you in any way."

"One of the invincible methods?" Ling Xian ignored the word of contempt and oversight, but noticed the term.

You must know that Supreme Mastery is the most powerful method in the world. A top power has at most one. But men use the word ‘one’, which means that there are more than one type of invincible law in his clan.

"Shocked? Boy, you are honored to die under the invincibility of our clan."

Qiyun was entertaining, covering his hands with the sky, and covering the sky with anger, shaking him.

"It's your pleasure to die in my hands." Ling Xian responded arrogantly, covering the sky with one hand, one of the six strongest forms of Fa.

Suddenly, the sky was dim, and countless stars emerged, shining and immortal.

Immediately afterwards, the giant hand emerged from the world, surrounded by stars, covering the sky.

The next moment, two giant hands collided, and a dazzling light burst, flooding the place.

The terror wave swept away, forcing the heroes to retreat, but the two stood tall and stood still.

One is a mysterious man, and the other is Ling Xian.

"This kid is good, but unfortunately, he encountered a stronger Qiyun."

"Yes, my clan invincible law has come out, and Qiyun has won."

"I don't know the stupid idiot who dares to stop my clan's footsteps. Even if he has a hundred lives, he will never dream of living."

The heroes smiled and agreed that Qiyun had won.

However, the mysterious man suddenly said: "Qiyun lost."

It was said that before the crowd was shocked, the light of God disappeared. After that, they were stiffened like a lightning strike.

I saw Qiyun looking pale and covered with blood, but Lingxian stood proudly without any injuries.

What this means is already obvious.

Therefore, Qiyun stopped, and everyone's smile froze on his face.

Only the mysterious man had no accidents. As soon as Ling Xian shot, he saw Ling Xian's strength. Just like himself, Qiyun could not compete.

"Your strength is good, but it's a long way from suppressing me." Ling Xian said indifferently.

In terms of supernatural power level alone, covering the sky with only one hand is between the great magical power and the supreme great magical power.

However, he is stronger than Qiyun, so naturally it is easily defeated.

Then, Ling Xian stepped out and ran into Qiyun.

The next moment, he pointed like a sword and pointed at this man.

There was no bright light, nor horror, but this finger used all his physical power.

Not to mention the physical body, even if there is no immortal gold, he can leave a mark!

Therefore, Qiyun panicked, felt fear, and felt humiliation.

Before, he said that he liked to watch his opponent's flustered expression, but from beginning to end, Ling Xian was so calm.

At the moment, it's rather scary, how ironic is this? What a shame and shame?

"Drive me!"

Qiyun shouted, many kinds of magical powers came out, and many magical tools emerged, trying to block this deadly finger.

Unfortunately, it's all useless.

Lingxian's finger was undecided, and the terror was absolutely terrifying, making Qiyun even more frightened.

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