Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1653: Change eyes

In the cave, looking at the Taoist fruit that was gradually rejuvenating, Ling Xianmu looked happy, but there was a bit of helplessness.

Although Dao Lingguo is gradually reborn, this is bound to be a long process. According to his estimation, it will take three to five years to say less.

"Also, it is good for me to understand the Dao marks anyway, so be patient."

Ling Xian smiled lightly, closed her eyes, and devoted herself to the Dao marks.

Time passed again, three years passed in a flash.

On this day, Dao Linggu suddenly emitted a dazzling divine light.

At the same time, Daoyun flowed, spirituality permeated, and Dao Lingguo came back to life, making Ling Xian smile.

Although it has been determined for a long time, when the Taoist Spirit really resurrected, it still made him overjoyed.

This means that he is one step closer to completing the mission. As long as he finds the burial flowers of gods and demons and the extermination of heaven and earth, he may lift the curse of Tianyuan!

Just thinking of these two magic drugs, Ling Xian felt a headache.

Don't say that the heavens and the earth destroy the grass, just saying that the gods and demons bury flowers together is difficult to find in the world. Only when God and the demons are all together can they be born.

Coupled with the more severe conditions of the formation of the heavens and earth to exterminate grass, it is simply impossible!

Although this herb is an elixir, it means that when it is born, once it encounters good fortune or survives for more than 10,000 years, it will become an immortal elixir!

Immortal medicine, the only existence in the world, even the supreme true immortal, may not be able to have it.

In particular, the heavens and the earth exterminate the grass. The conditions for its formation are too harsh. As its name suggests, only when the sky and the earth fall can it be born.

If that's the case, it's better to say. After all, there are countless dead stars in the universe, which is equivalent to falling sky and earth.

It is a pity that the odds of the birth of Tianjiedi herbicide are too small, even if it is described by one ten thousandth, it is no exaggeration.

Therefore, this medicine may not appear in a few generations, its rareness is higher than the first six magic drugs together!

"A headache, these two kinds of magic drugs are too hard to find. Don't say that the heavens and the earth are exterminating the grass. Just saying that the gods and the deities bury the flowers together is rare in the world."

Ling Xian sighed softly, she really had no clue, she could only pin her hope on nothingness.

"Anyway, I am one step further from completing the task, which is worth the joy."

Ling Xian comforted herself, then forefinger, cut the Tao fruit in half carefully.

In the past, he promised the Giant Mountain, and if the Tao fruit came back to life, he would return half of it.

Right now, Dao Lingguo is really resurrected. Naturally, he will not break his promise.

"Well, half of them are left to hand over the tasks, and the other half are returned to the demon stone forest." Ling Xian smiled with satisfaction, and put the two half of the spiritual fruit into the jade box, and collected the treasures.

After that, he got up and planned to leave.

However, just as he stepped out of the cave, a sudden scream came from above.

"Kill my grandchildren, I finally found you!"

An old man in a black robe walked out from the void. If he was an ancient beast, he would be swallowed for nine days and ten places.

Suddenly, the ancient trees were broken, the mountains were shaking, and the whole mountain was shaking.

However, Ling Xian did not move, not even a little surprised.

Even after he saw that aura of light, he knew that the man's grandfather would come to him, so why should he be surprised?

Right now, he smiled lightly: "You haven't come here for three years, and your actions are slow enough."

After hearing that, the old man became more and more gloomy and said, "Boy, do you want to know how you died?"

"It's better to die than to die?" Ling Xian shook her head and smiled. "Everyone who wants to kill me said the same thing. Unfortunately, I still live well today."

"That's because you haven't met me!" The old man's murderousness was revealed, and he said arbitrarily, "You killed my beloved grandson. I want to make you better than death, and never be born!

"Sure enough, the ears can hear cocoons."

Ling Xian laughed and said, "OK, let's talk nonsense, let's do it. But I have to advise you to weigh yourself before you start, so as not to find your own way out."

"It's enough to kill you." The old man sneered, spreading his hands and forming a mysterious array, covering Fangyuan Sanli.

This surprised Ling Xian a little. He didn't expect this person to be not only a mid-power Ming Dao, but also a master of the front.

"Boy, this team is called Suo Long Zhen, and you can use it to do everything, don't even try to escape!"

The old man sneered and said, "Next, let me torture you."

"With all this extra effort, I didn't plan to run away at all." Ling Xian laughed, but he was able to join the six extreme realms and was fully capable of fighting beyond the ranks.

A mediocre monk is not enough to scare him.

"You know the truth, you know you can't escape." The old man sneered, hard to conceal.

"I want to flee. You can't stop me. The reason why you don't flee is because you are not qualified to let me escape."

Ling Xian was laughing, not ironic, but simply funny.

However, in the eyes of the old man, it was undoubtedly the taunt of Heaven, which made him even more murderous: "Everyone can say big words, if you have the ability, you can break this array!"

"You reminded me that I should do something to prevent you from escaping."

Ling Xianxing's eyes brightened, and she looked at the looming lock dragon pattern, and smiled: "Since you have laid the formation, then I will be polite to smile and just save me some effort."

Hearing the words, the old man froze for a moment, wondering what Lingxian meant.

But the next moment, he understood.

Because of this, he found that the Suo Long array began to change, became strange, and became out of his control!

"Damn, what did you do ?!" The old man panicked and stared at Ling Xian with anger and horror.

"It's nothing, just changed my eyes and made it work for me." Ling Xian smiled slightly, her words even more indifferent.

But falling in the ears of the old man is tantamount to a thunderstorm.

He stayed where he was, and after a long while, he returned to God.

"Impossible! How can you change the front of the Suo Longzhen? I am the master of the Dao!" The old man growled, unbelievable.

Changing the array of eyes is an amazing thing. In just a few short periods of time, it is even more difficult to imagine changing the array of lines formed by the Grand Master.

Even if it ’s the Grand Master, I ’m afraid I ca n’t do it!

"Believe it or not, anyway, this is already mine." Ling Xian smiled slightly.

Hearing that the old man was silent, and his body trembled uncontrollably.

As Ling Xian said, the fact is before him, and even if he does not want to accept it, he must accept it!

"You ... Are you a Grand Master?" The old man trembled.

"I've only reacted now, you're stupid enough." Ling Xian shook her head and smiled.

"You turned out to be a great master!"

The old man took a breath and looked at Ling Xian with jealousy in addition to being shocked.

In the end, both emotions turned into killing.

"What about taking control of this array? You are not my opponent after all!"

The old man drank violently, and the torrential weather swept across all directions, such as the supreme birth, which made the whole mountain tremble.

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