Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1652: Moisturize

Each realm is a watershed, especially the Ming Dao realm, which is like a heaven, separated by two levels.

In this realm, living beings will undergo qualitative changes. There will be traces flowing between hands and feet, with great power.

This is why Ling Xian was able to win Yuan Ying with the power of Dandan, but was unable to defeat the seventh realm with the merging Tao.

The gap is too big. You can kill ordinary sixth-level monks with a wave of your hand. In the face of fifth-level monks, you can kill them with a single heart.

Therefore, Ling Xian glanced past, except for the leading man, the others were bursting.

The leading man did not die because he had a golden shield in front of him, blocking Lingxian's power.

However, this shield is already in a shabby state, not to mention its might, even the light is gone.

This made the leading man's heart bleed, anxious to smash Ling Xian to death, but he did not have the courage.

It was just a look that killed a few monks in the Fifth Realm. If it were not for him, he would be dead at the moment. What a horror?

Men often see in the novels of this world that one eye bombarded their opponents, but that was a novel, an exaggeration and a fiction!

In the real world, don't say you saw it, you never heard it!

However, at this moment, the killing of his eyes actually appeared in front of him. How could he not be shocked?

"It's terrible, devil, you are the devil!" The man's soul was unattached, and the whole man was shaking.

He wanted to escape, but his legs were so heavy that it was difficult to move.

"Nice magic weapon, it seems that you are not a small one." Ling Xian looked at the broken shield, and there was a bit of surprise in the star eyes.

He is a master of Taoism. Most of his magic weapons are in front of him, and he has nowhere to look. The general information can be seen at a glance.

In his perception, this treasure is extremely extraordinary. It is made of a variety of magical materials, and it is engraved with many powerful formations. Even with his critical eye, he felt good.

"That said, this shield is a treasure that my grandfather gave me, and it can stop the strongest man in the sixth state!"

The man was proud, but when the words landed, he fell silent.

The shield that can stop the strongest player in the sixth realm from hitting it with all strength, but is fragmented under Lingxian's eyes. What does this mean?

The man didn't dare to think about it, the pride on his face disappeared, and instead he was panicked, and saw the ghost-like panic.

"No wonder dare to be so arrogant. It turned out to have a background."

Ling Xian faintly spoke, this shield is very good, by no means can be possessed by idle generations. In other words, men have a deep background.

"Did you finally realize it? Well, if you let me go, I can do the same thing as before."

The man was fierce, and said, "To tell you the truth, my grandpa is the elder of Da Luozong. If you kill me, you can't live!"

"Too elder? Great reputation." Ling Xian shook her head and smiled.

Not to mention that he is now a seventh-strength powerhouse. Even before he breaks through, he is not afraid of his background.

"Afraid, if you are afraid, let me go, or you will have no place to die."

The man sneered, and could not help showing a little pride on his face, but the next moment, he turned to panic.

"Liang Zi has already settled, and if you let it go, you won't give up. So, you still die."

Ling Xian glanced at the person lightly.

"No! You can't kill me, kill me, you have to die!"

The man screamed in horror, but no matter how he shouted, Ling Xian remained indifferent.

As he said, Liang Zi had already settled, and letting him go would not do him any good.

"Dare you kill me, my grandpa won't let you go!"

The man growled loudly, in addition to fear, remorse. Unfortunately, it was too late.

The endless thunder swallowed him, let alone a corpse, no bones left.

The same is true of that treasure shield. It was broken, and it was impossible to block Lingxian, even if it was just a look, it could not resist it.

However, when the Thunder smashed it, a little light appeared, and it disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Even Lingxian couldn't stop it in time.

"It should be a means of communication. For this unsuccessful grandson, that person is willing to save money."

Ling Xian frowned slightly, knowing that it wouldn't be long before this person's grandfather would learn the news, and he might even see his face by some special means.

However, he didn't worry too much, let alone a too senior elder, even the whole big Luo Zong, he was not afraid.

"Let's go, I'm here to bring the Tao Linguo back to life, there is no need to confront a top force, but to avoid it."

Ling Xian made a decision, flickered and disappeared.

When he reappeared, he had descended into a mountain range.

There are three reasons for choosing this place. The first is the vast area, which is mountainous and mountainous, and highly concealed. The second is that there is no Lord here, not only does it have no particularly powerful ferocious beasts, nor the seventh-level monk dormant.

The third and most important point is that the tunnel marks are the strongest.

Although it may not be the best place in Langya Dongtian, at least within a thousand miles, it can be regarded as good.

Therefore, Lingxian landed in the mountains, randomly found a hidden cave, and took out the Tao Lingguo.

It's no different from getting it, it's still crumpled and lifeless. However, there was a hint of inexplicable feeling.

Similar to Tao Yun, similar to spirituality, and similar to vitality.

"Although it may not really come back to life, at least there is a glimmer of hope."

Ling Xianmu showed hope, and put Tao Lingguo in front of him, and then he left it alone.

He couldn't control the Dao marks, nor could he control the Dao Lingguo. There was no other way than to let it go.

After that, he closed his eyes and realized the traces scattered in the heavens and the earth.

Although it is only a fragment, it is also a bit good. After all, it's only a chance that Lingxian can't let it go.

Therefore, he ignored the Tao Lingguo and focused on the endless traces.

In this way, time passed little by little.

Over time, the Tao Lingguo gradually changed. It was no longer crumpled and dried up, just like it was replenished with water, and it was alive.

This made Ling Xian happy, and gradually, he finally understood the reason for the Tao fruit to wither.

Not because of the loss of vitality, but the loss of spirituality, or the Word.

The reason why the peaks of the Demon Stone Forest can give birth to spiritual intelligence and have special divine power is because it is nourished by this fruit.

And after a long period of time, the power of this fruit has been exhausted and naturally withered.

Right now, nourished with endless traces, naturally revived.

"So it is, so it is ..."

After thinking about this, Ling Xian was even more pleased, because he was already certain that the Taoist Spiritual Fruit would be reborn.

In other words, he only needs two magic drugs to complete the task that no one has done for 500 years.

One is the burial of flowers by gods and demons, and the other is the extermination of weeds.

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