From Lingxian opening the storage bag, to the emergence of weird monsters, to the sharp acupuncture.

All this happened between the electric light fire, it was so incredible that even Lingxian didn't react.

Fortunately, he listened to the old man's suggestion and opened the road three flowers in advance, otherwise, he would have no resistance.


Like golden iron and iron, the three flowers of the avenue flow clear, the evils make it easy, and all methods do not invade.

The demon worm quickly retreated, his blood-red eyes staring at Ling Xian, showing a few shocks.

"Funny little guy."

Looking at the black worm that looks like a bee, Lingxian is intrigued. Although the demon worm is not high, it is only equivalent to Yongxingxing's selection period. But the speed that erupted at that moment, even he was a little shocked.

It's too fast. If he didn't open the flower of the road ahead of time, sharp acupuncture would definitely pierce his brows.

What made him even more curious was that he had never seen a demon worm, nor had he seen a similar record.

At present, Ling Xian held a right hand, releasing a horrible suction, and wanted to **** the monster into the palm of her hand.

This made the monsters make strange noises, like wailing and roaring. At the same time, it twirled its small body in a frantic manner, and the spirit was fierce and vigorous, trying to get rid of the horror suction.

Unfortunately, Lingxian is too strong, it has no resistance ability, and was sucked in instantly.

"Don't struggle, otherwise I'll pinch you."

Looking at the black bug on the palm, Ling Xian's eyes were cold and her tone was full of killing.

This made the worm tremble, converge fiercely, and dare not resist.

It's wise and intelligent, knowing that with its own strength, it can't compete with Lingxian at all.

"Very good, obedient to live long."

Ling Xian smiled with satisfaction, and the spirit poured into the body of the monster, and probed carefully.

After a moment, he frowned, deep in doubt.

Because of this, he felt a strange power in the demon worm, completely different from Yongxianxing, and also different from the basaltic continent.

The source of the practitioner ’s power is the same, the whole universe is the same, but the name of each world is different. For example, the immortal star is called Mana, and the basaltic continent is called Zhenyuan.

No matter how the name changes, there will be no change in its essence, so the practice will end up with the same word.

It refers not only to the Three Thousand Avenues, but also to the source of the practitioner's strength.

However, the power inside the monster is fundamentally different from that of Yongxian, which has to make Lingxian wonder.

"Isn't it a creature in the universe?"

Ling Xian suddenly raised a thought, then shook her head and laughed, feeling ridiculous for her guess.

If the devil is not a creature in the universe, wouldn't it mean that there is another universe?

how can that be?

Ling Xian laughed, holding the black worm, and said, "Little guy, tell me where you are from."

Hearing that the demon worm shook his head again and again, squeaking and wondering what he was talking about.

"I don't know, or don't want to say it?" Ling Xian frowned, scaring the monster insect, shaking her head even more.

"Forget it, save your life first."

Ling Xian waved his sleeves, forming a prison cage, sealing the monster. Then he wrapped the devil with a strand of hair, hiding in his long waist.

This worm is so weird that there are completely different forces in the body, and it must not be killed before it has been studied and understood.

Afterwards, Ling Xian probed the spirit into the storage bag, and the staring eyes flashed with anticipation.

The old man is a magic gate guardian who has a very high status. No matter how bad his net worth is, he can't be worse.

However, after Ling Xian glanced over, she found that she was really overestimating the elderly.

Looking around, except for the three magic weapons, which are barely accessible, the rest are not worth mentioning. And these three magic weapons, Ling Xian gave him.

"Elder Dignified Demon, it's amazing to be so poor ..." Ling Xian couldn't help crying.

In fact, the elderly are not really poor, they belong to the monks of Ming Dao Jing. It can only be said that his vision is too high, the ordinary treasure in his eyes is no different from garbage.

"I thought there would be good things, but I didn't expect them to be a little broken."

Ling Xian was disappointed, but when he was going to close the storage bag, Yu Guang suddenly caught a glimpse of the yellowish ancient book.

At the moment, with one stroke, the yellowed ancient books automatically opened, making him frown.

One is because the time is too long and the writing is a little fuzzy, and the other is because he doesn't recognize the text above.

"This doesn't seem to be the text of the basalt world ..."

Ling Xian frowned. He had mastered the language of the Xuanwu world while he was in the Su family. Although it is not proficient, but even in the ancient times, he was involved.

However, he did not know any of the characters in ancient books, which proves that they are not the characters of the Xuanwu world.

"Interesting." Ling Xian's eyes narrowed, and the pages of ancient books turned automatically when she thought.

The first few pages were all words he couldn't understand, but after three pages, they were replaced with the familiar Xuanwu continent characters.

This refreshed Lingxian's spirit and carefully recognized the text above.

I always thought I was unfortunate until I met her.

She is a kind and beautiful girl. With one glance, I can't help falling in love with her.

Fortunately, she also fell in love with me. She taught me to read and write, and to play tea with me.

We live in seclusion in the mountains and forests, and live a secluded life, bland but happy.

I became accustomed to living with her. I was used to writing days in the language of this world. Even, I forgot my mission.

Not to forget, but not to remember.

Because of that, I will lose her.

Meditating on the content of this page, Ling Xian's brows frowned, her head full of fog.

Because this passage conveys three messages. First, this is a diary.

Second, the owner of the diary is not a person in this basalt world. If he hadn't met that woman, he would never have written a diary in the language of this world.

Third, the appearance of this woman made him forget his mission.

These three messages made Ling Xian very curious, and then turned to the next page.


Why is this world reluctant to let me go? I have clearly given up my mission and even betrayed my people, why wouldn't I let me go? !!

The blood of anger flowing in my body made me want to kill and kill all the people.

However, she refused to do so.

For her and my children, I gave up, and I took her to hide and die.

Looking at the contents of this page, Ling Xian could feel the anger and helplessness of the diary's master, and could not help being more curious.

Because this page emphasizes two messages, one is the mission and the other is the basalt world.

From the words of the diary's owner, it can be analyzed that he is on the opposite side of the Xuanwu continent. In the beginning, it should be that he provoked the entire continent, and because of the women, he gave up.

After that, it was the Xuanwu world who chased and killed him, and because of the woman and his children, he had to hide in embarrassment.

"It's getting more and more interesting, who is this person? Why provoke the whole continent?"

Ling Xian became more curious and turned to the next page.

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