Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1625: For 100,000 years

Looking at the handsome man in front of him, the two monks in the seventh realm showed panic and anxiety.

It's not that they are too brave, but that the old man died too badly and too quickly.

Anyway, this person is also a strong mid-term Ming Dao. Even if he is seriously injured and his combat strength is greatly reduced, he won't be able to stop even one move.

But the fact is right in front of him. Even if this person tries his best, he can't stop Lingxian's move.

This means that Ling Xian has the power in the middle of Ming Dao, not to mention that the two of them are no longer able to fight at this moment, even if they are restored as before, they are not his opponents!

Therefore, the two will inevitably have a bit of fear and will shrink back subconsciously.

This made Ling Xian a moment's stun, and then she was deeply moved.

In today's declining era, the seventh realm can already be regarded as the top existence.

Of course, there is bound to be an eighth power in this world, but it never comes out easily, and only at that level can you reach it.

Therefore, in the eyes of the world, the monk in the seventh realm is the true **** sitting in the clouds. He is extremely honorable and supreme.

Although Lingxian has never been in awe, but one thing is undeniable, he who is strong in Ming Dao is indeed the existence he needs to look up to.

However, at the moment, the two seventh-strength powerhouses are uneasy because of him. How can he not be moved?

At this moment, he finally realized what level he had reached.

If the monk in the sixth realm can control the situation in a state, then the seventh realm can stir the world!

Although there is still a long way to go after the seventh realm, in this era of decline, this is equivalent to the peak!

At least in the eyes of most people.

"A hundred years of practice, have I reached this level ..." Ling Xian muttered to herself, as if dreaming.

But he was pretty sure that this was not a dream. He really stepped into the seventh place and stepped into the top ranks.

"I still remember that year, I was just a waste who did not understand cultivation. I did not expect that a century later, I even entered the seventh realm ..."

Ling Xian was sorrowful, and it was a bit incredible.

In previous years, he was humble, or even worse, than ants. However, now he has grown into a towering tree, and it will take only a hundred years, and it will be incredible for anyone to change it.

However, this is the truth, and it must be accepted no matter how incredible it is!

Therefore, in addition to emotion, Ling Xian was also full of joy.

Not only because of the promotion of status, but also because he has finally qualified to compete for the throne with the world's heroes!

"Now, I have the power to protect myself in the universe, and I am qualified to fight for the throne."

Ling Xian stared at the sky, staring with anticipation, and also with cold mans.

He has never forgotten the ugly faces of the nine giants in the town. He vowed to recover this feud!

Of course, the premise is that he can leave the basalt continent and return to the universe.

Thinking of this, Ling Xianxing's eyes dimmed a bit.

Because the Emperor Baiyi has a word, the higher the cultivation, the harder it is to pass through Tianyuan. In the sixth state, he failed to pass, and now in the seventh state, the hope is undoubtedly even slimmer.

But that's it, it's useless to think about it, you can only go one step at a time.

"Let it be. Now, the first task is to get rid of the curse."

Ling Xian sighed and turned her eyes to the two old men, and said, "Yin and Yang meet the flowers and return to me. The two have no opinion."

"No opinion, no opinion, the male is overwhelming, so he should take this flower away."

"Yes, this is the treasure, only the son is worthy."

The two nodded in a hurry, Lingxian would not be bad if they did not kill them.

"Very well, it's all your business, just leave." Ling Xian smiled slightly.

It was said that the two, as amnesty, supported their bodies and left in a hurry.

However, only two steps were taken, one looked back at Ling Xian, and stopped talking.

"Is there anything else?" Ling Xian frowned slightly.

"Nothing, just want to remind the son."

"Everyone in the storage bag of a monster has a monster in it. The higher the status, the stronger the monster."

"This man used to be a magic gate protector with a very high status, so it can be foreseen that the monster in his storage bag must be weird and powerful."

"So, please be careful."

The old man said a few words and reminded him sincerely.

"Monster? Demon?" Ling Xian frowned, feeling strange to these two words.

"My son doesn't know?" The old man froze. Ling Xian didn't expect Lingmen to know. However, he is also an interesting person, so I will briefly introduce it now.

"The Demon Gate is a mysterious force whose origin is beyond verification, but one thing is certain, it has existed for at least 100,000 years."

"It's an incredible number, you know, time is the most ruthless, it can kill everything."

"No matter how powerful it is, it will inevitably decline with the passage of time. Even the family of the emperor may not be able to continue for 100,000 years."

"Despite the inheritance, the magic gate is declining, and the old nest was destroyed 30 years ago. However, it won't be long before the magic gate will make a comeback and reappear glory."

The old man was full of emotion, and his words were full of shock.

Ling Xian was also shocked.

In this world, it is not easy for the family of Zongmen to last for thousands of years, and it is extremely difficult to continue for ten thousand years. A force like the Demon Gate that lasts for 100,000 years is simply unheard of, unbelievable!

100,000 years!

This number is too incredible, even if it is the family of the Emperor, it will not last so long!

"The incredible magic gate ..."

Ling Xian slowly spit out a stale gas, and when she was shaking, she was a little curious: "How do you know that the magic gate will make a comeback?"

"Due to similar incidents, there have been too many times, and no one can completely destroy the magic gate." The old man sighed helplessly.

"If you don't have the skill, how can it last for 100,000 years?"

Ling Xian smiled a little, wondering what kind of force can last for 100,000 years.

"So too."

The old man sighed and arched his hand at Ling Xian, saying, "In short, please also pay attention to the son, the monster, but it is very weird."

After that, he stopped and turned to leave.

Seeing this, Ling Xian no longer hesitated, and carefully placed the yin and yang flowers into the jade box.

Then he swipes his hands to condense into several runes, wrapping the jade box firmly.

"That way, there is no problem."

Ling Xian smiled slightly, completely relieved.

The double protection of the jade box array method not only prevents the loss of medicine power, but also prevents the breath from leaking out, causing unnecessary trouble.

"Now, it's time to look at the storage bag of the magic door protector."

A glimmer of expectation flashed in Ling Xianxing's eyes, and the flower of the avenue hung above his head, hanging down a soft light, protecting all parts of his body.

Since the man said that the monster is a strange and powerful existence, he must be careful.

When he opened the storage bag, a strangely shaped bug flew out. Although it was only the size of a thumb cover, it was fierce and extremely brave.

I saw it cut through the sky like lightning, and suddenly appeared in front of Ling Xian, sharp acupuncture, facing his brows.

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