Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1534: coincidence

The universe is the home of the Void Beast, so no matter where it travels, it can be like a fish.

But for Ling Xian, he can survive only on a living planet. Right now, he and the Void Beast have arrived on a living planet.

Therefore, the emptiness beast exudes ecstasy, not only for Ling Xian but also for his own survival.

It greedily breathed the slightly aura of the place, his eyes filled with joy, but when he saw the unconscious Lingxian, the joy turned dark.

Although the Void Beast is open, it does not understand the method of healing, so it can only stare at helplessness.

Incidentally, Ling Xian was hurt too badly. Immortality is already a miracle. Naturally, she cannot wake up.

This made the Void Beast frown, and really didn't know what to do.

And at this moment, a distant sound of golden iron and iron came from afar, scaring the Void Beast, and hurriedly lying on the grass.

Of course, it didn't forget to pluck a bit of grass into Ling Xian's body to cover up his figure.

I have to say that the Void Beast is a wit and stupid monster.

Here is an unobstructed view of the prairie, and its huge body, unless it is a dig a pit to bury itself, otherwise it can be seen by individuals.

However, the belligerent parties did not find that, on one hand, they were fully engaged in the duel, on the other hand, after a while, the fighting subsided.

Later, one party left in a hurry, leaving the body of the loser.

Seeing this, the Nether Beast protruded out of its head, revealing the color of curiosity. Immediately, it walked forward boldly.

I saw several bodies lying on the ground, except for a handsome man, the others were dressed as guards.


A faint voice came out of Jun Xiu's mouth, which scared the Nether Beast. As everyone knows, its round and rugged appearance almost scared the person away.

However, the man knew that he would die, and he couldn't care so much, and shivered and handed a blood ruby ​​to the Void Beast.

At the same time, he strongly supported the scattered consciousness and said, "Please ... please give this thing to the Sucheng of Qicheng."

Hearing that the Void Beast subconsciously took Yu Pei, and also remembered the four words of Qicheng Su Family in his heart.

Seeing this, the handsome man smiled, unwillingly, and also relieved. After that, he closed his eyes weakly, completely stunned.

This stunned the Void Beast, and did not expect that he somehow had a responsibility. However, it did not go to his heart, just wanted to heal Lingxian quickly.

At the moment, it carried Ling Xian and hung Yu Pei around his neck.

After that, the Void Beast flew forward, and although very confused, his eyes were extremely firm.

Although it ended so completely because of Ling Xian, his move to protect it at the last moment made the Nether Beast very moved.

Therefore, there is no resentment in her mind, and some are just firm.

In this way, time passed little by little.

Ten days later, the Void Beast stepped out of the grassland and saw a group of tall and mighty horses, especially the leading one, which was very powerful.

A woman in white sat on the horse's back, with a cold temperament, as if she was a fairy who could not eat the fireworks on earth.

Of course, it ’s just that it ’s just people ’s hearts.

In the eyes of the Void Beast, this woman is extremely ugly. There is no way, after all, the race is different. In its eyes, the round figure is the standard for beauty.

Therefore, it disdain the woman, just looked at it, and continued to fly forward.

It is the strange shape of the Void Beast that attracts the woman's eyes.

However, she didn't do much research. It is not surprising that there are so many monsters with strange shapes in this world.

However, just when the woman was going to look away, she suddenly saw Ling Xian on the back of the Void Beast, and accurately saw the blood red jade pendant on his neck.

Suddenly, the woman's expression was condensed, and then she drove to the Nether Beast and stared at Yu Pei with a pair of wonderful eyes.

This made the Void Beast's heart tight, and he took a few steps back and forth, his eyes full of vigilance.

"I am the daughter of the Su family in the city, Su Xiu."

The woman's lips turned slightly and hesitated, "Dare to ask, is he Zhang Junyu and Zhang Dao?"

I heard that the beast of the Nether appeared confused, what Zhang Junyu, Zhang Dao, had never heard of it.

However, without waiting for the Void Beast to express anything, Su Xiu determined his guess.

Because of this, the blood ruby ​​is sure.

"Although I have never seen Brother Zhang Dao, Yu Pei is true. The news also said that Brother Zhang Dao was being chased and killed, and this person was in a coma."

Su Xiu secretly said without a doubt.

It can only be said that this matter happened too coincidentally, and there are various signs that Ling Xian is Zhang Junyu. No one would be suspicious of anyone who changed.

At the moment, Su Xiu stepped off the horse, probed Lingxian's injury, and Qiao's face suddenly changed color.

It is too serious, the bone meridians are almost completely broken, and even the internal organs are damaged. This is also Ling Xian. If you change someone else, it hurts and dies, it is impossible to persist until now.

"Whew ... what a serious injury, how did he sustain it?" Su Xiu slowly exhaled a spit, and Qiao's face was full of shock.

She couldn't imagine what happened to Ling Xian and how strong her will was to keep him to this day.

"Fortunately, he still has a breath, if he heals in time, he should be able to save it." Su Xiu-Mian Lu Qingxing, wrapped Ling Xian with soft power, want to pull him on the horse.

This made the Void Beast's eyes cold, trying to perform magical powers against women. But the next moment, it stopped.

Because it suddenly understood that Su Xiu mistakenly regarded Ling Xian as the man.

It does not intend to explain this.

There is no way, Ling Xian is hovering at the death line at this moment. If he is not treated in time, he will definitely report to Yan Wang. Su Xiu had already stated that he was still saved, and also showed his willingness to save him.

But if it tells the truth, it may not be necessary.

Therefore, the Void Beast remained silent, intending to make Su Xiu misunderstand.

"It's a blessing in misfortune."

Su Xiu sighed softly and put Ling Xian on the horse's back, and said, "If you want to come, you should be Zhang Dao's spiritual pet."

Spirit pet?

How could the void beasts of the universe be the spiritual pet of a monk?

The Nether Beast is not visible, but because Ling Xian is seriously injured, he can only nod his head, but it seems a little unhappy.

However, Su Xiu became a worry. She looked at the bloodless beast and smiled: "Yes, the protector of thousands of miles, it is worthy of praise."

It is said that the Void Beast is becoming more and more hesitant, but who is the noble space controller, and whose reward is needed?

"Come with me back to Su's house. At that time, I will reward you." Su Xiu lightly pointed on the tip of the foot, floating on the horse.

In response to this, the Nether Beast expressed reluctance, but was helpless.

It can't rest assured that Ling Xian follows a stranger, not to mention that he is not Zhang Junyu, even if he is, it can't go away.

Therefore, the Void Beast obediently followed the team and ran forward.

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