Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1533: Emerge indiscriminately

In the dark and lonely universe, the void beast is tired like a dead dog, breathing heavily.

However, due to Lingxian's might, it could only forcibly urge talented supernatural powers, and once again established a space channel.

"This is the last time. If it doesn't work, it will kill me."

Ling Xian sighed softly, his body was already terrible. Although the space channel was very stable, the pressure of the universe was everywhere.

As a result, his health is getting worse and worse, and he is on the verge of disintegration.

According to Ling Xian's estimation, he will persist for a maximum of half a day. If he fails to reach the living planet during this period, he will certainly die.

"Well, I hope."

Ling Xian sighed, then took a big step and stepped into the space channel.

The same is true of the Void Beast.

As soon as one person and one beast stepped into it, the space channel suddenly shook, and then, a gap cracked open around it, showing signs of collapse.

This makes Ling Xian discolored.

Previous space passages have been very stable, not to mention cracks, even vibrations. Once a crack appears, it means that it is about to collapse, and at that time, a turbulent space will appear.

You know, the turbulent flow of space is terrible, let alone Ling Xing, who is seriously dying at this moment, even if he is in the heyday, he must face it carefully.

In this way, can he not change color?

The Void Beast has also changed color. It is undoubtedly one of the most aware of the existence of space, and naturally knows what it means to collapse a space channel.

If it was during the heyday, it wouldn't matter. It is completely capable of stabilizing, but in its current state, it simply does not have this ability!

It was very injured and too tired, and even struggling to build a space channel, let alone stabilize it.

It is precisely because of this that the space channel will collapse this time.

"Does it really kill me ..."

Ling Xian smiled bitterly, looking at the cracks more and more channels, finally feeling a bit desperate.

The same is true of the Void Beast.

It glanced at Lingxian resentfully, and it seemed to be saying, if it wasn't for you to make me urge the destiny supernatural powers again and again, could this space passage collapse?

"Sorry, it's me that has troubled you." Ling Xian shook her head with a grin.

This is an indisputable fact. If he hadn't allowed the Void Beast to build a space channel again and again, this time the space channel would never collapse, and the Void Beast would not have fallen into despair.

Therefore, Lingxian will inevitably have a little apology.

Seeing this, the Void Beast pulled his head and was very frustrated.

The situation is already clear, and it won't be long before the space corridor will completely collapse. At that time, no one will survive.

"I'm so dead, I'm so uncomfortable ..."

Ling Xian sighed softly, remembering the ugly faces of the nine giants of the town's magic city, her eyes filled with hatred and unwillingness.

However, he was helpless.

If he is at the heyday at this moment, it is hopeful that he can survive the turbulence of space, but he is seriously injured at this moment, and the chance of surviving may be close to zero.

However, Lingxian didn't want to give up.

Hope is indeed the same as zero, but hope always needs to be created by yourself. Therefore, he vigorously mobilized his spirit and laid a **** of heaven and earth.

Of course, it is incomplete, and in his current state, it is impossible to arrange a full version of Qiankun array.

Seeing Lingxian cloth array, the Void Beast raised his head, and in his eyes, there was a touch of firmness.

At the moment, it uttered a loud cry, and the space around the body suddenly twisted, forming a strange shield.

At the same time, it also gave Ling Xian a space shield.

This gave Ling Xian a moment's surprise, and smiled, "I caused you to despair. You haven't even thought about it, and you got me a protective cover?"

Hearing the words, the Void Beast whispered twice, conveying a meaning vaguely.

They are also fallen, and at the moment of life and death, they should help each other.

This made Ling Xian smile, and patted the huge head of the Void Beast, and said, "Yes, I recognize you as a friend. If you don't die today, you will be a good return in the future."

Hearing the words, the Nether Beast clearly showed joy, but the thought of the turbulent flow of space that was about to occur, the mood fell.

"Do everything and listen to destiny."

Ling Xian patted the head of the Void Beast and said, "You and I have done our best. Even if I die, there is nothing to regret."

Hearing the words, the Void Beast whispered twice, a little sad.

This gave Ling Xian a long sigh, saying nothing, waiting quietly for the turbulence of space to arrive.

Time goes by bit by bit.

After a short time, the space channel completely collapsed, and the turbulent flow of space came in response.

Suddenly, an indescribable force of terror swept through the wasteland, and Void Beast and Lingxian bear the brunt.

This power is too horrible, like the legendary sword, let Lingxian and the Void Beast splatter blood, hurt and hurt.

It is no exaggeration to say that just a moment, there were hundreds of mouths on their bodies, blood could not stop splashing.

As for the Space Shield and the God of Fortune, they also collapsed instantly, appearing so fragile and vulnerable.

There is no way, the space chaos is too powerful, and the second is that Lingxian and the Void Beast are both seriously injured, and the magical power is naturally greatly reduced.

"I can only fight ..."

Ling Xian sighed long and burned the ancient blood of Tianzun in her body.

Less than a last resort, he actually did not want to burn the ancient blood of Tianzun, because after each burning, he would fall into a long period of weakness.

In other words, this is a means of overdraft. Once it is used, there is really no retreat.

However, at the moment, when he has reached the end of the mountains and rivers, if he doesn't use this method, he can't even save his life.

Therefore, Lingxian burned the ancient blood of Tianzun, and recovered some strength.

After that, he urged Honghuang Tiangong, the flower of the road manifested, and wrapped himself with the void beast.

In fact, if Lingxian only protects himself, there is a 80% chance that he will survive. If the Void Beast is added, then only 50%.

If you change someone else, you may abandon the void beast, but he will not. The Void Beast ignores his former suspicions, and puts him on a protective cover. At this moment, how can he only care about himself?

That's worse than pigs and dogs.

"To die, just die together."

Muttered, Ling Xian's eyes were firm, and the flowers of the road shook the space turbulently.

Boom boom!

With a loud noise, Lingxian and the Void Beast coughed up blood, and the bones and shelves were about to fall apart. However, the flower of the road has not been broken, which means hope.

Therefore, he strengthened his conviction, and even if he died, he had to persist to the last minute!

With the passage of time, Ling Xian's condition became worse and worse. Every time he passed, he became weak and his mind was blurred.

In the end, he was in a coma, supporting the flower of the avenue with only one belief, blocking the turbulent flow of space.

This frightens the Nether Beast, but it is helpless.

It is already weak, and if Lingxian hadn't blocked most of it, it would have died.

At the moment, Ling Xian was in a coma, naturally letting her despair.

At this moment, the turbulent space suddenly disappeared, and the Nether Beast and Ling Xian fell heavily on a piece of grass, shaking it with blood.

However, it clearly showed ecstasy.

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