Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1225: Endless

At the residence of the sixth prince, Ling Xianduan sat on a chair with a slightly tired expression.

Since the Emperor regained power, a **** killing has been launched, but all those involved in the rebellion have been executed.

For a moment, the imperial city bleeds into a river and its head is like a mountain.

However, Lingxian is quite lively here.

In recent days, the people who came to visit him were endless, and all of them were noble officials. No, he just sent away some people.

And when he was about to take a break, another crowd came.

I saw King Pingnan appearing at the door, walking between tigers and tigers, and he had his own power.

Behind him, the master of Lingxi County moved gently, and from the moment she entered the door, she focused on Lingxian, which was very complicated.


With a sigh, Ling Xian gently waved her sleeves, and Wu Tao lotus petals fell into two cups of brand-new tea, and the fragrance suddenly overflowed and the house was full of fragrance.

"Gouda tea!"

Pingnan Wang Humu brightened and laughed, "I came here today to thank my husband for saving the little girl and for saving my life."

"King Pingnan is polite."

Ling Xian waved her hand and said, "Sit down."

Hearing that King Pingnan took the Lingxi County Master to sit down and looked at Lingxian in addition to being grateful, he was amazed.

The prince's rebellion is intertwined, and it can be said that it is a stable win. However, it was destroyed by Ling Xian alone, which was unexpected by anyone.

In this way, how can King Pingnan not be surprised?

Not only him, but everyone who knew the inside story was amazed.

It's not bad to say that if Ling Xian didn't take the shot, then the Prince's ascension would be a matter of course!

"Mr. Genius, it is truly admirable to subvert the Prince's conspiracy with his own strength." King Pingnan sighed.

"The king of Pingnan has won the prize." Ling Xian smiled slightly, not taking credit or being proud.

This made King Pingnan even more appreciative, and he asked tentatively, "I heard that your Majesty intends to assign the princess to his husband?"

"This is indeed the case." Ling Xian nodded slightly.

Yan Liusu did mention this to him, saying that the emperor intended to match him with a princess, and naturally he refused.

He didn't want to marry the royal family and restrain himself.

"Say something in your heart. If your husband doesn't agree, let me be a joke."

Wang Pingnan smiled lightly and said, "It is not a good thing to get married with the royal family. The princesses are arrogant and proud masters. They will be bound after they become married, but they are not good candidates for marriage.

"I understand, so I refused." Ling Xian smiled slightly, he didn't want to be bound by the royal family.

"Haha, refused well, refused well."

Pingnan Wang Shuanglang laughed and looked at the master of Lingxi County, and said, "I don't know Mr., what do you think of the little girl?"

The voice fell, and the Lord of the Rhinoceros was absentminded.

Ling Xian was also a little stunned. To be honest, his senses to the Lord of the Lingxi County were not good, even though she was beautiful. But in the presence of King Pingnan, he had to give a little face.

Therefore, he casually said: "Close the moon, shame the flowers, sink the fish and goose."

"So, is your husband happy with the little girl?"

Pingnan Wang Humu brightened and laughed: "The young girl is 28 years old and has not been married yet. I wonder if my husband would like to be my east bed?"

Hearing that Lingxi County's main face suddenly flashed a little shame, but she was very strange and did not say anything to refute.

Ling Xian shook her head and laughed.

The princess is arrogant and arrogant. However, he has seen the ruthless waywardness of the Lord of the Rhinoceros, not to mention that he has a bond with the royal family, but he has no marriage with King Pingnan?

"This ... it's not that I don't know what to do, but that I don't think I'm worthy of the Lord of Rhinoceros."

Ling Xian considered the words and said, "So I can't accept that, on the conditions of the county master, I will definitely find a better one."

"That's it." King Pingnan couldn't hide his disappointment on his face, but said nothing.

He knows that Ling Xian speaks only excuses. He chooses the king with great dignity, and even the emperor gives the faceless Wushuang Tianjiao, how can it not be worthy of the master of Lingxi County?

But just because of excuses, he couldn't say anything, otherwise he just waited to turn his face.

And when Lingxian refused to hear it, the master of Lingxi County was relieved, and his heart was a little bit lost. She wasn't stupid, of course, it was just an excuse.

This excuse made her lose and made her feel bad.

"Thank you King Pingnan for her good intentions." Ling Xian smiled slightly and motioned to Ping Nan to use tea.

"I am grateful for the sir who saved my father and daughter."

King Pingnan shifted the topic and said, "I was going to bring a great gift, but I thought that Mr. is a dragon among people. Sending ordinary things would tarnish Mr., so I didn't take it."

"Anyway, just raise your hand, Pingnan King doesn't have to worry." Ling Xian smiled slightly.

"That wouldn't work. Without you, the little girl and I would probably lose their lives."

King Pingnan sighed and said seriously: "Sir, please remember, I owe you two lives. As long as you say a word, I will never die."

Hearing that, Ling Xian smiled, but said nothing, he was not a person of grace.

Seeing that he was not in the mood, King Pingnan drank all the tea in the cup, and arched a hand and laughed, "When I came in, there were a few people outside, so I didn't bother you, just leave.

After finishing speaking, he pulled the face of the lost Lingxi Lord, and slowly walked out of the living room.

When he disappeared, another group of people appeared, making Ling Xian cry and laugh.

In this way, the dignitaries came in waves, everyone was respectful, just like they were facing the emperor.

In this regard, Ling Xian was really unable to arouse his interest, so he was perfunctory.

And his perfunctory attitude was noticed by all the visitors, so he hurriedly said a few words and left without much stoppage.

In this way, Ling Xian sent away waves of waves, and Wu Dao's lotus petals were thrown out dozens of pieces, but no gift was received.

This made him secretly slandered. Dayan's dignitaries were really stingy, of course, his skin was thick enough. Visiting the door without a present, isn't this cheeky enough?

Until the arrival of Emperor Dayan.

The lord is still very angry and directly sent Lingxian several kinds of rare treasures, such as white jade lion, Zhao Yao mirror, exquisite tower, etc., all of which are valuable treasures.

In this way, he finally made up for his losses and made a lot of money.

Afterwards, in a word of gratitude and admiration, the Emperor Dayan left and promised that Lingxian would always be the most honorable guest of Dayan.

With the departure of the Emperor, the endless visit was finally over.

"If there is a gate in the city, there is no end to the stream. I am afraid that this honor is the only one you can enjoy." Yan Liusu appeared at the door with a smile.

"Is this a good thing? A bunch of stingy powers, just like your father."

Ling Xian joked and then smiled. "I should go now. I have been delayed for a few days and can't stay any longer."

After hearing the words, Yan Liu Su was silent for a moment, and slowly spit out two words.

"Take care."

"You too."

Ling Xian nodded her head slightly, then rose up, and said, "Lord of darkness, let's go."

After speaking, he disappeared like an arrow off the string, as did the dark Lord who had just manifested.

This made Yan Liu Su's eyes sighed and sighed.

"Lingxian, it's my life to have a friend like you."

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