"Xun represents the Dayan Dynasty, and Mr. Xie stepped forward to bring the building down!"

The Dayan people bowed deeply towards Ling Xian, their words were sloppy and their words were sincere.

When his voice fell, a large group of **** figures suddenly appeared in the rear.

The figures of Yan Liusu, Lingxi County Master, and King Pingnan are impressively listed. The rest are either defenders or court officials, all of whom are distinguished.

When they saw people bowing and saluting at Lingxian, they were frightened and shocked. But after hearing the words that came from my heart, I understood a little.

At this moment, even the Emperor Yanyan bowed down to Ling Xian, what reason did they not worship?

At the moment, everyone unexpectedly bowed deeply and uttered a sentence in unison.

"Mr. Xie stepped forward, turned the tide and turned the tide, and will help the building!"

They all spoke in unison, shaking the earth, and all of them were powerful and sent from the lungs.

Undoubtedly, this scene is extremely unbelievable. Let's not talk about the Emperor of the Great Swallows first, and just say the identity of these people.

Coupled with a big Swallow King, this lineup is extremely gorgeous!

Even if you look at the entire North Underworld, it may not be possible for someone to make them bow down!

However, at the moment, many noble figures are bowing to Ling Xian, how incredible is this?

What glory is it?

In the face of the bows of many big people, Ling Xian's expression was still calm. He looked at the Emperor Yanyan in front of him and slowly spit out a word that made the audience silent.

"I didn't say it, don't call yourself a puppet in front of me, it sounds uncomfortable."

The voice fell, and the audience became quiet.

All eyes gathered on Lingxian, unbelievable.

Although this sentence he said had no order and no accusation, it was just a tone of complaint, but who is the Emperor?

Swallow dominated by big swallows!

How many people dare to talk to him even if they look at the whole North Underworld?

As a result, everyone was shocked, and then, looking at Ling Xian, a little pity emerged.

The Emperor of the Great Swallows is a true monarch, but he is also an extremely overbearing monarch. The disrespectful word of Lingxian is enough for him to die a hundred times.

Even Yan Tassel fought a cold sweat for him, for fear that his emperor would drop the anger and put him to death.

However, beyond everyone's expectations, the Emperor Dayan not only did not get angry, but smiled and said, "Looking at the entire Dayan, only you dare to deal with me, no, dare me to change my claim."

The words fell, everyone was shocked again.

One is because of the tone of the emperor and the concubine, and the other is because he actually changed his claim!

You know, the Emperor is not a kind monarch. Even if everyone in the audience is in a good position, he has rarely heard such a gentle tone.

However, at this moment, he was so kind to Ling Xian, and really changed his claim. This was undoubtedly a huge shock and directly shocked everyone.

Afterwards, they looked at Ling Xian and changed. If they were just grateful at the beginning, then at this moment, they were in awe of their hearts.

No matter what he is doing, no matter what his identity is, the attitude of the Emperor Yanyan towards him is enough to let everyone be careful.

"Is it…"

Ling Xian glanced briefly at the Emperor, the perfunctory meaning was too obvious.

This made everyone jealous, but the Emperor was still smiling, and he ignored the perfunctory attitude of Ling Xian.

He looked at the extraordinary man in front of him and said with emotion: "If I changed to someone else, I would have slapped in the palm of my hand, but to you, I would not dare."

Hearing the words, Ling Xian smiled and did not speak.

Leaving aside grace, it is enough to say that the Lord of Darkness calls him the boss, which is enough to make people jealous. Coupled with his rebirth to Dayan, even if the Emperor is a wolf-hearted one, he cannot shoot at him.

"It's over. It's nothing for me. Next, it's your turn to start the slaughter." Ling Xian sighed softly, knowing that after the day, the Emperor Capital would once again have a **** storm.

After all, the Prince cannot be rebelled alone, after all, many people secretly support him. And all of them must die.

Treason is a big crime, and the Emperor will never allow those people to survive.

"Okay, wait for me aside and arrange for me to drink 300 cups with you." The Emperor smiled and nodded, but when he looked at the crowd, his expression suddenly became cold.

Especially when watching King Pingnan, it was even colder.

When he noticed the cold eyes of the Emperor, Wang Pingnan sighed, knowing that the Emperor was ready to settle the accounts. He had no choice but to let it go.

"King Pingnan, I know your cause was for a reason, but anyway, your rebellion is a fact."

The Emperor Dragon stared directly at King Pingnan and said, "I'll ask you, do you know the sin?"

"Chin ... convicted." King Pingnan smiled bitterly.

"Very well, since you know the guilt, I won't stop talking nonsense." The Emperor is extremely majestic, intending to announce the punishment for King Pingnan.

However, before he had time to say, he was interrupted by the Lord of Rhinoceros.

She slammed on the ground with a plop, begging, "Have your Majesty read about my father's loyalty and protecting the country, and forgive my father this time."

"Spiritual rhino, even though your father was in control of the horse in time, but after all he was rebellious. How would you forgive me?"

The imperial dragon's eyes contain imposing majesty, saying: "If you don't punish, how do you want me to serve?"

I heard that the Lord of the Lingxi County stayed, and I didn't know what to say.

"Daughter, you don't need to plead for me. The crime committed by my father is horrendous. It is not bad to die 10,000 times."

King Pingnan rubbed the small head of the Lord of Lingxi County, and his eyes were full of pampering and perseverance.

This made Lingxi County's main heart as knives, but she also knew that the Emperor was right, and the father was right. For a moment, she was helpless and weeping.

As her tears twitched in her eyes, she suddenly thought of Ling Xian, and her eyes could not help but light up. It's like a drowning man, grabbing a life-saving straw.

"Lingxian, please save my father, you promised me!" The Lord of the Rhinoceros County shouted, his voice filled with petitions.

When did I promise you?

Ling Xian shook her head and laughed, but didn't plan to stand by.

Pingnan Wang is loyal and loyal to the country and the people. Punishment is inevitable, but he cannot die.

Therefore, he smiled lightly: "In my opinion, Wang Pingnan's army started for a reason, and then he promptly controlled the horse and should not be punished heavily."

After hearing that, the Emperor gave him a deep look and then laughed.

"Well, since you even plead, then I have to give you some face."

The emperor groaned for a moment, then turned his eyes to King Pingnan, and laughed, "Let's punish you for three years."

The words fell, and everyone was shocked again.

It is said that the crime of King Pingnan, even if he was sentenced to death, is reasonable. However, Ling Xian's words actually reduced the blame to three years without pain and pain. What a face?

For a moment, everyone's eyes changed to him, and they became more and more awed.

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