
Lingxian landed on the magic shrimp clan and burst into unimaginable power, shocking the audience instantly!

This made all the brains of the magic shrimps “buzz” and stare blankly at the arrogant figures in the air.

For their magic shrimp family, the choice of circumstances is unattainable, which is equivalent to the existence of the sky!

As a result, their anger instantly turned into fear, and even the idea of ​​confrontation could not be born.

Are you kidding me?

Against a strong choice, what is the difference between finding death? !!

"The patriarch of the magic shrimp family, I do n’t know if you are here, but you are far away, and I hope you forgive me." A black prawn opened his eyes, except for awe, to please him.

"Without further ado."

Ling Xian proudly stood on the back of the swallowing python, such as the emperor sitting on the nine days, looking down at all beings, and said, "I just ask you, did you catch the mushroom?"

The voice dropped, like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, and all the magic shrimps trembled with fear.

At this moment, they finally understood why there was a strong man who chose to come to the door, originally for that boy!

"My lord, I did catch the mushrooms, but ... but that's His Majesty's!"

The black prawn was full of fear, and hurried to explain, for fear that Ling Xian would blow down and kill all the magic shrimps.

"No need to explain. Now that you have done it, pay for it."

Ling Xian's expression was cold. He regarded the mushroom as his sister, but the mushroom was caught and sacrificed. How could he not be angry?


Magnificent and mighty!

Lingxian is not a man who innocently kills innocent people, so he does not intend to destroy the magic shrimp family. But he is not the kind-hearted person, no matter who ordered it. Since this magic shrimp is involved in this matter, it must pay a price!

This is not only for the justice of the mushrooms, but also for the remaining forty-nine girls!

Therefore, he said nothing, raising his hand was a sword spirit, went straight to the magic shrimp.


The sword's air turned out of the air, showing its sharp edge, which made the Demon Shrimp horrified and fought desperately to resist.

Unfortunately, how powerful is Lingxian? Even if it was just a hit, it wasn't something it could block.

This scene stunned all the magic shrimp!

They never expected that Ling Xian would be so decisive and overbearing that killing would kill him without any hesitation. Not even thinking that the strongest in the clan could not even stop one move.

This shocked them and completely lost their courage to confront him.

"Now, let me ask, you answer."

Ling Xian opened her mouth indifferently, looking around the audience with cold eyes, so that each magic shrimp could not lower her head involuntarily, and did not dare to look at him.

"First question, where was the mushroom caught?"

Ling Xian said lightly, pointing at a Yuanbaby magic shrimp, and said, "You will answer."

Hearing that the devil shrimp was silent, not because he didn't know it, but he didn't want to.

If he really doesn't know, the subconscious will say that he doesn't know and will not remain silent.

Therefore, Ling Xian didn't hesitate, raised her sword and killed him directly.

This scene stunned all the magic shrimp again!

Each one was trembling physically, looking at Ling Xian's eyes as if looking at a demon.

Without saying a word, what kind of overbearing is this? How can we not let them fear?

Especially the magic shrimp in the early infancy period was even more terrifying. They have always thought that they are powerful in the abyss, and can at least dominate.

But at this moment, they realized that they were so vulnerable to the real strong!

Fragile and fragile!

"You, answer this question."

Ling Xian looked at the audience coldly, and finally settled on a magic shrimp in the infancy, saying, "You just saw the end of the magic shrimp, so you better tell the truth, otherwise You are the next one. "

The voice dropped, and the devil shrimp trembled and said in tears, "I said, the mushroom was caught by the mermaid."


Ling Xian's heart sank. Although he had known for a long time that the mushrooms would be there under the mermaid, when he heard it, he felt great pressure.

How strong Her Majesty is, he doesn't know, but he knows that one hundred is not an opponent. In this way, can he not feel pressure?

"Second question, has the sacrifice started?"

Ling Xianxing's eyes are sharp.

"No, it is said that there is still a humanoid virginity." The devil shrimp replied.

Hearing that Ling Xian was relieved.

No matter how strong Her Majesty is, he has the opportunity to rescue the mushrooms as long as the sacrifice has not yet begun.

"The last question is where the offerings are held."

Ling Xian said in a deep voice, "You better not lie to me, otherwise, I want you to die."

"Dare to dare."

The magic shrimp shook his head again and again, and said, "I don't know the specific location, only that it is near the palace, but not the palace."


Ling Xian frowned. Generally speaking, the palace is undoubtedly the most heavily defended place. For sacrifice, it is natural to choose the safest and most familiar place.

But the mermaid did not choose the palace, which made him a little suspicious.

Seeing him frowning, the devil shrimp thought he was dissatisfied, and was instantly frightened to death. He cried, "I'm telling the truth. That place is extremely secretive. How can I know as my identity?"

"Okay, I know."

Ling Xian nodded, he could feel it, this magic shrimp did not lie. Therefore, he didn't bother to waste time here, and said to Tian Mang: "Let's go."

Hearing that the swallowing python shook the eight wings and instantly broke through the space and galloped away.

Seeing this, all the magic shrimps were relieved for a long time, and said that the demon king was gone.

However, at this moment, Ling Xian returned and returned, and she was scared to death by the magic shrimp.

"How does the palace go?" Ling Xian glanced at the demons lightly.

"To the southeast."

A magic shrimp shook his finger and gave an approximate orientation.

Seeing this, Ling Xian drove the swallowing python and disappeared in front of everyone.


In the abyss magic sea, swallowing the sky python with eight wings violently shaking, while setting off a huge wave, galloping in the direction of the palace.

Although it is not the final place, it is the only clue. Therefore, Ling Xian plans to go there first to see if there are any clues to the sacrifice site.

At this moment, he was standing on the back of the swallowing python, and a pair of sword eyebrows squinted tightly.

Looking at the entire abyss, the Royal Palace is undoubtedly the most dangerous place, not only because of His Majesty who controls the entire sea area, but also because of the countless powerful people there.

However, Lingxian must take a trip for the mushrooms. Even if it was in Longtan Tiger Cave, he would have to break through in a lifetime!

"If you live a lifetime, you always have to do something that is irrational and only depends on your mind. Otherwise, isn't it too boring?"

Ling Xian's mouth raised, her eyes were full of firmness.



The fourth is to ask for a reward!

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