Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1097: disappear

In the medicine garden, the swallowing python swarmed to the ground, and the lantern-like snake pupil was full of unwillingness and anger.

However, when Ling Xian came to her side, especially after feeling the momentum several times stronger, the anger in her eyes suddenly disappeared.

Instead, please please.

This made Ling Xian shook her head and smiled, "You know the current affairs, it's good."

After hearing the words, swallowing the python made a flattering cry, and the huge snake's head was holding Lingxian's leg as if he was courting his master.

"The offspring of the mighty snake and the phoenix are so boneless that they lost your ancestor's face."

Ling Xian smiled slightly, and threw Tiandan Mangan a recovery Dan, saying: "This Dan can cure internal and external injuries in a short time. As long as you take it in time, it is equivalent to having a second life, and it is taken as your elixir Pay for it. "

The voice fell, and a flash of heat flashed in the pupil of the swallowing python.

Second life!

This is the dream of any soul. Therefore, its attitude was more flattering, and it kept lingering on its head with Ling Xian's legs.

"Okay, I should go."

Ling Xian smirked, patted the head of Tianmang, and then dispersed the Rune Seal and Mountain River Ding.

Suddenly, the eight wings of the swallowing python trembled and flew up to the sky, making a cheerful tweet.

Then, it dived down, magnificent, and shattered the space.

In this regard, Ling Xian smiled slightly, the cloud was light and light.

Without regaining his peak, he can suppress the swallowing python and become more powerful now. How dare he?

Although swallowing the python, it seemed as if he wanted to do something to him. But in fact, he obediently fell in front of him, holding his arm with his head as a gesture of courtship.

Obviously, it was completely convinced and never dared to arrogant again.

"Very well, go, stay here and continue as your Tyrant." Ling Xian patted the head of Tian Mang and prepared to leave.

However, just as he turned around, he swallowed the python.

"Can I ... go with you?"

Hearing the words, Ling Xian froze slightly and smiled, "You want to follow me?"

"Yes, I want to follow you."

Swallowing the python is not much, but it is strong and vocal, showing its determination.

The reason why it decided to go with Lingxian was that he was convinced by his great strength, and the second was because of the restored Dan.

In its perception, Healing Dan contains a powerful medicinal power, which is infinitely better than directly taking the elixir. Therefore, it wants to follow Lingxian for more benefits.

"Follow me ..." Ling Xian frowned, lost in thought.

Although Swallowing Sky Python is not among the top ten royal families, it is because it is too rare to be called a tribe. This demon's combat power is known to the world, and it is not inferior to the top ten royal families. And it has amazing potential, if it is carefully cultivated, it may be comparable to the seven royal families!

After all, swallowing the python is the offspring of Teng snake and Zhenhuang. Even if the blood is impure, the combat power and potential are quite amazing!

Besides, he is in a dangerous situation at the moment, and it is always good to have one more helper.

Therefore, Ling Xian groaned for a moment and laughed: "Okay, since you actively follow, I naturally have no reason to not accept it."

I heard that swallowing the python was overjoyed, there was no coldness in those snake pupils, and some were just pleasing.

"But don't blame me for not reminding you in advance."

Ling Xian smiled and said, "Since you decide to follow me, there is no possibility of betrayal. If you dare to betray, I will set you down."

"No, it won't, I promise this life and this life, I will never betray." Tu Tianmang trembled and hurriedly expressed his loyalty.


Ling Xian smiled with satisfaction and said, "As long as you don't betray me, the benefits are naturally indispensable to you. I remember a kind of elixir that allows the monsters of the peak of Yuanying to break through to the path of choice. come out."

"Thank you, master, I will go to the sword and fire for you, and I will do my best!"

As soon as I heard that I could break through the period of choice, I was so happy that I swallowed the sky and thought that it was a very correct decision to follow the man in front of me.

"Well, since you are going to follow me, there is no need to leave these elixir."

Lingxian raised his mouth, rolled up his sleeves, and collected all the valuable elixir in his pocket.

This makes it a bit distressing to swallow the python, but when you think of the endless benefits of the future, it feels relieved.

Although the elixir is good, how can it be compared to the bright future?

"Let's go, when the matter of the abyss demon sea is over, I'll take you back to Sansheng Pavilion."

Ling Xian smiled slightly, jumped on the back of swallowing the python, and let it fly out of this strange place.

After that, he returned to the coral reef where the mushrooms were with the python.

After arriving here, Lingxian's complexion was gloomy, because the place had been razed to the ground, and the smell of mushrooms could not be felt.

This disturbed him, and he hurried back to the mushroom house, only to find that it was completely razed to the ground like a coral reef.


Ling Xian stood on the swallowing python with a gloomy expression.

The two strongholds were razed to the ground and the mushrooms were not visible. There are many possibilities. But most likely, and the last thing he wanted to see, was that the mushrooms were caught.

He spent a total of three months on this trip, during which time it was reasonable for the mushrooms to be found and taken away.

"Damn, it wouldn't have happened if I came back earlier."

Ling Xian blame herself secretly, meanwhile, she was also angry.

The contact for three months made him like the little girl Mushroom very much and regarded her as her sister. Right now, how could he not blame his sister for being taken away? Not angry?

"This is the site of the magic shrimp family. The person who captured the mushrooms must be them."

Ling Xian calmly analyzed and said, "Their purpose is to give the mushroom to the mermaid for sacrifice. That is to say, the mushroom should now be there."

"But more than three months have passed and she ... may have been sacrificed."

Ling Xian sighed, and then her eyes gradually became firm.

Regardless of whether the mushrooms have been sacrificed or not, he must report this revenge, and he must go and see under Her Majesty.

If the mushroom has not been sacrificed, he will have the opportunity to rescue it.

Therefore, Ling Xian made a decision and said, "Swallow the python, let's fly there."

The voice fell, swallowing the python without hesitation, the eight wings trembled, and galloped towards Ling Xian's fingers.

The goal is the magic shrimp family.

Before going to the palace, Lingxian had to settle her grudges first. Although he doesn't know the domain of the magic shrimp family, it doesn't matter, you can ask.

Therefore, he grabbed a Siren on the road, and inquired about the territory of the magic shrimp clan.

After half an hour, Ling Xian made a strong landing on the magic shrimp family. He didn't talk nonsense, he blasted out with one punch, and broke out the extreme horror force, which razed the territory of this tribe!


With a loud noise, the territories of the Devil Shrimp were dilapidated, making all the Devil Shrimp angry. The patriarch, in particular, was extremely angry.

But the next moment, their anger turned into fear.

Because of this, Lingxian released the power of choosing the path, like the advent of the Supreme, shocking the audience!

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