Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1083: Slaughter

"Ning Yan, how many contribution points do you have to kill a royal family?"

The faint word fell, shook the world and shocked the audience.

Everyone stopped the movements on their hands and turned their eyes to Lingxian, their faces were filled with incredible.

Killing a prince ... how many contributions?

Does he want to ...

Everyone was stunned, understand the meaning of Ling Xian, could not help but be shocked!

How powerful is it to suppress the Five Princes?

After suppressing it, how domineering it is to utter such a sentence lightly?

Ning Yan was also shocked, but soon she smiled softly: "Killing a prince has 50,000 contributions."

The voice fell, Lingxian's mouth raised, and he smiled softly: "This price is good, I'm excited."

After that, he turned his eyes to the five princes under his feet, staring at the killings.

This made the five princes trembled uncontrollably if they were struck by lightning, with anger, humiliation, and fear on their faces.

As the fifth prince of the mermaid tribe, his strength is extremely terrible, and he can be called a peerless arrogant. However, at the moment, he is defeated by Ling Xian. How can he not feel humiliated?

While feeling humiliated, it is more fear.

He could hear that Ling Xian wasn't joking, naturally he was scared.

"If you dare to kill me, the mermaid will not let you go!" The five princes pretended to be calm and covered their inner fear with coldness.

"Without killing you, wouldn't the Mermaids continue to invade?"

Ling Xian glanced at the man lightly. He didn't kill the seventh prince because he wanted to get some time. But at the moment, the seven princes have been repelled, and the fifth prince has also come back, which means that there will be more invasions in the future.

Even if he releases this person today, presumably this person will not give up. So why didn't he kill?

"At least I won't come again."

The five princes were trembling physically, and their eyes were full of fear. They said, "The father has an order. If we princes attack this city, whoever takes it first will be the next one. You let me go. , I will never show up again. "

"Sure enough, it's a dog blood show."

Ling Xian's eyes narrowed, anger burning in his chest. Although he had long speculated, when he heard the five princes confirmed, he still felt angry.

It's just a test, but one city's life is used as the test question. This is too much.

"You kill me without any benefit to you, let me go, but there will be no trouble." The five princes pretended to be calm.

"You are wrong. If you kill you, I can get 50,000 points. If I don't kill you, I will have trouble."

Ling Xian glanced briefly at the man and said, "Don't you say that? Anyone who wants to fight for the throne will lead here. In this way, it would be better to cut you off and let me and everyone feel happy. ! "

The words fell, the five princes trembled in their bodies, their eyes begged.

Unfortunately, Ling Xian was already angry at this test. Therefore, he fell down with one palm and pressed directly on the head of the five princes.


There was a muffled sound and his brain was splashing.

The five princes were completely destroyed and fell completely.

"Dead, the five princes of the Mermaid clan are dead!"

"The powerful bombardment of the five princes is too domineering and too powerful."

"It's over, the five princes are dead, Your Majesty will definitely kill me!"

At this moment, both the human race and the Kraken were caught in a strong shock.

While the former is shocking, it also feels happy. The latter is panicked and angry!

"Damn humans, give the Five Princes their lives!"

A yaksha who chooses a state of affairs roars, and appears instantly in front of Ling Xian, and the immense amount of **** light comes out, breaking the space!

"Get me out!"

Ling Xian's eyes were cold, her right leg traversed the void, and Canchan Shenxia erupted, blasting it out.

"So strong!"

Yasha's pupils shrank and shook.

Although there was only a brief fight, this has made him do one thing, the five princes have failed!

"The five princes are dead, and we can't escape the wrath of His Majesty. Only by killing the murderer can we have a chance!"

The other general yelled, and awakened the siren in their stagnation.

After that, all the Siren turned their eyes to Lingxian, full of killing intention.

"Even though you are not afraid of death, today, I have cut you all!"

Ling Xian's expression was cold, and none of the gods came out with mighty might, like the advent of the Supreme Master, overwhelming the Three Thousand Realms, and nine heavens!

"Arrogant boy, I will chop you!"

A turtle crawled on the ground with four hoofs, the earth cracked instantly, and the rocks collapsed. Terrible and mighty, powerful to kill Lingxian.

"You don't have this ability!"

Ling Xianmu's eyes fluttered with cold electricity, and the sword broke through the space, breaking through the attack of the turtle. Then, he raised his hand, printed his seal, and burst into a hurry!


The invincible fist seal traverses the void, releases the immortal light, and blasts that turtle into a slag!

This scene shocked the audience again, and everyone finally understood that Ling Xian's killing the five princes was not accidental, but really had that strength!

"A very powerful person, only a prince-level person can compete with him. He usually chooses a strong state, and he can't even get a trick in his hand!"

One said in a trembling voice, shaking everyone to the extreme.

Especially the Siren, it's like falling ice cave, it's cold all over the body.

Originally, they thought they could kill Ling Xian and avenge the five princes. But after seeing him kill the turtle with one punch, the thought of revenge was suddenly thrown out of the clouds, leaving only fear!


Ling Xian's black hair danced wildly, her eyes flickered with cold electricity, like a demon god's lower bound, fierce and mighty, and shocked the Eight Wilds.

His body flickered, and he appeared in front of General Yasha, and then his fists broke out of the abyss, instantly breaking the void!

This made General Yasha frightened and fought hard to resist, but it was difficult to stop Lingxian Shenwei, and he was blown away a hundred feet away.

Immediately afterwards, a **** sword light flew from Ling Xian's eyes, piercing through the brows of General Yasha.

"Ten thousand."

Slightly spit out two words, Ling Xian rushed forward like Dapeng spread his wings, seven kinds of magic soldiers circled and danced, killing another general!

"Boom boom!"

The magic soldier is shocking and terrifying. Although the general's strength is not bad, after all, it is an ordinary initial path. How can it stop Ling Xian's edge?

Therefore, with just a few moves against him, the general was killed by him.

In a blink of an eye, three generals were dead, and only the last one who chose the path was left, but he had lost the courage to fight.

No way, Lingxian is too scary.

The five princes were beheaded without saying, but within a few short breaths of time, they killed three strong choices. Who can not be afraid?


The last general made an instant decision, broke the space instantly, and dived into the ocean floor.

It's a pity that Ling Xian has already decided to kill the war, how can he let him escape?


The icy word fell, and the seven magical soldiers flew in circles, converging into one blow, and banged on the sea.


The sea swept through the sky, and the horror power covered hundreds of miles, and the general was shocked to death!

The audience was silent for a while, as if for nine days and ten places, they were silent at this moment.

Then, the human race was boiling, and the siren rushed away!

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