Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1082: How many contribution points a prince has

The sun rises, the sea boils, and the sense of depression strikes again, making everyone's complexion look different.


Feeling the horrible wave under the sea, Lingxian's expression calmed down.

And when his voice fell, the sea turned even worse. Immediately, a multitude of figures emerged, suddenly blasting into the sky, sweeping Liuhe Bahuang.

Led by a man with a fish head, like a seventh prince, he wears a golden crown and a trident. As soon as it appeared, it sent out a terrifying situation, terrifying.

No doubt, this is another prince, and the combat power will never be inferior to that of the seventh prince!

This makes everyone look dignified, and Ling Xian is no exception. He felt the horror of this man, and his eyes were full of dignity.

"I am the fifth prince of the mermaid family, who defeated my seven younger brothers and came to die!"

The mermaid prince is overbearing and powerful. When she opens her mouth, she is proud and killing.

This made Ling Xian frown slightly, and said, "It's me."


The five princes glanced at Ling Xian obliquely, and said, "My seven brothers are really waste. They were defeated in the hands of a human, and they really lost my mermaid's face."

"Mermaids are very strong, yes, but don't forget, the world today is dominated by humans!" Ling Xian looked cold.

"So what? One day, sooner or later, my mermaid tribe will come to the world and rebuild the glory of ancient times!"

The five princes spoke arrogantly, and the three-pronged halberd pointed at Lingxian, saying, "I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you, come here to die!"

"It depends on your ability."

Ling Xian's expression was cold, and she took a step slowly, and she suddenly became mighty and rushed to Xiaohan!

"In my eyes, you are no different from the ants, you can be cut in three ways!"

The five princes were strong and overbearing. With a wave of the trident, they said, "Kill me!"

The words fell, and the siren came out on the waves, and after a few breaths, they came to the shore.

Then, the war broke out.

No nonsense, no brewing, just so crisp!

The abyss magic sea and Sanshengge have long been resentful. Fighting is the best way to vent. No matter whether it is success or failure, you have to fight!


The killing intentions are astonishing, the power is magnificent, the army of sea monsters is endless, and there are all levels. But the most striking is undoubtedly the generals of the five elective periods.

They are filled with divine power and persecution, which brings great pressure to everyone.

Even Lingxian's heart sank. However, he knew that his opponent was not these generals, but the more powerful Five Princes.

Therefore, he said to Ning Yan, "These five generals will be given to you, and the five princes will be dealt with by me."

"Leave it to us, and let go of the battle."

Ning Yanqiao's face was dignified, her hands moved, and she performed a shocking Dafa, which directly stopped the two generals.

The remaining three were blocked by the man, Xuanyuan Hong, and Wei Donglai.

Seeing this, Lingxian put down a little snack, he turned his eyes to the five princes, and there was a hint of killing in the star eyes.

Then he stepped forward and appeared in front of the five princes instantly, raising his hand is a palm!


The divine power flowed, and the sky was shaking. This palm went straight, fierce and overbearing, and shattered the space!

"The ants, dare to arrogance in front of me? Suffer!"

The five princes smiled disdainfully, the trident excalibur circulated Baoguang, collided with Ling Xian's palm!


With a loud noise, the war began!

Ling Xian knew that the key to this battle was himself, so he went all out and tried to make a quick decision!

Pingran Shenquan spreads, the majesty is magnificent, seven kinds of **** soldiers shine, and they are shocked. The two attack methods complement each other, and the power is unparalleled!

This changed the look of the five princes. I didn't expect Lingxian to be so scary.

However, he is also a peerless Tianjiao with an invincible heart, and his strength is extremely powerful. Therefore, he took a strong shot, and each shot was unbelievably powerful!

"Boom boom!"

With a loud noise, the five princes are terrible and domineering. If an invincible war fairy is powerful, it is outrageous!

His magical horror shattered the world and brought tremendous pressure to Ling Xian.

However, he is fearless!

What about the ninth holy body of the human race? He was Lingxian, but he had beheaded two Eucharist!

"Kill me!"

Ling Xianmu's cold electricity broke away completely. He moved the Emperor's Boxing, moved seven soldiers, attacked madly, and shook the world!

One is the prince of the master of the sea clan, and the other is Ling Xian, who has the invincible power of the same order. The two evil spirits confronted each other, and they were completely defeated!

What a showdown!

The two sides are powerful and outrageous. It is like two demon kings starting a decisive battle. Just the overflowing waves make everyone tremble!

"My ants, kill me!"

The five princes danced wildly, like a demon-like majestic. He's too powerful, he's absolutely angry and unstoppable!

However, although he is strong, Ling Xian is not inferior!

He squeezed the invincible fist marks and traversed the void, just like the king of the fairy.

"Boom boom!"

The confrontation between the two powers resulted in unparalleled fluctuations, the space was broken, and the world was shocked!

This shocked everyone, asking themselves, this level of fighting, they are not even qualified to intervene!

"Damn ants, kill me!"

The five princes rushed to the crown in anger. He thought he could kill Lingxian with three moves, but he could not attack for a long time, which naturally made him angry.

Therefore, his hands were printed, and the three-pronged halberd suddenly changed to a hundred feet in size.


The waves are sky-high, and the halberd is shaking the world. This halberd is unstoppable.

However, Ling Xian was not afraid. He folded his hands, and the method of peace and chaos broke out completely, as if heaven and earth were together, sandwiching the magical halberd.


Ling Xian shouted, and the halberd shattered into a bit of light, dissipating in the heavens and the earth.

This scene shocked everyone and shocked the five princes. I did not expect that his portable weapon was shocked by Ling Xian!

And this is just the beginning of shock.


The sound of breaking air sounded, Ling Xian breathed through Changhong, and appeared in front of the Five Princes in an instant. At the same time, there were a pair of fists that released the immortal light.

Immediately, the fifth prince was blown away by his punch, and his blood was red in the air.

"Kill me!"

Ling Xian's eyes flickered with cold electricity, and immediately flew to the fifth prince, like a dragon flying at the tail, and kicked him on his chest.


A spit of blood spewed out, and the five princes fell to the ground, and most of their bones were broken.

This angered him to the extreme, erupting an infinite amount of magical light, turning into a lethal killing, and blasted to Lingxian!

"Suppress me!"

With a loud scream, Ling Xianning's full strength was on her right foot, and it fell suddenly from above nine days!


One foot fell, breaking the light of the moment, and stepping on the chest of the five princes fiercely.

Suddenly, the man's sternum was broken and he coughed up blood.

Then, a bland and full of murderous words slowly came out of Lingxian's mouth, making this space silent for a moment.

"Ning Yan, how many contribution points do you have to kill a royal family?"

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