Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1059: Li Wuwei

In the cloudless sky.

Lingxian walks by the wind, her black hair and white robe dances with the wind, and she is chic like a fairy.

Ning Yan's skin is like sebum, her eyes are like autumn water, and if the fairy is in the dust, she is beautiful and charming.

She walked in the wind and said with emotion: "Unexpectedly, you changed and became a guest secretary of Sansheng Pavilion."

"Nothing strange."

Ling Xian smiled slightly and said, "You have also seen my runes, do you not think I have the qualifications to become a guest?"

"That's not true. Although I don't know Runda, I also know that you are already a Master Runda."

Ning Yan shook her head lightly and said, "Master Fu Dao is very rare. Even if he looks at the entire Luoyang domain, there are not many. Naturally, he is qualified to become the guest secretary of Sansheng Pavilion. I'm just surprised, you are not saying that after the matter is over, Will he leave Sansheng Pavilion? "

"First, when I first arrived in your expensive land, I was unfamiliar with my life, and I needed a place where I could look forward to it. Second, I would like to invite you to the court host, and I would never refuse it."

Ling Xian smiled slightly and gave two reasons, both of which are true.

However, the invitation to Jiuchen was not to let him be the guest secretary, but the master of the Hidden Pavilion. This point, naturally, would not tell Ning Yan.

"So it is."

Ning Yan nodded her head slightly and smiled, "It's okay, if you join, the strength of Daoge will increase badly."

"Rewarded." Ling Xian smiled slightly.

"I just don't know any Fu Dao masters. With you in the future, it is easy to want Fu Fu."

Ning Yan smiled and said, "Let's go, I'll take you to Daoge first, and then arrange a place for you."

After speaking, she speeded up and cut through the sky like a meteor.

The same is true of Lingxian.

After a short while, he and Ning Yan came to a lush mountain. The mountain peaks are majestic and majestic, surrounded by green water and white mist, like a sacred place of fairy house.

"When it arrives, here is the scope of Daoge, which is full of people who are immersed in the four elements of Rune Dan, and are responsible for providing sanshouge with spiritual resources."

Ning Yan gave a brief introduction, then moved forward and came to the highest mountain here.

Ling Xian also landed.

After that, he frowned, feeling himself surrounded by a large array. Not only has the ability to imprison operations, but also the power to block mana.

This made him interested, because this array is a rune array, that is, a combination of two rune arrays. This formation method is very novel to him, and he has never encountered it in Xiuxian Realm.

Therefore, Lingxian's eyebrows were actually trying to crack this array.

Just then, a shabby old man walked out of Dongfu. His clothes were full of dirt, and he didn't know how long he hadn't washed them. He looked very shabby.

When this person saw Ning Yan, his face suddenly showed a helpless expression, and said, "It's your stinky girl again, go and hurry away, lest I see you upset."

Hearing the words, Ning Yan was not upset, and laughed: "Court, did I just take some of your amulets last time and ruined some of your formations? Are you so annoying me?"

"What does it mean to take some amulets and destroy a few formations? It's all my babies that I worked hard to make. You'd better take them without a word. You know how much those babies cost me Whimsical? "

The old man blew his hair and said impatiently, "Go and go and hurry up, or don't blame me for blasting you out."

"That's not okay. I came here today to take orders from the Chief Cabinet."

Ning Yan smiled and shifted her eyes to Ling Xian, saying: "This is the master of the Tao Court, Li Wuwei, but he is one of the few masters in Luoyang Yu, and he is a double master of Rune."


Ling Xian raised a brow, quite surprised. I didn't expect that the old man in front of him was actually a double master of Fu Zhen!

You know, it's already quite difficult to become a Grand Master together. This man, however, is a double master of Rune, which naturally surprised him.

But after thinking about it, he was relieved. How could he become the master of the Taoge without any skill?

"This is Ling Xian, the guest secretary just invited by the Cabinet Chief." Ning Yan briefly introduced Ling Xian.

"Haike Qing?"

Li Wuwei froze and muttered, "Xiuchen that guy, stop pushing me again."

"Under Lingxian, I've met the Lord." Lingxian smiled slightly and arched slightly at the old man.

"Wait, don't be too busy calling the patron, but I haven't acknowledged that you are my patron."

Li Wuwei shook his lips and said: "Last time I recommended a guest secretary to Jiu Chen, saying that his accomplishments were very extraordinary, but what happened? When I was my assistant for three days, I went away sloppy, without any skill. Just a liar! "

"It's not that they are not capable, but you are playing with the Rune every day, you don't even have a break, and you can't stand anyone else." Ning Yan laughed bitterly.

"Fart! It's clear that he is not good enough. He can't complete the tasks I have explained. He also said that he is extraordinary in accomplishment. I don't think even an apprentice."

Li Wuwei scolded him, and then he waved his hand, saying, "Okay, I won't talk nonsense with you. Now that I have told Jiu Chen, this face is definitely for me, but I have to test this person, I said The court does not confiscate the guest. "

Hearing that Ling Xian shook her head and laughed, but did not expect to be tested again. However, he was very confident in his accomplishments, so he chuckled: "Also ask the master to ask questions."

"Happy, oh, I think about it."

The old man groaned, glanced at the rune array around the mountain, and said, "So, as long as you can make a gap in this array and let yourself move freely, I will pass you."

The words fell, Ling Xian hadn't said anything yet, but Ning Yan spoke first.

"Master, this array is a well-designed housekeeping array. It can be said that you have exhausted all your skills."

Ning Yan glanced at the old man and said, "Looking at the whole Luoyang domain, who doesn't know your skills? You can imagine the difficulty of the rune array you put in full force. You actually let Ling Xian crack it. ? "

"Hey, I didn't let him crack it completely, just make a gap."

Li Wuwei hesitated and laughed, he knew how profound his rune accomplishments were, so he also felt a bit difficult to Lingxian.

"That wouldn't work. To make a gap, you need to have a good understanding of this array. This is something that no ordinary master can do."

Ning Yan glared at the old man again, and said, "You're trying to make things difficult, believe it or not, I'll go back and tell the Chief Cabinet Lord."

"Here is the trick again, I don't care, anyway, I asked, if it can be cracked, it depends on his ability."

The old man smirked and said with a smile: "Hurry up and leave without knowing what to do. I don't want anyone to be able to come in," he said.


Ning Yan was so angry that there was no other way.

Looking at Daoge, Li Wuwei is the biggest. Even if it is to Jiuchen, it is not easy to interfere. How could she have a way?

At this moment, she found that Li Wuwei suddenly opened his eyes, as if he had seen a ghost.

This made her suspicious, followed Li Wuwei's gaze, and later showed the same expression as the old man.

Because Lingxian, who was imprisoned by the Rune, actually took a step forward.

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