Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1058: Glorious hope

In the reception hall, the second and third elders looked very ugly, as if they had eaten a dead child.

Xiang Jiuchen and the elders were full of enthusiasm. Looking at Ling Xian's eyes was like seeing the glory of the future.

The inheritance left by Sansheng Jushi is extremely important. If Ling Xian could one day awaken the burial of Sansheng, then the strength of Sansheng Pavilion would skyrocket several times!

At that time, even if it is to unify the Luoyang domain and compete with the other five domains, it will not be difficult. The real scenery is infinite and brilliant!

Therefore, they changed their attitudes, and hesitated to lower their stance and asked Lingxian to be the master of the Hidden Pavilion.

Of course, there is another reason that he is too good. Anyone who is astonishingly talented like him, any force will break the head race, and will Sanshengge turn him away?

"So it is."

Ling Xian's mouth raised with a smile, and she smiled and said, "I said, why are the cabinet master and the elder so excited?"

"Seeing the glory of the future, how can you not be excited?"

The elder shrugged his beard and laughed: "My lifelong wish is to open up that heritage and make my Sansheng Pavilion stronger, to dominate Luoyang Yu, and even dominate the world!"

"Then I advise the elders that it is best not to have too much expectations. No one can say such a thing." Ling Xian smiled lightly.

"Anyway, don't be under pressure, just let it be."

The elder waved his hand with a smile, and said, "You are already the Lord of the Hidden Pavilion. Regardless of whether you can awaken the funeral, you are the most important part of my Sansheng Pavilion. We are a family."

"I will try my best."

Ling Xian's mouth smiled. Now that she has become the master of the Hidden Pavilion and got the great benefits, she must do something for the Sansheng Pavilion.

"Haha, I'm assured of you."

The elder smiled brightly, and the more he looked at Lingxian, the more pleasing to the eye, he said, "If you encounter any difficult things in the future, come to me. I don't believe that someone dares to make things difficult for you."

Having said that, he glanced at the second and third elders, apparently warning them.

This made the two bitter and bitter, feeling that they really lost their wife and lost their troops.

"By the way, who do I know who is in the Hermitage? Now that she has become the owner of the Hermitage, it is natural to see someone in my Hermitage."

Ling Xianmu was curious. He heard Ning Yan said that all the people in the hidden court were talented and strangers, naturally they made him curious.

"I do not know either."

The elder smiled helplessly and said, "The members of the Hidden Pavilion are low-key and mysterious. Only the Lord of the Hidden Pavilion has the right to know and the right to order. Even the head of the cabinet does not have this qualification."

"Then how do I find them?"

Ling Xian frowned slightly, did not expect the members of Yinge, not even the elders. But at the same time, he was a bit happy.

A group of people who are not even qualified to command the head of the cabinet to Jiuchen have become his subordinates. Who can be unhappy if they change?

"Don't you know?"

The elder looked at Ling Xian strangely, but when he thought that he had nothing to do with that great power, he was relieved: "The jade pendant in your hand is the symbol of the identity of the Lord of the Hidden Pavilion. The hearts of the members of Yinge, as long as you send a message through this piece of jade, those people will receive it. "

"That's it." Ling Xian looked at Yupei in her hands, staring in anticipation.

He wanted to see how extraordinary the legendary members of the Hidden Pavilion were.

"You can think about it slowly after you go back. Now it is time to give you an external identity. After all, the identity of the Lord of the Hidden Pavilion cannot be made public."

The elder froze his beard and looked at Ling Xian's eyes full of appreciation.

"Yes, the identity of the Lord of the Hidden Court, only I and the elder Tai Shang can know."

Xiang Jiuchen frowned slightly and said, "Your cultivation is already a choice of path. Being a disciple is a bit inappropriate."

After hearing this, Ling Xian thought for a while and said, "I heard that Daoge is composed of amulets, arrays, instruments, and dan. It would be better to let me go there. The status is Fu Dao Keqing."

"This is a good identity. Fu Shi's status in the eternal life is very high, so that people who don't open their eyes will provoke you."

He smiled and nodded to Jiuchen, but the next moment he frowned, and said, "Just, do you understand the meaning of Fu? As a guest, you can only say Master Fudao if you don't talk about it."

Hearing the words, Ling Xian smiled and did not speak. Instead, he slowly extended the index finger of his right hand and clicked casually in the void.

When the rune was overwhelming, the mysterious power was woven into the sky, leaving a few people together.

Only because the realm under the master can only rely on the medium of the spirit paper material to make the runes appear. Only by reaching the realm of the master can we draw runes in the void without resorting to any external force.

In other words, Lingxian's accomplishments on the runway have reached the realm of masters.

You know, Fu Shi is very rare in the eternal life because it is very rare. There are very few runes to reach the master's realm.

Therefore, several people were surprised, and did not expect Ling Xian to be a master of Taoism.

"It should be fine now."

Ling Xian smiled slightly. Although he had been in contact with the Tao for a short time, he practiced the method of the Fifth Burning Heaven. Naturally, he soon set foot in the field of masters.

Otherwise, he would not be able to repair Qifeng Zhenxie.

"Haha, naturally, it's okay. I didn't expect that you not only practice outstanding talents, but also Fudao talents are amazing."

He laughed heartily at Jiuchen and said, "Now, I can find a treasure in Sanshengge."

"Haha, yes, it's really good."

The old elder man touched his laughter, and the gaze of admiration grew stronger.

Even the two elders who hated Ling Xian had to admit that he was very good and could afford the four characters of the dragon and the phoenix.

"That being the case, please ask the host to arrange it faster. I want to take a break." Ling Xian smiled lightly.

"Okay, let Yaner take you there."

Xiang Jiuchen turned his eyes to the elder, and said, "Please go back and let Ning Yan's girl see you here, and it will inevitably lead to doubt."

Upon hearing that, the elder smiled and nodded, and then gave a cold glance at the two elders and said, "Follow me."

After speaking, his figure gradually faded, and it disappeared into a light smoke.

The same is true for the second and third elders, but before leaving, they both took a deep look at Ling Xian, which contained too many complex emotions.

In this regard, Ling Xian smiled slightly and did not care.

Even the two elder elders hate it, nothing. He is now the Lord of the Hidden Pavilion. His status is on an equal footing with them and cannot be overpowered by them.

As for the use of force, with the elders present, how dare they act rashly?

At this moment, Ning Yan came into the temple like a fairy of nine heavens, extraordinary and refined, bright and moving.

"Yan'er, go to Daoge to spread my word of mouth. From now on, Lingxian will be the guest of Sanshengge."

With a slight smile to Jiu Chen, she turned her eyes to Ling Xian, and said, "Follow her, first go to Daoge to get familiar with it, and then she will arrange a quiet and elegant residence for you."

"Then I will leave first."

Ling Xian hurriedly arched towards Jiuchen, and then pulled Ning Yan, who was standing in place, and left the hall.

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