Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3485: What happens in the Soul Blast

Chapter 3485 What happens to the Soulbred Array

She is coveted and laughs.

The two men next door don’t know when they can make a positive result.

Take this temper.

I am afraid that I will take a strong sleep.

It is possible that there will be further development.

She fell to the bed, squinting and looking at some dilapidated roof.


Even if they did not develop further.

I can stay with my lover like this.

I can look at my lover like this.

It is already the happiest thing.

"Taro, think of the emperor again?" In my mind, the old man’s deliberate soft voice came.

The night is clear and the lips are slightly stunned: "He will be fine, right?"

The old man sighed: "Even for you, he will not let himself go wrong."

The night cleared and raised his hand and covered it in his own eyes.

What emerged in my mind, is the face of a man's genius, using his glazed peach blossoms, looking at her with all eyes.

The heart, it is tightening for a while, dull pain.

Thoughts go back a while... in the Soul of the Soul.


After the power of the spirit of the eye, return to the original shape.

She used all the power to defeat those black balls.

at the same time.

When the black light ball is at a loss.

Take a sip of one, and all the black light **** are swallowed into the belly.

The landslide is cracked and the ground shakes.

The entire formation was completely destroyed.

Everything around, constantly exploding.

The night fell in the midst of the turbulence, and looked at the direction of Emperor Xu Xuan.

Fortunately, at the beginning of her, she left the seven seven in the side of Di Mo Xuan.

Seventy-seven squatting with Emperor Mo Xuan, avoiding a wave of waves followed by a burst of temperament.

Seeing this scene, the night cleared a sigh of relief, and the whole body contends with the counter-attack of the power of the Fa.

Until all the black **** of light are swallowed up.

The whole piece of empty space, began to slowly dissipate, little by little... restored the environment of the dense jungle of Xiya Mountain.

This also means that the formation has been completely broken.

Because I swallowed too much of the media, I needed to absorb those forces and I went back to sleep in the pet space.

The night falls slowly and falls from the sky.

Quickly go in the direction of Di Mo Xuan.


When she took a step.

Suddenly, the chest burst into a burning sensation.

Tightly, the mysteriousness of the limbs began to roam around.

The mysterious force that was repeatedly compressed suddenly burst open.

When the night fell, the painful half was on the ground and the face became distorted.

Her breath is getting more and more restless.

The mysteriousness in the body is screaming, like what is venting.

The night cleared the teeth and kept the consciousness clear: "Hey old man, what happened?"

The old man is also panicked: "Well, the powers that are sealed in your body are going to break out. The power of the emperor's transmission to you can't suppress the power of incitement!"

These forces, the backlog of seals existed in the sacred heart of Shenhuang, have been for a long time.

It is now fully released.

I can't help but want to let the body clear the night, accept this power.

At night, I fell to the eyebrows, raised my hand and held the direction of Xuan Xinyu: "Then I am breaking through the mysterious steps, how?"

"The risk is too big!" The old man is anxious. "If you can break through, you can't do it any better, but... If it fails, the old man is worried that you will be swallowed up by this power."

It is also clear that such a result is clear at night.

Fang Cai, under the heart of Emperor Xu Xuan's mysterious force to protect the heart.

She released these forces of storage, and the body was vaguely repulsive...

(End of this chapter)

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