Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3484: Really worthy of the woman of the emperor (100 tickets for the monthly ticket)

Chapter 3484 is really a woman of the emperor (100 tickets for the monthly ticket)

I heard the question of Qiao Yanyan.

She hesitated for a moment, and suddenly looked at Qiao Yanyan: "If I said, what happened in Xiyashan is your sister, that is, mysterious girl, planning with others, do you believe?"

Qiao Yuyan did not hesitate: "Letter."

Such decisiveness is to make the night clear and a little embarrassed.

She licked her lips and decided to tell the truth: "In Xiyashan... something went wrong, she was the back of the girl who was behind the water..."

She spoke aloud and lifted her slyness and looked at him with certainty: "I know, I said something like this, some suspicions of shirking, I don't explain so much, after all... the death of the mysterious woman, indeed I can't get rid of it."

The look of Qiao Yuyan was suddenly condensed.

His scorpion, shrunk slightly: "You mean... Yu Yu Princess, she..."

The night cleared and nodded: "Yes."

Qiao Yanyan was stiff and stiff and bowed his head.

For a long while, it was only a low opening: "This thing, I will tell my father, you... don't have to be too embarrassed, she has such an ending, she is... I take it."

"The other side of Joe's family... all the responsibilities, I will bear it." The night clears the complexities of the emotions on the face of Qiao Yan. ,

She expressed understanding.

After all, how does Qiao Yuyan not like Joe Yu?

That is also his sister.

His dear sister died because of her.

Even if there is a lot of dissatisfaction with Joe Yu.

I can no longer use the previous attitude to face the night.

"I... I will return to Qiao's home first. I will solve this matter." Qiao Yanyan looked at her and his tone was heavy.

I don't wait for the night to say anything.

Qiao Yuyan turned and left.

At night, watching the back of his departure, he sighed.

"The innocent city mysterious woman was killed by you?" The voice of Lao Lie came from behind.

The night fell back: "She used the scorpion and introduced me to the Soul Array method, ready to kill me in the Soul Array method...but... she was swallowed up by the soul of the Soul Array. ""

"Lust of the soul of the soul? The spirit of the eye?!" The old screaming eyes wide open, a look of surprise, "This method is so powerful, even the eye of the eye is awakened?!"

Night clear: "..." What is your concern?

Lao Lie grinned: "The key point is that the formation of the formation has formed an array of spirits, and you can still take off with a living Gu Yu, really deserve to be a woman of the Emperor!"

The eyelashes that cleared at night trembled violently.

The look on her face became low.

The low hanging charm is covered with a thin mist.

Even if it is not really true.

Lao Lie also felt.

It seems to be crying at night.

This devil, will actually cry?

Old and fierce is shocked and surprised.

Just wanted to ask her.

But I saw the night turned and turned and walked toward the inner hall.

"I am a little tired, advanced to rest, you look around, so that the landlord does not use the search period."

Lao Lie heard the hoarseness and sorrow in the voice of the girl.

Opened his mouth and wanted to call the girl.

It can be seen that the girl is extremely desolate, and the whole person is covered with a thick feeling of pain.

When he got to his mouth, he said no.

What exactly is going on?

Is he saying something wrong?

How suddenly, it seems like it has changed personally?


At night, she lowered her head and returned to Gu Yu’s room.

He took Gu, and took him to his room.

The sound insulation here is not good.

You can hear the next night when you are clear, and you will walk around from time to time to take care of Gu Yu’s voice.


Make up the monthly ticket for the third month of the month and add more ~ ​​this month's monthly ticket plus all the more complete ~

The current monthly ticket for May: 335.

Ask for a wave of monthly tickets, see if you can fly and let the ink master add a chapter!

(End of this chapter)

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