Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3473: Breaking the line (4)

Chapter 3473 is broken (4)

However, it is a hindrance to the contract between the two parties.

In the case of night clearance, the pet space is deliberately sealed.

Qinglong simply cannot come out of the space.

At night, the eyes cleared and stared at the cockroaches swallowed by evil spirits.

The heart is also jumping wildly.

Her slender five fingers clenched her fists tightly.

There was also sweat in front of the forehead.

In fact, her heart is not as easy as Qinglong.

Even in my heart, 100% confidence can be successful.

But see this scene.

It’s inevitable that the night will fall.

I am afraid that you are still only a cub, not having too much combat experience, and thus losing your hand.

The evil spirits that are rendered like ink are still spreading.

The wings on the back of the spirit of the eye, kept moving, the tail of the dragon-like dragon, shot in the air, shot past.

In the spot, there are countless giant pits.

Just at this time.

Suddenly, in the evil spirit, a loud roar was heard.

Like a big net, almost obscuring the evil spirits of the half of the sky, actually began to become smaller and smaller.

However, the effort of counting interest.

The evil spirits have already revealed half of the body.

The night cleared up and progressed, and flew up, and squatted on the body of the eye.


The spirit of the eye fell to the ground and squatted on the ground.

Even with the shackles, they also fell to the ground.

Hey feet, stepping on the eye of the eye.

Open mouth, biting the neck of the eye.

Endless evil, swaying between the sharp fangs.

At this time, the spirit of the eye, how can there be time to deal with the night clear?

It roared, and quickly released the evil spirits in the body, and began to wrap around.

Under the entanglement of evil spirits.

The huge body, like the teeth and the meat grinder, is directly fragmented.

However, the only thing that bites the spirit of the eye, is still biting the eye of the eye.

This scene suddenly made Qinglong fangs glared: "The night is clear! What do you want to do?! Are you letting your nephew die?!"

In the pet space, Qinglong is moving.

Crazy want to rush out of the pet space.

Other war pets can't be persuaded at all.

At this time, the night clearing is also a double-eye lock, and I don’t look at it for a moment.

The moment when the cockroach was torn apart.

Her pupils are enlarged and the five fingers are deeply embedded in the flesh.

The eyes are a little red.

However, she did not come forward immediately.

Instead, the figure is quiet and goes behind the spirit of the eye.

Just when Qinglong roared crazy.

Seeing the horizon, it was split, like a cockroach that was stirred into a minced meat by a meat grinder, and even a little bit, began to gather.

One after another, clenching the head of the eye.

But when.

玺玦 Formed again.

This time, the body shape of the cockroach has obviously changed greatly.

Sharp fangs have also become more acute.

The madness of the spirit of the eye is a few screams.

The bird trembled fiercely and actually wanted to escape.

But it was smashed and a paw was pressed on the ground.

玺玦 quickly swallowed all the evils released by the spirit of the eye.

It is like consuming the darkness.

at the same time.

The night is clear and close to the back of the eye.

The vastness of the atmosphere, gathered above the fan.

The night was clear and the body was moving.

Straight to the tip of the eye of the eye, straight down!

Xuanli surged.


The tail of the spirit of the eye is directly cut off.

During the time, a burst of "rumbling" came.

The ground vibrates and collapses in all directions!

The tip of the eye of the eye, at the moment of the break.

The body also began to split and turned into a black ball of light...


[Two chapters today! The remaining two chapters will be seen at night, and there will be more replacements today! 】

PS: Do you still remember our little plug? Shang Xuan College will write a small hhhh to use it.

Thanks for the reward of (Little Xiaoran)~

(End of this chapter)

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