Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3472: Breaking (3)

Chapter 3472, Breaking (3)

The night clearing still did not face the green dragon.

Instead, he bent down slightly and stroked his head: "Hey, do you want to go back to space, or fight with me?"

I have almost no hesitation, and the leopard is firm: "I want to fight with my master! This is the first battle after I evolved, I want to fight to the end!"

At night, he smiled and licked his head.

Then I was in my heart, and said to Qinglong: "Have you heard it? This is the answer."

"It is still small and can't resist the soul-seeking method!" In the face of his own son, Qinglong is proud and worried.

Night clearing just smiled and said: "You said that you will follow the current hopes. I can make you become stronger and stronger. When it is willing to take the initiative, you have chosen me. Believe me, isn't it?"

Qinglong didn't talk anymore.

Turned over at night and jumped over the back of the donkey.

Slowly lean down and lean toward the sly ear, whispering: "Hey, remember the previous training at Shang Xuan College, that training?"

I licked the leopard: "The owner said..."


At night, the eyes are stained with a cold smile: "You pay attention to it. As long as you succeed, the Soul Blast can be cracked."

He will be the boss of the leopard, and it is very shocking to say what the night has to say.

However, as a war pet.

He is unconditionally obeying every order of the night.

It also did not ask the reason: "I will try my best to help the owner!"

The night cleared and patted it.

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Lost the majesty of the dragon.

The spirit of the eye immediately reacted, and once again roared and chased the past in the direction of clearing the night.

The night fell half a volt on the back.

Yu Guang kept looking behind him, approaching the spirit of the eye.

Then he manipulated the shackles, avoiding the offensive of the spirit of the eye with various strange steps.

Until the distance of the emperor Xuan Xuan is about 50 meters away.

It was only after the night cleared that the dragonfly stopped.

Immediately, the body swayed and rolled over from the back.

The fan of the palm of your hand rotates quickly in the palm of your hand.

Tightly, when the spirit of the eye again waved the black wings and rushed.

The night fell like a cannonball and rushed forward!


Her fan-shaped fan, like a rotating hot wheel, cuts into a few segments of the eye.

When approaching the spirit of the eye.

The night fell and lifted a foot directly, squatting on the obese body of the eye.

The spirit of the eye snarled and slammed back and rolled a few laps in midair.

The body was cleared by the night, and the wounds that were drawn out made the whole shape seem to be pitted.


The eye of the eye snarled a few times, and opened his mouth to the night, and the teeth of the claws turned over.

The wounds in the body once again produced a strong evil.

The nets woven with evil spirits in all directions have also expanded more and more.

The night was clear, and the corner of the mouth raised the coldness of the arc.

"Oh, it’s up to you!"

Just in this dense net, when the night fell.

At night, the body fell back and slammed back.

Followed by, it was a big mouth, rushing to the sin of the rich evil.

But it’s time.

The huge body of the cockroach is devastated by the rich evil spirits!


Pet space, some riots.

Qinglong wants to break through the space!

(End of this chapter)

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