Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3466: Untie the power in the archive

Chapter 3466 Untie the Power of Sealing

She is a normal person, and in the Soul Boundary, the body can't bear it.

What's more, Axuan of the spiritual state?

If not...

A Xuan can completely solve the spirit of the eye.

Emperor Xu Xuan looked at the girl in her arms, and her eyes were stained with a wet appearance, and she was about to calm down.

It was the girl’s finger that resisted the lips: “Don’t talk, I don’t want to hear your explanation.”

Emperor Xu Xuan sighed helplessly, but did not speak again.

The night cleared the Emperor Xu Xuan: "A Xuan, you must leave the Soul Mask."

The hand at the waist is tight: "Do you think, may I leave?"

"But if you stay here, you will only make your soul consume more!" The night is clear and tight, "A Xuan, if you have something wrong, what do you want me to do?!"

"I'm fine." Emperor Xu Xuan's fingers clasped her jaw.

He bowed his head, and the man's hot breath sprayed on her face.

The burning peach blossoms, staring deep into her eyes, word by word, firmly said: "Small, I can't leave at this time."

At night, the eyebrows tightened the eyebrows, but they knew that it was impossible for them to persuade the Emperor.

Looking at the man's paler complexion, and then looking at the soul of the formation that is about to form, suddenly, the heart flashed a thought: "A Xuan, untie the seal that was sealed in my body and suppress my mysterious power!"

Before, when fighting the dark palace.

She almost broke through, and contracted Xuanwu, sharing the energy of both sides, and once again breaking through.

However, it was sealed by Emperor Xu Xuan.

Her current strength is not an opponent of the spirit of the eye.

"No." Di Mo Xuan thought not to refuse, "This is too dangerous!"

"You are also very dangerous!" The night fell and clenched his fists. "A Xuan, you should believe in my willpower. I can withstand the power of double artifacts. These are my own strengths. I can afford them." I can live!"

He did not answer, but he was close to the thin lips and his eyebrows huddled together.


At the horizon, the hurricane began to rise.

The last two **** of light surround the species resembling dragons and dragons.

"Booming -"

The evil spirits continue to spread, and the earth moves like a mountain, as if it collapsed at any time.

The species resembling dragons and dragons is over the dark sky.

"It's too late! A Xuan, we don't have time to think about it!" The night cleared and looked at Emperor Xu Xuan.

Emperor Xu Xuan still did not speak.

I want to continue to persuade at night.

The voice of the old man interrupted her: "Is the emperor kid, how can you even be stupid? The body of Shantou now, even if there is a fixed heart to suppress Xuan Xinyu, it is indeed unable to bear the power of Yin Xuan, otherwise It is easy to be countered by Shen Huang Xuan Xinyu, and the old man is very clear."

He paused and said: "But you can use your mystery to transfer to her body and protect her heart!"

The emperor Xu Xuan heard the words, showing a hesitant look.

However, I have not waited for the emperor to talk.

The night clears the face and asks: "If A Xuan transmits power to my body, what effect will it have on him?"

"This..." The old man said, apparently did not think about this problem.

The night cleared and clenched the big palm of Emperor Xu Xuan, and he was intertwined with his fingers: "The damage caused by the soul-seeking method to A Xuan’s spirit is already big enough. If you transfer the power to me, how can he support it? Got it?"

"In addition to this, there is no other way." The old man sighed. "Shantou, with the strength of the emperor, just transmitting the power to protect your heart, there will be nothing."

(End of this chapter)

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