Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3465: Too much loss

Chapter 3465 is too large

It was almost instinctive to clear the night, throwing down the rain, and the figure quickly turned back.

Just moved.

Her delicate body smashed into a broad embrace.

Waist, surrounded by the man's arm, tightly.

"It's okay?" The voice of Emperor Mo Xuan's gentle worries sounded in his ear.

The heart of a man jumps very fast.

She is attached to his chest and can feel very clear.

He is worried about her...

It will be so nervous...

The night fell and shook his head: "You remind me in time, I am fine."

She is fine.


Joe Yu, who was only thrown by her, was not so lucky.

The species that resembles dragons and dragons, after losing the goal of clearing the night, stunned and stunned, and has already cleared the night to protect the Emperor.

It retreats, and Zhang mouth will engulf Joe Yu in the evil.


The screams came from the spread of the writing.

But in a flash, Joe Yu's voice suddenly stopped.

The night cleared up and looked awkward: "Joe rain licks her... is this dead?!"

Because there is no use value, it has become the food of the spirit of the eye?


Because, what did Joe Yuxi say and can't let her know?

That is, Joe Yuxi heard the words of those black robes?

What soul?

Her soul?

Those people, set the soul squad, for her soul?

"Be careful, the media will be integrated soon, and the spirit of the eye will soon wake up." Di Mo Xuan tightened her waist, a low voice reminder.

The night fell to the sky, it was clearly formed, and a few black light **** were lost, and the spirit of the eye that could be completely awakened, subconsciously tightened the sleeves of Emperor Xu Xuan.

Do not……

I always feel that it is not that simple.

"If the spirit of the eye is awakened, we will all be trapped..." The night falls and the face is dignified. "A Xuan, and... four black **** of light. Before the integration of the four **** of light, we have to think about it. Method."

"Yeah." Emperor Xu Xuan should have a voice.

The sound is very light and there is no extra emotion.

But the night is clear, but it is keenly aware of what.

She looked up slyly, her eyes fixed on the face of Di Mo Xuan: "A Xuan, are you not feeling uncomfortable?!"

Not an illusion!

A Xuan ring around her body, still warm, a feeling of peace of mind.

However, his heart is jumping faster and faster!

Even breathing is different from usual!

Just, just spit out a word.

It’s clear at night, that word, some slight shaking!

The heart of the night clearing, slammed a bit: "A Xuan, if you are not comfortable, don't be stubborn! Here is the soul-seeking method, the damage to your spirit is too great!"

Emperor Mo Xuan tightened his arms and pressed her head into his arms. His voice was low and sexy: "You think more, I am fine."

However, his hand has not been used yet.

But it was suddenly held down by the girl.

Immediately, the little girl's head was drilled from his chest.

As soon as he looked up, he saw the pale face of the man.

"It seems that the emperor in the spirit state... In the soul-seeking method, it is still somewhat difficult." The old man sighed helplessly. "If the old man did not practice the entity, the old man now wants to rush out to help." you guys……"

This soul-birding method.

Not only restrained the Emperor Xu Xuan.

The old man will also be restrained.

At night, I looked at the ugly Emperor Xuan, and my eyes were red.

She clutched the collar of Emperor Xu Xuan tightly and stared at him with red eyes: "You fool!"


A little bit of calvin.

I am afraid that some babies will misunderstand, specifically explain one sentence: Emperor is now a spiritual state, the popular point is the soul, and he consumes most of the time when the soul goes out through the dragon ring to find the little ones. power.

Now in the Soul Eater method, the Soul Eater method will **** the soul, like the spirit of the Emperor, it is more susceptible! But this does not mean that the strength of the emperor is weak!

This is equivalent to an indestructible ice, thrown into the fire, and then indestructible, and eventually will be melted by the fire.

(End of this chapter)

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