Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3392: Make a bet, dare you?

Chapter 3392, bet on a gamble, dare you?

"When did the city owner say that he would interfere with the auction meeting?!" Lu Chengzhu retorted.

At night, raise your eyebrows: "Oh? That is to say, the city owner will definitely not secretly start the Jubao trading line?"

"The city owner is not so bad!" Lucheng master iron face.

The night cleared the smile and magnified: "That's good. Since the city owner is in front of the innocent city people, make this promise. I also hope that the city owner can abide by the promise, not because of the private feelings. Things."

Lucheng’s main fists were all held up.

The smile on the face is very stiff.

This monk, in the words, all kinds of pits for him.

The night cleared the words, it was made to tie him together with the Jubao trading line.

If there is a little accident in the Jubao trading house.

Whether it is his handwriting.

I am afraid that this account is counted on his city owner.

So come...

In order to maintain the majesty and integrity of the city.

Not only can he not secretly work on Jubao.

You have to try your best to protect the treasure, and not let others do it!

The more I think, the faster the heart of Lucheng’s Lord will jump.

I am afraid... now even Joe Yu, I will not trust him again!

This move is really high!

Cut off all his retreats directly!

The eyes of Lucheng’s eyes were hazy and flashing.

But on the face, it is still a smile that is forcibly maintained: "This is natural. As long as the Jubao Trading Bank follows the rules of the auction conference and prepares the auction auction object, the Jubao Trading Bank will certainly not have other things happening."

The night shrugged: "Who knows? After all, five years ago, there were some bad things..."

When she meant something, some of the people present were a little ugly.

He also looked up suddenly and became stiff.

The night cleared the line of sight like a torch, crossed the crowd, and stared straight at the big master of Zhongcheng Trading.

Smile, bloom on the lips: "For the history of five years ago, we will not repeat it again... I also hope that the city owners can strengthen the guards of various trading houses, so as not to let the minds of the trading lines, secretly hands and feet... and finally insult the city owner The name of the prestige."

The face of the big master is so pale.

"What do you mean by your words?" Joe Yu can't bear it, and screams.

The night is clear and the smile is unchanged: "The mysterious girl should be clear."

"You are so confident, Jubao Trading Bank can win the best honor at this auction meeting?!" Joe Yu squatted at her.

The night cleared and smiled and nodded: "This is nature."

"It seems that the girl is really confident." Qiao Yuqiu slightly showed his cold eyes and swayed. "According to the girl's meaning, if the Jubao trading bank can't get the best honor, then someone will secretly do it. Is Lucheng’s mind small and can’t accommodate the treasure trading line?”

The night is clear and nodded: "More precisely, if Jubao can't get the best honor, I don't just doubt Lucheng, and your innocent city."

"You!" Joe Yu's eyes wide open, "shameless!"

At night, I smiled and shook my head: "I am confident."

"Okay! Very good!" Qiao Yuqi took a deep breath, gnashing his teeth and glaring at night. "Since you are so confident, let the palace be awkward, where is your confident capital?"

She raised her hand and pointed to the night and cleared: "We have a bet, dare not?"

“Can gambling treasures win the honor of the best trading house?” The night raised his eyebrows. “Well, I accept.”

(End of this chapter)

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