Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3391: Blocking his back

Chapter 3391 blocks his back road

Lucheng master is full of cold sweat.

Qiao Yuqi was completely clearing the night, when he made his own nemesis.

For everything related to the night.

Joe Yu Yu did not look good.

In particular, it is about to close down, and dare to stand up, in front of the innocent city people, hit her face of the treasure trading line.

Qiao Yuxi is eager to stop the Jubao trading house at this auction meeting.

He actually regained his face in order to clear the body at night.

Against the meaning of Joe Yu.

Still want to help the Jubao trading bank?

Isn't this also playing Joe Yu's face?

His back was cold, and he was condensed on the face. He straightened his waist and said: "The starting point of the city's master is just to maintain peace in the innocent city."

He paused, and he was righteous and cold-hearted: "Since the girl does not look at the city, the city owner can't satisfy the girl's appetite, and the city owner does not force it."

“The city owner has a self-knowledge.” The night cleared and laughed. “People who have self-knowledge are usually not as fast as they die.”

Lucheng’s face was extremely ugly, glaring at the night.

And Qiao Yuqi, also looked up slyly, with a pair of blind eyes watching the night clear, chest violent ups and downs.

These words were what she said before she deliberately humiliated the night.

Night clearing now take these words, back to the Lucheng master!

Obviously it is provoking her!

"Since things are stopped, then... can you give way now?" The night fell and raised his eyebrows, asking like a smile.

The Lucheng master looked at Qiao Yuyu.

Qiao Yu’s eyes were stunned and his body was full of anger.

The Lucheng Lord naturally did not dare to speak and asked her what she meant.

Silent for a moment, the night lifted up the wrist, slender fingers, caressing the chin, bending between the charming, with infinite irony: "What? I have seen the face of Joe, do not care about you I have been entangled in me before, what you call apologize, apologize, smile, enmity, etc... I don't need it."

When she got here, she paused for a moment.

Sight, settled on the landlord.

The deep meaning of the fundus is even more ridiculous.

"So, let the mysterious woman give way, I have to go to the Jubao trading house and trade with the boss."

This is obviously the ridicule of the Lucheng Lord, the master of a city, what can not do the Lord.

I have to go to see Joe Yu's face.

Just took a photo.

The night clearing has already profoundly understood the character of Lucheng.

The heart is arrogant, but timid and afraid.

I am afraid that I have offended the innocent city mysterious woman, and the position of the city owner is not stable.

But at the same time, he also hates Joe’s disrespect for himself.

Night clearing is just a simple hint.

The Lucheng master is already in his mind, and his brain has made a big bunch.

The dissatisfaction with Joe Yu’s heart is even worse.

At night, I just want to say... I put myself in a slavish position at the beginning.

In the face of Joe Yu.

He is inferior.

It’s no wonder that Joe Yu will not put him in his eyes.

Lu Chengzhu’s face was black: “You are so sure, you and the Jubao trading bank, after the cooperation, can really help the Jubao trading bank?”

The night cleared the hoe: "So to say... The city owner is going to secretly deal with the Jubao trading house at the auction meeting?"

She rubbed her eyes and rolled her long eyelashes, such as the butterfly wing.

The singularity of the girl’s hooks is more and more clear and clear.

"Oh, I didn't expect the city owner to be so small, and the city owner couldn't accommodate a trade bank that was going to close down..."


In fact, Moye wants to let the emperor reappear in the movie-free city, but I feel that it will be played by you!

Thanks for the reward of (Cold Prison) and (Fengqi)

(End of this chapter)

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