Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3388: I am very reluctant

Chapter 3388 I am very reluctant

Yu Yuwen does not speak well.

An opening, let Qiao Yuxi vent all the anger to Joe Yuxi: "What do you do with this palace, how do you know what to do in this palace! If you are not talking nonsense in front of this palace, this palace will not be so Shame!"

Said, Qiao Yuqi raised his hand, a slap in the face of Yu Yuwen.

Qiao Yuqi’s slap in the face of resentment naturally did not work.

This slaps down.

Yu Xiaowen's half face was red and swollen.

The petite body was smashed and fell to the ground.

"Rain Princess!" Joe's family saw it, his face changed, and he sipped the name of Joe Yu.

His brow was locked and he was extremely dissatisfied with Joe Yu's move.

However, Lucheng master seems to have found the best excuse, hurriedly stepped forward, blocked in front of Qiao Yu, and smiled at the night: "Girl, you also heard, all this is Miss Yu San In the middle of the provocation! After the rainy princess left home, she returned to the innocent city, so she was easily deceived by Miss Yu San."

Lu Chengzhu did not hesitate to push Yu Yuwen out,

In this innocent city.

No one can resist the honor of the mysterious woman.

I am sure that Yu will not be willing to give up. For a three-mother, she offended the mysterious woman and offended the Lu family.

Luchengzhu: "The city owner will definitely teach Miss Yu San to warn the innocent city people, not to talk nonsense and filthy others."

Looking at him in the clear night, still did not speak.

The Lucheng Lord, who did not get a response, was used to the coldness of the night, and he continued to say: "Don't stand here."

Then, Zhao Qiao's family recruited beckoning: "Joe brother, let the rain princess take the girl back to Qiao's home, good health and grooming, we will go to the banquet together."

Joe’s family did not move.

The scene was once embarrassing.

Lucheng’s self-directed self-acting self-destruction, no one responded to the sentence.

At the end of the day, it stopped the mouth, and the cockroaches did not open again.

The entire trading house door.

Silent and silent.

Only Yu Xiaowen’s low cry, and hoarse pleading for help and help.

for a long time.

The scene was once awkward.

The girl with her hands on her chest and her face was calm and finally had a reaction.

Her narrow and long-lasting charm, a faint gaze to the Lucheng master: "When did I promise, what kind of banquet should I have with you?"

The smile on Lucheng’s face suddenly became stagnant.

The night was overturned, and the face of the earth was stained, and it was not difficult to see the ridiculous expression on her face.

"Was the mysterious woman first returned to the innocent city, it has nothing to do with me, don't tie me to her, play something that laughs and enemies."

"Everyone can see that I and her are both looking at each other."

"Don't say anything, I am in the city of Wudi, it is a part of the city. There is such a mysterious, narrow-minded mysterious woman, as the guardian of the innocent city, I can not rest assured."

"Indeed, in the case that I don't know, I will start to attack her."

"I am very sorry."

The night cleared a word and said a word.

The scorn of the fundus and the sarcasm of the tone are obvious.

"Finally -" the night clears and raises the syllable. "If you want to catch up with the relationship of the Hell House, then you will find a way to fight for it."

Still want to use her to climb the line of Hell House?


Also invited them to participate in the banquet for the mysterious girl?

Nor is it afraid that the madman of Hell’s House will start the madness and open the Holocaust mode directly at the banquet.

He cried without a place to cry!

(End of this chapter)

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