Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3387: Summation?

Chapter 3387 Sum?

"Little girl, I didn't expect you to be a guest of Hell's House." Joe's family looked at the clear eyes of the night, some complicated.

He looked at Qiao Yanyan again.

After seeing that Qiao Yanyan was equally shocked, he did not know what to look like.

I also know that his son, I don’t know, the relationship between the night and the hell.

He sighed.

It should have been discovered that this feminine temperament is different from ordinary people.

It should be thought that she is different from ordinary people.


Looking at my son, it’s rare to be a girl, so maintenance...

the other side.

Suddenly the changes in the eyes, but also the night of the fall, straight into the direction of the black robe.

She is half charming.

The eyelashes are also slightly shaking.

How can the people of Hell House be here?

Also for her, and Joe Yu started to move?

To know……

Previously, because of the evil tyrants of the Hell House, the use of the Dark Palace led to disputes between the two sides.

Then she followed A Xuan to the Hell House, and when she was looking for someone to settle accounts, she went to the Hell House and turned upside down.

Also killed a few people in the Hell House.

After seeing her, the people in Hell House can’t hate to die?

Although I look at the face of A Xuan.

The people in Hell House may not dare to do anything to her.

But, definitely will not help her?

The night clearing said that the face was awesome.

However, no matter what the night is, it’s not too hard.

All in all, after the people in the Hell House showed their position,

The eyes of all eyes were removed from her body.

Even Lu Chengzhu and Joe Yu, a few people, took a hint of jealousy when they looked at the night.

The Qiao family owner did not speak when he saw the night and did not respond to him.

He continued: "The little girl, looking at the face of Yan Yan, today's business, stop here, how?"

After that, he blinked his eyes.

"Father..." Joe Yu opened his mouth and wanted to speak.

Only when he shouted two words, he was forced to go back by the sharp eyes of Joe’s family.

Qiao Yanyan's face finally changed a little.

He greeted the owner of Joe and looked at his family.

I can't tell what emotions are on the surface.

Joe’s family frowned.

Decisively gave up the idea of ​​letting his son, and also helping to persuade the night to clear.

On the side of the Lucheng Lord, after seeing the voice of Joe’s family, the night’s clearing did not show the meaning of rebuttal, and the black robe did not respond.

As the master of a city, nature is not far behind.

"Yes, yes, girl, today is the day when Yu Yu princess returns to Wuxi City, and it is also the big day of the innocent city.

Since the girl is already in the innocent city, she is also a part of the innocent city.

The predecessors of the Hell House also rarely appeared once, this is the joy of hi, the previous unpleasant, just take it. ”

The night was clear and the words were long and narrow, and the eyes were slightly raised.

Seeing her move, Lucheng thought that the night was cleared because of his words, and was said to have moved.

Immediately smiled and opened: "In order to welcome the Princess of the Rain to return to the city, the city owner and the Joe family specially prepared a banquet. The city's owner sincerely invited the girl to go with the predecessors of the Hell House. Any misunderstanding, the wine table will be solved."

Lucheng master laughed and looked succinct.

Joe’s family was complex, his lips moved, and he finally said nothing.

Joe Rain, who listened to all of this, was extremely bad.

The shadows of the haze are faintly hidden.

"Yu Yu sister..." Yu Yuwen anxiously bite the lower lip, the face is full of unwillingness, "How can it be the **** behind the monk! What should I do!"


[Today's first chapter, the slower you write, the more you write the chapter in an hour, or go to sleep first, and climb up in the afternoon to continue typing.]

Thanks (Chuanghua), my family's lord 10,000 book coins are rewarded~

Also owe a more chapter to provoke, take a small book to remember ~ what?

(End of this chapter)

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