Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3256: Old knowledge?

Chapter 3256 Old knowledge?

At the edge of the cemetery.

An invisible force is projected.

The golden light is shining.

Then I saw a few figures, looming.

Then, those figures are near!

Walking in the forefront is a teenager in white.

Followed by it, it is a ghost of cold face.

The white boy was extremely fast, and rushed to the front of the night.

But the evil eyes of Danfeng are the glasses of the cat who looked at the night and the sorrowful smile: "Little wild cat, who bullied you, Xiaoye revenge for you~"

The glass cat was white and Zou Mo glanced, and immediately slammed into the ghost king: "It is that ugly, hurting my sister! Emperor Zun brother is gone! You taught the ugly eight strange blame for your sister!"

Zou Moxiao bent his eyebrows: "The little man helped you to teach the ugly words... How does the little wild cat plan to reward Xiaoye?"

The glass cat is very big, and the dragonfly is cute, then the cheeks are red: "How can you be in front of your sister... cats, cats and cats ignore you!"

Obviously, what rewards this is definitely not an ordinary reward!

Moreover, it seems that this kind of reward often happens!

The night fell and looked down, looking at the gray-haired glass cat in his arms, could not help but smile.

It seems that she is not in the days around the cat.

This is a pair of lovers, living a life of dog food every day...

Zou Mo is obviously very comfortable with the cats.

See the glass cat red cheeks.

He hooked his lips and smiled more and more evilly: "Little wild cat, Xiaoye did not say what reward, you are not... want to marry?"

"You!" The glass cat was furious and snarled. He got out of the night and fell into his arms. He picked up his fist and swung it toward Zou Mo’s face.

Zou Mo raised his hand, and the big palm reversed the small hand of the glass cat.

Immediately, a little effort.

The glass cat is in the arms.

The glass cat slammed hard, but there was no struggle.


Zou Mo went to the night and delivered a very beautiful look.

Night clear: "..." dare, ink is to regard her as a rival?

Good cut...

She is indeed like a bad enemy.


Two, what is the dog food, can you wait until the crisis is lifted?

Now the style of painting is obviously not right!

The glass cat also realized that the location was wrong.

After returning to God, he slammed into Zou Mo’s chest again: “Hurry up and teach the ugly monster who bullied his sister!”

Zou Mo did not let go, and the curved Danfeng eyes turned into a meaningful light.

He chuckled: "Don't worry, don't use the little man to do it, someone will deal with him."

The night fell and the words were picked up.

The meaning of ink less is...

Ghosts will deal with Ghost King?

Her gaze, from the two people who sprinkled the dog food, moved to the ghost.

This was discovered.

Consistently calm and indifferent, eating the ancient Wu, and looking down on the ghosts of the half-divided, at this time, staring at the ghost king.

That young face.

There is a silence and majesty that is completely inconsistent with his face.

However, the sight of the ghost king is also fixed on the ghost.

The haze is gloomy.

The expression is awe-inspiring, as if it is an enemy.

Anyone can see it.

These two people...

Definitely acquainted!

as expected.

Just as the two men stared at each other about the scent of Jomon.

I heard the two people in unison.

"Ghost... Wu?!

"Ghost King."

They shouted each other's names.

However, the tone is completely different.

The ghost king took the lead in reacting, and the horrible eyes were horrible: "It turned out to be you! Except you, this lower bound, no one can destroy my magical land."


[In order to add to play for himself, Mo Ye is also quite a fight! 】

(End of this chapter)

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