Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3255: They... are coming?

Chapter 3255, are they... come?

The night is clear, I don’t know what the golden light is just a flash.

Ghost King and the Dark Palace Lord know!

This golden light can be represented -

This land of illusion has been broken!

Together with the suppression of the spirit of the night, they all broke open!

The ghost king brows tightly into a ball.

how is this possible?

How can this be? !

This inferior lower bound, how could someone be able to break through the place where he changed? !

It is also because of this shock.

Let the crack of the dark array that has been gradually opened, once again closed.

The next moment...

The truth that made the ghost king unable to believe, appeared in front of his eyes.

I saw the edge of the cemetery.

I don't know where I got a slim black figure.

Directly toward the direction of the night clearing.

The petite and slender shadow is like a cat.

In the night, the dagger with the fan fan fan handle slipped out in the hand, and a hostage was held.

I saw the figure that was thrown over.

She did not hesitate even hesitated.

Directly opened the hostage, gathered the fan fan.

With open arms, he just took the figure into his arms.


A sweet little voice, with a cat-like tone.

The girl who was in the arms of the night, put her head in her arms and slammed it.

The two black ears on the head also came out.

The black tail is shaking with excitement.

The night fell to the person holding her arms, gently rubbing her little head.


It’s a cat coming.


Can break this illusion, destroy the array that suppresses her spiritual power.

It should not be done by a glass cat.

Where there is a glass cat, there must be Zou Mo.

Where there is Zou Mo, there must be ghosts.

So... is it a ghost?

"You...you are..." The ghost king looked at the sudden and pleasant person.

When the line of sight is fixed, the ear on the head of the glass cat, with the tail that is excited to shake.

His look changed: "The Orc?? Nirvana, how could there be an orc!"

"Is it you, the cat's favorite sister is locked in this ghost place, bullying my sister?!"

The glass cat who heard the sound, slammed his head from the night, and screamed at the ghost king.

Swollen hair.

Also revealed sharp teeth.

Ghost King stared at the teeth of the glass cat, then looked at the hands of the glass cat, the cat claws of the illusion.

He was shocked: "How do you go to the lower world of an orc beast?!"

"I want you to control!" The sensitive nose of the glass cat smelled the **** smell of the night, and when it was timed, it became like a whirlpool, deep and dark.

Her sweet voice, inexplicably reveals a bit of chill: "You dare to hurt the cat's sister, the cat wants you to pay for it!"

When the words fell, she suddenly turned to the other side of the cemetery, Yang said: "Zou Mo! Bring the cat out!"

The look of the ghost king has become more and more haze.

He felt it...

Break into the place where he has changed.

Not just an orc beast...

There are others!

And, the number is very large!

Magnificent...not at all like the niche of nirvana, the momentum that can be possessed!

"Wad, bad..."

The "hostage" who was thrown away, after hearing the call of the glass cat, the tone became flustered: "It is them, they are coming! The helpers of the night are coming!"

"Helper?" Ghost King tightened his brow. "What helper? What is going on?"

The Lord of the Dark Palace did not answer him.

There is no need to answer any more.

Because the answer is very fast... it has appeared.


[Routine ticket purchase~]

Thanks (family scum), (face familiar baby) rewards ~ what?

Baby, remember to give more comments to the ink queen chapter~ There are also messages 然后~ Then, Moye participated in the live cloud posts, and the April Fool's Day small theater, a lot of praise + reply ~ than heart ~

(End of this chapter)

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