Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3235: Talking about cooperation, how?

Chapter 3235 talk about cooperation, how?

"You are the Lord of the Dark Palace, but the one who really wants me is definitely not you."

The night cleared and continued to smile: "I have been playing with the Dark Palace for so long, and I understand it for the Dark Palace. If you have not answered the questions I have speculated before, I may not think about it in this regard... ”

"Because, the one who really wants me to have this body and wants the gods and hearts of the gods... I will not answer these questions and will not say more to me."

"Because, that person is very clear, once I say more, it will easily lead me to doubt... Once I have doubts... your purpose and plan are very likely... will fail."

She chuckled, deep in the fascination, and the chill filled the air.

"I don't think that you have painstakingly separated Axuan from me, just to discuss with me and have things about me."

The Dark Palace has long been a nonsense.

The eyes under the black cloak also floated on the ice.

He also smiled: "It's a night girl... It's no wonder that the dark forces will be defeated in your hands, so many secret soldiers in the dark palace, but you can't help you."

He slowly stepped forward.

Going to the night and falling past.

The yin of the cemetery is chilling.

He walked between.

Covering the blackness of the body, with the floating.

It seems that he is awkward.

There is no hiding in the night.

Until he walked to his own face.

When the night fell, he slowly raised his head and looked at him.

The complexion is not shocking, and the fundus is still as static as water.

He reached out and tried to touch the face that fell at night.

The girl who has been standing still, slightly overdos it: "Speak to speak, don't move hands, I am a married woman."

I don't know if she is the word, which word stabbed him.

The fingers of the dark lord palace, slamming hard, forcedly seized her chin.

Under the cloak, he could barely feel his gaze.

"The night is clear, the palace admits that you are very smart, but ... you are afraid to forget, even if there are people behind this palace, but this palace is indeed the palace of the dark palace."

He is approaching.

Separated by a cloak.

Breathing was sprinkled on the face of the night.

The strange male scent makes the night clear and close the eyebrows.

She did not adapt to the back.

The chin was caught by his hand and was dead.

"You...after all, belong to this palace..."

His hoarse and sharp voice, with a hint of madness.

The heart that cleared the night, trembled.

How do you listen to this... a little weird feeling?

This dark palace, shouldn't it really be interesting to her?

She raised her hand and tried to open his hand.

However, he slammed his hand and even stepped back a few steps.

Pulled away the distance from the night.

The hand that had been slamming the night to clear the chin was pressed to the head.

"The meaning of this palace is that you... belong to the palace... container!" His voice, some breathless, seems to be suppressing something.

Looking at his state.

It’s a polite smile at night.

She raised her lips and smiled evilly: "It seems that you are only subject to people..."

Once his behavior exceeds the behavior of being the Lord of the Dark Palace.

The real behind-the-scenes person.

The curse on him will promptly curb his behavior...

"That is to say, you can't trust that person." The night fell and raised his eyebrows and discussed. "It's better. Let's talk about cooperation. You get A Xuan back, we help you... from the dark palace." Control, how?"

(End of this chapter)

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