Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3234: In fact, there are others.

Chapter 3234, in fact, there are others.

The night clears the eyelashes and trembles, the blood color is deep and the waves are flowing.

But her look is still calm and indifferent.

Slowly, I picked up a long and narrow fascination, licking my lips, like laughing and laughing: "I also think that I have to be identified."

I learned that I was not the night daughter, Miss Seven, the night daughter’s biological daughter.

She knew that her own life is not ordinary.

After all, how can a person's body, the body of an ordinary person, be held by a mysterious person?


Before the death of his mother, the Xuanyan Tianshu map left behind.

That map... mysterious and complicated.

Liandi Mo Xuan came to the upper three circles, and the goal of one of them is Xuan Yan Tian pivot map, you can see that the mystery of Tianshutu...

and also……

When North Midnight died to save the night Fengru.

The one left, there is something about her biological father.

That box... I have a box with powerful power.

She even opened the box that she dared not open...

Suffice to say that her parents are extraordinary.

An extraordinary parent, the daughter born.

How could it be ordinary?


Unexpectedly, the dark side of the palace, not only wants her **** phoenix, but also wants to erode her body, let her body become a cockroach...

At night, the streamer of the clear eyes, the more flashing.

She held her chest in her hands and looked at the dark palace. "It seems that you seem to know my identity. It is better to tell me how much my identity is so bullish?"

The Lord of the Dark Palace thought that after he had finished speaking.

Night clear will be shocked, will resist, will go mad.

After all, no one wants to be a jealousy.

A jealousy that will be used by others in the future.

Unexpectedly, the night's reaction will be so calm.

Calm, like not trusting him at all, capable of making her a jealousy.

Listening to the problem of the night and the wind falling.

The darkness of the dark palace is deeper, and there is a hint of mysterious deep meaning in the tone: "How about knowing your identity? It's hard... you think you still have the chance to go to the upper three realms and recover. Your identity?"

The night cleared and smiled: "It’s blunt, you know nothing about my identity."

The voice of the dark palace was awkward, and the body was stiff and did not open.

The night fell and laughed.

In the fascination, there is a bit of gloom.

A half-hearted, charming look at him, word by word, once again said what surprised him.

"The dark lord of the palace... No, more accurately, I should call you... the dark palace, the palace owner on the bright face..."

The Lord of the Dark Palace was shocked: "You... what do you mean?"

"You are not the owner of the dark palace." The night is clear and the smile is unchanged, and the tone is calm. "No, you can't say, you are not, you can only say... you are only on the surface of the dark palace, the palace owner was introduced. And behind the scenes of the dark secluded palace, there are others."

The secret lord of the palace was silent for a long while, and he said: "This palace asks itself, it is very good, how do you see it?"

His voice is still hoarse.

Night clear smile: "The momentum, the feeling between words."

"Do you think that the momentum of this palace is not enough to be the master of the dark palace?" He laughed.

At night, I raised my eyebrows: "You are very strong, and the momentum is also very good... But you are not the real secret palace."

The Dark Palace Palace: "..." Since the momentum is very strong, what is the link, what is the problem?


Forgot to tell the baby, Mo Ye participated in an activity of QQ reading.

Starting tomorrow, that is, starting from the 4.1th, you need the children to leave a message in the book review area, and interact with the ink, the ink will reply ~

In the post of the book review, I hope that I will like it and reply~

There is also QQ reading (the Great God said), the ink will be transferred to 10 book coins to ask questions once, the task request is to fill 20 big gods, the baby can come and ask questions!

Key points: It will start on April 1st!

(End of this chapter)

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