Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3227: Do you think that you can stop?

Chapter 3227, do you think that you can stop?

The night fell and the eyebrows flicked, and the line of sight quickly followed the direction of the breath.

Coincidentally, the eyes of the Lord of the Dark Palace.

That's right.

It’s the eyes.

It was shrouded in a black cloak, and it was a real eye.

It is like a black vortex, constantly violently surging.

Sharp eyes, burning and burning.

That gaze is really tight.

what happened?

Why is the dark lord of the palace to show such a look to her?

just like……

What did she do to hurt her, sorry for his business?

However, the Lord of the Dark Palace did not give her a chance to ponder.

The eyes of the Lord of the Dark Palace were once again shrouded under the cloak.

"Night... girl." The dark lord of the palace ruled the night's name, and immediately smirked. "I heard the night girl smart, and the palace would like to hear it... the night girl thinks, this palace What is the purpose?"

The night falls and the eyebrows are tighter.

The Lord of the Dark Palace continued to smile: "If you guessed it, the palace will let you go, how?"

The sight of the Lord of the Dark Palace has been fixed on the body of the night.

This gaze makes the night clear and a little uncomfortable.

This dark palace is the main...

What do you want to do?

Why... I always feel that his vision, there is always a kind of strange feeling.

Like being familiar.

Like resentment.

It’s like... It’s very uncomfortable for her behavior!

All kinds of complicated emotions make the night clear and a little wonder...

How do you feel that the dark palace owner seems to know her?

No... impossible...

If she would know this, she would be strong enough to stand in front of her.

The words of powerful people she can't perceive...

She can't possibly know!

Waist, suddenly surrounded by a strong arm.

The man pulled her and pulled it behind her.

The long, straight body was in front of her.

Also blocked the eyes of the dark lord palace.

Emperor Mo Xuan's dark peach blossoms, as if flashing cold, coldly watching the dark palace: "If the deity wants to bring the deity's wife to leave, you think, you can stop?"

The two men collided with each other.

The surrounding air seemed to condense.

Night clearing can even feel the air, with invisible air waves, constantly tumbling, revealing a strong murderous.

"The Emperor of the Emperor is really confident about himself." The Lord of the Dark Palace snorted and suddenly raised his right arm.

The night is clear and the face changes: "A Xuan..."

Emperor Mo Xuan’s arms were tightened, and a transparent barrier was blocked in front of the two.

Around, the luxurious palace turned into a black atmosphere and gradually distorted.

Gradually, it turned into an abyss like hell.

The black scent is twisted bit by bit.

Another scene has been formed.

The weeds are horizontal, and the air is floating. It is the smell of grass after the corrosion, showing a bit of gloom.

However, a strong suffocating wave turned into a hurricane and collided with the enchantment of Emperor Xu Xuan.

The night was cleared by the Emperor Mo Xuan’s arms, and opened his eyes and looked around.

This is a scene of a desolate cemetery.

I can't see the cemetery, how many years old there are.

The dull atmosphere makes people breathless.

Hao Nanren, sitting in a chair, saw this scene and scared his legs weakly: "This...what is this? You...you are not saying, would you help me with revenge? Why, why..."

Hao Nanren listened to the dialogue between the night and the dark palace.

How much is understood.

His heart was tight, and his face looked blankly at the dark palace.


[Supplement yesterday's update~ What?]

(End of this chapter)

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