Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3226: As you wish, it has appeared

Chapter 3226 appears as you wish.

The man was very tall and covered in a black robe.

It is the standard mysterious man equipment.

Covering his face, he couldn't see the man's face at all.

Especially... the rich black air shrouded in the body, like a spider web, densely spread, and it seems to open a huge blood basin, which makes the scalp numb and daunting.

The most lethargy of the night is...

Even this person appeared in front of her.

She is still the same, unable to sense the breath of this person.

The feeling of clearing the night was slightly condensed, and the delicate white fingers shook the hand of Emperor Xu Xuan subconsciously.

The man stretched his arms and put her in his arms.

The warm sandalwood atmosphere invades her whole person.

Emperor Mo Xuan gently circled the girl's delicate body, it seems that the other person scared the person on his apex.

He had a pair of sly peach blossoms, and when he was cold, he shot like a frosty bone. He looked at the man: "Dark Palace... Palace Lord?"

The man laughed softly, and the cold voice after the deliberate deformation, some infiltrated: "I am an emperor... don't come innocent."

This is also the default, the question asked by Di Mo Xuan.

Dark Palace Palace Lord?

Sure enough, is the Dark Palace Palace personally going out?

At night, the narrowness of the singularity of the night, looked at the man: "You ... lead us to the palace you have turned out, what purpose?"

"Don't you, take this waste as a bait, and lead the palace to the hook?" The dark lord of the palace smirked, the sharp scorpion, some hoarse, "This palace appears in front of you as you wish." , how... don't you feel happy?"

Hao Nanren, who was accused of waste: "..."

He has not known until now, what happened.

The night cleared the lips.

If it is according to her plan, she is a hunter, take Hao Nanren as a bait, and print the secret palace.

She is of course happy.

But now... the situation is obviously different!

She was counted in the calculations and turned into the other's prey.

Can she be happy?

The ghost knows what traps have been set in this palace, waiting for her and Di Mo Xuan to jump into the pit.

The other party knows that she is following Di Mo Xuan.

And she took Hao Nanren as a bait, and Di Mo Xuan will surely follow her.

Still dare to play this calculation.

Obviously, there is no fear of Di Mo Xuan.

For the dark lord palace, how much is clear at night.

According to the investigation before Jun light dance and Emperor Xu Xuan.

The person behind the dark sacred palace is sure to be the upper three worlds, and the person with the most honorable status.

And Di Mo Xuan, also from the upper three circles.

The Dark Palace is not afraid of the words of Emperor Mo Xuan.

Either, the Dark Palace has already had the best policy to deal with Di Mo Xuan.

Either, the identity of the Dark Palace and the Emperor Xu Xuan are equal.

So don't be afraid to be right!

This idea makes the night clear and stunned.

"Small fall." The man on the side of the body, warmly calling her name.

The low-pitched voice is like a clear spring, and her heart calms down in an instant.

The night fell to his head and looked at him.

The man’s peach blossoms are faintly flowing: “I am, don’t worry.”

The night cleared the pink lips and smiled: "Well, I believe in you."

There is A Xuan around.

All her uneasiness disappeared under his gentleness and peace of mind.

She tightened the man's strong waist.

Suddenly, the night falls and feels a touch, such as the sharp edge of the sharp knife, the feeling of cutting her skin.

(End of this chapter)

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