Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3189: Before the death, deliberately put down the smoke bomb?

Chapter 3189, before the death, deliberately put down the smoke bomb?

Life and death contract - reach!

When the mark that symbolizes the **** deed, on the head of Qinglong, it is faintly immersed.

The night was clear before the eyes fell.

In the body, there is a powerful force.

Surging, with the low dragons of Qinglong, the rolling is getting fiercer.

She can even hear that power.

In his own internal organs, he constantly slammed and beat.

Xuan Xinyu, hot heat, rapid surge.

"Your mysterious jade..."

Qinglong was slightly shocked and looked at his eyes in front of his eyes. He was absorbing the power of the two contracts.

The smile in the dragon eye is even more a bit.

Xuan Xinyu? !

The wind chime is hearing the word.

Suddenly remembered, the two black robes who met in the dark forces.

Her eyes were flashing a trace of darkness.

"Xuan Xinyu! Right! Night clear, your mysterious heart jade!" Like finally found, enough to defeat the night clearing, the wind chime madly laughed, "That can be fixed, you remember Do you think that I am really kind, will you give the heart to you? You don’t even know that the centering pearl is actually a black robes... ah!”

If she is crazy, she has not finished.

Suddenly, there was a scream.

A black gas, turned into a sharp edge, straight into the face of the wind chimes.

The wind chimes only had time to make a scream.

The entire face began to crack with the blade that was inserted into the door.

The sound of "啪" was torn apart.

The entire head was turned into pieces.

This kind of movement makes the night clear eyes open.

Her gaze, just happened to see, the dead bodies in front of them, recovered the attacking hand.

Seeing the clear eyes of the night locked them.

They looked at each other and looked at each other: "Go!"

The words of the five dead bodies are like black smoke, which is integrated into the air.

At night, the eyebrows are clear.

Not that she didn't want to chase the five dead bodies.

But she is now...

Because of the power of integration in the body, it is about to break through, there is no way to act!

"Master..." The small voice of the seven or seven worries sounded low in the ear.

At night, I took a deep breath and suppressed the burning of Xuan Xinyu.

Fang Cai, the sentence that the wind chime said, she heard it.

The centering beads obtained from the wind chimes, the centering beads that suppressed her mysterious heart, passed the examination of A Xuan and the ghost doctor.

There should be no problem.

Yes, the wind chime says...

That centering bead...has a problem?

Is it a smoke bomb that was deliberately put down before dying?

Do not……

It should be impossible!

Otherwise, the five dead bodies will not be the last to kill the wind chimes to destroy the mouth!


If there is something wrong with the heart.

She is placed in Xuan Xinyu, will it affect Xuan Xinyu?

"Centering beads?" Qinglong doubtful opening.

Tight, the night clear feeling of Xuan Xinyu, a force, slowly smoothing her instigation.

It is Qinglong.

It is exploring, her mysterious jade.

However, for a moment, Qinglong calmly said: "This bead, there is nothing else different. You are a mysterious jade, too strong, your strength is not enough to match the tone. This centering pearl just suppresses you. A mysterious jade, so as not to be countered by Xuan Xinyu, is beneficial to you."

Even Qinglong said so.

In other words, this centering bead...

There is really nothing wrong with it!

Yes, in my heart, there is always a kind of uneasy feeling...

It may be because the words that were spoken before the wind chimes dying affected her.


[Six chapters are updated~ What? Seeing that Mo Ye has been diligently updated recently, he is still replenishing his money, asking for a monthly ticket and asking for a recommended ticket~]

(End of this chapter)

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