Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3188: Of course, I am coming for you.

Chapter 3188 Of course, I am coming for you.

"I correct it."

Qinglong looked down at the wind chime with only one head left: "My wake is not related to your monsters."

Immediately, it turned the faucet to the direction of the night.

The dragon eye covered with glaucom gradually became a little smart.

It once again put the head in front of the night.

One word at a time, whispered: "My wake comes from sensing her call."

The pupil of the wind chime slammed into a rapid contraction.

And the moment that the Qinglong sound fell.

Qinglong actually went to the faucet in the face of a very pious gesture, and once again respected the opening: "You summoned me to wake up, so... are you willing to make a contract with me?"

The dragon on the high.

Always proud.

More arrogant than Chi Yan.

However, Qinglong is in front of the night, so devout.

Rao is the seven seven and the red flame, all of which have been stunned by this scene.

The night fell to the ground and met with the vision of Qinglong.

That is full of the dominance and majesty of the dragons. Even if restrained, it will converge, and it will inevitably overflow.

The heart of Qi Qi and Chi Yan was raised.

The temperament of his own dragon boss.

Still the same as before.

Even if they are facing the dragon boss, they will bear the majesty from the dragon boss!

Their owners are still only ordinary people today...

Will be scared by the dragon boss!

Seven Seven is thinking about rushing up, for the owner, to ease the atmosphere.

I saw that after the owner’s sight on Shanglong’s boss, the corner of his mouth rose, revealing a bright smile that made it rippling.

That's right.

The night fell and smiled.

Looking at the green dragon, the smile is brilliant, and the humiliation is not shocked.

She said: "Of course I am willing, the purpose of my coming here is for you."

Not humble, not arrogant.

The opening is also full of confidence.

She is arrogant, but not awkward.

She is confident but not unassuming.

Every inch of attitude, and tone, are the benefits of the pinch.

Qinglong's eye, flashing full of appreciation.

It will lead the way, close to her little palm: "Please set a **** deed with me."

Blood contract? !

The wind chimes are so loud.

Even the **** contract that the Lord did not dare to raise? !

Qinglong actually took it out!

Qinglong took the initiative to clear the knot with the night!

Actually, also proposed a blood contract? !

Qinglong was the first time to meet with the night.

Is it necessary to deliver your future to the night? !

What is the place where the night falls and attracts the Qinglong? !

In the wind bells, the conversations that were heard in the ear before being sent to the forbidden land emerged.

That is the conversation between the right and left hands of the palace owner.

One is called a secluded woman, and the other is called a chill.

Two people thought that they were a new type of dead corpse, still in the fainting of the experiment, did not wake up.

Unscrupulous dialogue.

She remembers a very clear sentence...

The woman named You Nv said: "The Qinglong's awakening, you must be careful, you can't let the night fall and the Qinglong hit, otherwise... all efforts are in vain."

From the beginning……

On the other side of the dark palace, I already guessed it.

Is there a connection between Qinglong and the night?


Why do all the good things make the night clear and monopolize? !

The wind chimes can be heard, and the cracks on your face are getting bigger and bigger.

She can't manage it anymore.

A pair of sinister eyes, staring at the direction of the night.

Just look at the night and smile, no tweaking, no shirking, stretched out his hand and placed it on Qinglong's head.

(End of this chapter)

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