Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3167: Red proud hair

Chapter 3167, Chitiao's fried hair

Its gaze, between the seven seven and the night, smashed several laps: "No wonder... this human being can be here, safe and sound."

The seven seven and seven limbs burned with flames and suspended in the air.

On the weekdays, stay cute and lovely.

At this time, the sacred beast is full of majesty.

A pair of red to the sorcerer's tiger eyes, staring coldly at it: "I haven't appeared in the Orcs for a long time. Now, can you be bullied on my master's head like you?"

"You also know that you haven't appeared for a long time." There is no half-transition in the Heavenly Beast, and there is no half-point of fear for the majesty of the Holy Beast.

It is extremely calm: "Now, it is not the age of your sacred beast. If you don't want to die with this human being, you will get out of the territory of our monsters."

"Hey! You are a monster that doesn't flow, what do you say?! Just rely on your low-level Warcraft, and also try to compare it with this holy beast?"

How can the red flame endure, the monsters disdain for their holy beasts.

Suddenly, the hair was blown, fluttering with wings, and turned into a fighting form. In the eyes of the three-eyed beast, a flame was ejected: "No matter how long the past is, the holy beast is the holy beast, the demon beast is the demon! A kind of monster that is self-sufficient and does not flow into the stream, can never surpass the holy beast!"

The power of Suzaku's fire, even now has been suppressed.

It is also enough to burn the hair of the Tongtian beast into a ball.

There was a painful mourning in the mouth of the beast.

A pair of sharp beasts, the blasphemy of the poisoned to the red flame.

The red flames exude the Suzaku open fire, a pair of red eyes, with the arrogance of its holy beast: "Small monster, really this holy beast is afraid of you not to come? Come! This holy beast will fight with you, see this holy beast How do you call you?"

"Hey!" Tongtian beast quickly rolled on the ground.

The open flame that can be burned on the body cannot be extinguished at all.

The burning sound of "Zi Zi Zi" quickly swallowed the blue hair of the Tongtian beast.

However, for a long time, I smelled the smell of barbecue in the air.

Clear at night: "..."

Chi Aojiao is really awkward...

It seems that this battle must be played.

At night, the fingertips turned and turned a fan.

Just want to release the mysterious force and open the battle mode.

A gust of wind blew.

In the sound of the leaves of the rustles, there was a faint glimpse of the sound... the extremely rhythmic, imposing footsteps.

Not only that……

Also faint, mixed with very unharmonious footsteps.

The companion of the three-eyed Heavenly Beast came over!

At night, the singularity of the singer fell slightly, and suddenly, a fine man, a glimmer.

Just in the case of Chi Yan and Qi Qi, they rushed to the Tongtian beast burned by the Suzaku, to prove the time of their sacred beast.

The night cleared and screamed: "Wait!"

Two little holy beasts, the hard-moving interception of the movement.

Brushed, turned to look at the night.

"Come back." The night cleared and waved, and again, "Red Flame, the fire is extinguished."

The red flames screamed: "Destroy? This holy beast wants to burn it, this monster that doesn't know how to be good!"

"Destroyed." The night fell slightly and frowned, adding to the tone.

Seven Seven looked at the red flame, and then he pulled down his head and stepped back to the night.

The eyes of Chi Yan are burning quickly.

But I still listened to the order of the night, and I waved my wings unwillingly, and extinguished the open flame on the heavenly beast.

It flew to the side of the branch, high up the neck, a look of the night and the gas.

The open flame was extinguished, but it still could not be saved, the hair of the heavenly beast.

It stood up from the ground, suffocating and killing.


[The first two chapters, see the rest of the night. 】

(End of this chapter)

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