Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3166: Give a "cool" to yourself

Chapter 3166, a "cool" to yourself

Seeing the night clearing hands, the eyes of the three-eyed beasts flashed coldly.

It seems to be disdainful.

It lifted its claws and went to the ground again, slamming hard.

Immediately, the neck was raised and a sharp popping sound was heard in the mouth.

Sharp fangs, in the gaps of the leafy leaves, revealing a little bit of shattered light, exuding the cold cold.

When its claws landed for a moment.

A powerful and terrifying momentum erupted.

Endless currents flow through its huge body.

With its explosion.

The trees around them were all uprooted by a powerful hurricane.


A few sounds of mysterious collision.

The wind blades released by the night clearing were all blocked by this hurricane.

Not only blocked.

The three-eye through the sky, the current of the light of the beast, with a very fast speed, overnight and clearing away.

The night is clear and flirtatious: "Oh... the beast is a monster, it is really powerful."

Her feet moved, her body was like a flame, and she was away from the attack of the Heavenly Beast.

"Hey! Hey!"

Was smothered by the night, and the claws of the heavenly beast were shaved a few times on the ground, and a low-pitched sound was heard in the mouth.

A pair of sharp beasts, flashing sharp murderous.

"Do you want to move the real thing?" The night fell to the head, narrow and charming, like a smile and a smile.

Her eyes, sweeping toward Chi Yan: "This is a hands-on, how many will be the beasts, will join the battle?"

The three-eyed heavenly beast couldn’t talk to her.

The final outcome is left, and you will die.

"Three eyes are generally a team of ten beasts." Chi Yan replied, "In the vicinity, there are at least two teams that pass the beast."

That is...

At least twenty or more.

A heavenly beast is so terrible.

If there are another twenty...

She really can't force this and continue to pretend.

"Not only the two teams, if we only join the battle, it is likely to attract more three-eyed beasts, and even other monsters..." Chi Yan looked at the night with a thoughtful look. Very kindly added a sentence.

Clear at night: "..."

A "cool" is given to yourself.

When is the variation of Warcraft so much?

The three-eye-to-day beast, this kind of anti-sky mutated World of Warcraft, actually has a large number of appearances.

Is it the rhythm of buying a team to send a team?

"So, let's raise our hands and surrender?" The night fell to see the red flame.

"Stop! This holy beast does not know how to write the two words!" Chi Yan flapped his wings and screamed. "Stupid human beings, you are the master of the holy beast, you dare to surrender the lost beast Face, this holy beast... just burned you!"

Clear at night: "..."

If you don't want to surrender, then simply give it a quick, give a way to deal with the Tongtian beast!

and also……

As a **** battle pet.

The consequences of the Lord, even the Holy Beast, can not afford it.

During the night and the conversation with Chi Yan.

The three-eyed Tongtian beast had a huge figure, and his eyes rushed to the front of the night.

The speed is fast, Rao is the night, and he is secretly amazed.

Fortunately, in the seventy-seven timely illusion of combat type, catch the night and fall to the back and throw.

Avoid the attack of the Heavenly Beast.

The huge white tiger beast, a pair of red tiger eyes, is chilling.

The Tongtian beast fluttered and emptied.

Zhang Da’s mouth, wanting to bite the night and clear it, and bite it.

After seeing the sudden white tiger.

The attack of the Heavenly Beast, a slap in the face: "The sacred beast, actually gives you a human contract."

(End of this chapter)

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