Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3160: Fatal damage to humans

Chapter 3160 is fatal to humans

The night clears the pet space.

Not only the seven seven, but also the red flame and the scorpion, all ran out of the pet space.

After the seven-seven ran out, the body of the body was white and fluttered to the weeds in front.

Four feet in the sky, revealing a white belly.

The furry tiger head is still swaying.

Body type is the size of a normal tiger.

Can seven seven seven this action in the grass...

It’s like a white cat, selling and spoiling.

The night clears that his blood tank is empty!

"call out--"

In the ear, there was a loud sound of the wings vibrating.

The night cleared the nose that was ejected with a **** face, followed the sound and looked up at the sky.

Between the branches of the branches, it is a deep blue sky.

A touch of red mans, soaring in the sky, flying fast.

Just like a free bird, let go of the sky.

I can tell.

The mood of Chi Yan is very pleasant.

Two holy beasts in this place are so happy to behave.

The sight of the night cleared and moved to the body of the cockroach.

Stretch your legs straight and kneel on the floor.

Xu is paying attention to the clear eyes of the night, it is swaying with a leopard head, squinting with brown eyes, and it is cute.

Although the performance of 玺玦 is not like that of Qi Qi and Chi Yan, the excitement completely released his own nature.

But from its relaxation, the pleasant gesture can also be seen.

It also likes this forbidden area very much.

The night fell and smiled.

Suddenly, the light flashed, and there seemed to be crystal clear, passing her eyes.

At night, I fell down halfway and leaned down to the side of the beggar, reaching out to reach it.

The sly claws climbed up on the ground and climbed the smooth head into the palm of the night.

It is close.

The night was clear and it was on its head, and I saw the talent, the glittering things.

Her palm touched a cold.

Under the black hair of the skull, a blue crystal beads are nestled in it.

When the night falls to the touch of beads.

Then I saw the beads flashing a stream of blue.

"This is..." The night cleared the black hair on the hoe, and asked in confusion.

On the skull's head, there was no such bi-colored beads before.

"That is the half soul of Xuanwu, the soul beads that have been condensed." Seven Seventh heard the voice of his master, fluttering from the ground, taking a brisk little pace, trotting to the night.

Seventy-seven feet smashed the legs of the night, and fell to the ground.

The crisp little voice continued: "The breath here is very friendly to our beasts! If it is longer here, the power of the seven seven can be awakened, even more powerful than before!"

Seventy-seven proudly raised his head, the tiger's eyes are full of pride: "Xuanwu half soul is also estimated to feel the atmosphere here, so it is specially formed into a soul bead, and also followed."

It turned out to be basaltic...

The night cleared up thoughtfully and nodded.

"It's no wonder that those stupid humans have made this place so magical." The red flame hovering in the sky, I do not know when, stood on a thick branch.

The pointed red mouth, scratching the phoenix feathers on the body.

"Oh, the breath here, for our beasts, is the best healing, the power of promotion, but for humans, it is fatal." Seventy-seven cute hairy head with furry head.

Fatal injury?

What does it mean?


[Complete the last chapter of yesterday, today, see you at night, what? 】

(End of this chapter)

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