Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3159: Special forces in the forbidden zone

Chapter 3159 Special Forces in the Forbidden Land

At this moment, the arrogance of the Dongjun monarchy dissipated.

Yes, this is the time that Mrs. Emperor said.

He looked at the night with a big worry, and wanted to persuade her, but when she saw the girl's firm femininity, the panic in her heart was calm.

At night, the lips are lightly laughing, and the magnificent pink lips are like a gorgeous rose, slowly blooming: "It is two days."

If it is not because of, it is impossible to determine the guess in my heart.

She may not use both hours.

The night fell to the entrance of the array, and then turned sideways, smiling at the Emperor Xu Xuan.

The girl is charming and radiant, and she gathers thousands of tender feelings. Every eyebrow is the soft love.

The **** raised by the girl lifted up and landed on their lips, gently printing a kiss.

Immediately, the direction of the finger is opposite to the emperor.

The girl’s cherry-like pink lips raised a enchanting smile and said one word: “Wait for me to come back.”

When the girl finished, she smiled and walked into the formation to find the one.

Obviously, everyone does not understand what the girl’s kiss is.

But it can be clearly felt.

There is a deep affection between the girl and the man wearing the mask.

How can a woman who has such a deep-eyed look, can her heart be able to accommodate others?

Everyone can't believe it.

This young girl will be the woman who speaks in the mouth of the lord and serves the people in color.

Everyone is obsessed with watching the night clear.

A red dress flutters, three thousand green silk, like a butterfly wing exhibition, full of enchanting, like a peach blossom, the most brilliant one in full bloom...

That scene was printed in the eyes of everyone.

Also, it is printed in the heart.

Until the entrance to the formation is completely closed.

The figure of the red-clothed Bai Meisheng disappeared completely in front of her eyes.

They just returned to God.

The reaction of everyone, Hao Nanren are watching.

He clenched his fists and his eyes were sinister.

It doesn't matter, what do you think about this group of people?

The night fell in...

She went in...

She must, will die in the forbidden land!

In this world, there is no longer anyone who will be against him!

However, Hao Nanren, who was immersed in the joy, did not find out.

Standing there, like a **** of purple man, under the mask of the lotus flower in the lotus flower, blooming like a poisonous thorn flower.

It’s chilly, as if... devour the soul.


Within the forbidden area.

When the night fell outside the forbidden area, I felt the special power here.

After entering the forbidden land, the squad was as if it could swallow all the power, and it became more and more intense.

For the forbidden land, it is true that there is not much understanding of the night.

But I also know that the mysterious power of this forbidden land should be released by something.

This power is so powerful.

It is no wonder that it will attract so many mysterious people, knowing that this forbidden place is a dead end, but still go forward and die.

After all, whoever wants to be an accident.

In case... got this power.

In this world of the strong.

That is the person who is a person!

The night cleared and looked around for a circle.

From the outside of the law, she thought that this forbidden land is a barren hill.

But after entering the forbidden land, she discovered that this is a big forest!

Dense trees, weeds have almost one person's height.

Surrounded by a variety of strange vines and vines.

Looks like...

There is quite a kind of sensation of cannibalism...

The night is clear when there is a lot of surroundings.

Xuan Xinyu suddenly had a burning sensation. In the pet space, a few friends began to shake: "Hey, the master is going out seven or seven!"

(End of this chapter)

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