Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2957: Another purpose

Chapter 2957 has another purpose

"The dark princes are the grandchildren... They don't just want to kill people by knife, they also lied to us... lied to us!"

The man in Hell's House is full of hateful openings.

"Ghost fire candle... That is simply the trick of the dark house! We created thousands of ghost candles, after being lit around the Hell House...

The entire Hell House has been covered!

These candlelights, once ignited, cannot be extinguished at all!

At first, these yin can make our strength soar, but later... Later, the yin is getting more and more, almost has already suppressed our strength..."

The people in Hell's House are resentful, and they are afraid to look over there, and the candlelight covers the scene of whiteness.

"What happened to the former Hell's adult?"

"Because... because of the position of the Lord of Hell this month, it was the position of the Lord of Hell when the evil tyrant took advantage of the retreat of the former Hell.

The former Hells thought about it and took this position back.


Listen to the stupid words of the people in Hell.

The night cleared and raised an eyebrow: "So, your former Hell adult increased the absorption of the smoldering candle, causing the yin to erode the body, and then swallowed by the ghosts, right?"

The people in Hell’s House bowed their heads and defaulted to the night’s clearing.

The night fell over with a blank eye.

It is no wonder that the evil tyrants and the cold sects have become a lot easier after being resisted into the Hell House.

They are afraid that they are still planning to absorb the power of the ghost candle and come to a big counterattack.

It is no wonder that Lao Lie and several other people in the Hell House can quickly recover their energy in the case of serious injuries.

Can also improve their combat effectiveness in a short time.

All of this is the use of the power of the ghost candle...

In this way, it is also explained.

For the cause and effect of the Hell House, the night clearing also roughly guessed seven seven eight eight.

Simply, I am too lazy to continue to ask.

She turned her eyes to Bai Mei's body.

In the heart, there is a new speculation in faintness.

On the other side of the dark palace, I always like to play tricks in the dark.

They went to the Hell House, definitely not only to borrow the hand of the Hell House, but to kill Di Mo Xuan and her as simple as that.

After all, if Emperor Mo Xuan really happened in the Miao nationality.

On the other side of the Imperial Palace, or the power behind the Emperor Mo Xuan, you must avenge the revenge for Emperor Mo Xuan.

It is very easy to find the head of the dark palace.

and so……

Killing people by knife may be just a superficial reason.

In fact, there is another reason.

This reason...

It is very likely that it is related to the face of this person who is replaced by Bai Mei.

Look at the face of the person who has been completely separated from the white face.

In the clearing of the night, there is a very ominous premonition...

I always feel that this person's dough, but also to do things!

as expected!

It was at the time when the thought of the night fell.

In Bai Mei’s mouth, suddenly a scream of screaming was made.

Immediately, the body slipped down from the rock wall.

Blood filled her whole body.

I dyed the white veil.

When she slipped to the ground, Bai Mei was not asking for help from her sister.

Instead, I raised my hands and wanted to touch my face, but I didn’t dare to touch: "My face... This is my face... I can't take my face..."

She is hoarse and crying, full of despair.

After the face was torn down, the **** face was extremely horrible.


[I want to see the IP ceremony of reading the text, but unfortunately I have to code! 】

(End of this chapter)

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