Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2956: Dark sacred plot

Chapter 2956 The scheme of the Dark Palace

Mentioned this.

The faces of the people in Hell's House have changed a little.

Then you look at me again, I look at you, tangled.

Hesitated for a long while, the talents of the Hell House said: "Ghost fire candle... It really makes us grow our strength, but... The fire candle is made by using the resentment and life of the living person... The grievance is very strong, slightly not Be cautious, it is very likely that it will be swallowed by the ghosts and become a feed for the ghosts!"

The people of Hell House said this time.

The sound is a little shaken.

It can be seen that their unstable factors in the fire candle are fears and fears from the heart.

"The **** master before you... Was it swallowed by the ghosts?" The night fell, and asked the next guess.

Hell House and others will look in the line and move all the way to the direction of the car.

"You... how do you know?"

Indeed, the former Hellman who was saved by the chill and has increased his strength has been swallowed up by the ghosts.

They watched the ghost fire candle with their own eyes, and swallowed the former hell, a little bit, in the green candlelight.

"How do I know that this is not important. What is important is, when did you find that the fire candle will swallow you?" continued to ask at night.

Everyone in Hell's House looked calm and hesitated for a while.

Silence, spread in the hell.

There was no urging at night.

Just calm and indifferent, waiting for the people in Hell House to answer.

In the entire hell, only the white hair was smashed by the candlelight, and the sound of the candle burning.

There will be no other sounds.

This dull and depressed atmosphere.

A man from the Hell House slammed the weapon in his hand and screamed like a venting scream: "We are obviously calculated by the people of the dark palace! The **** dark palace, even we all dare to calculate !"

The man looked up and his eyes were a bit crazy: "The predecessor of Hell, he was three days ago! Three days ago, he was swallowed by ghosts!"

When it comes to the last sentence.

The man almost gnashed his teeth, and a word and a word came out of the teeth.

He clenched his hands tightly into a fist: "The man called the chill, said that he came from the dark palace.

And it is the palace owner who represents the dark palace, and specially came to help the Hell House!

In exchange, the people of Hell House must unconditionally promise the dark palace and do one thing for the dark palace. ”

For the Hell House.

They have done everything that hurts the world.

In the former Hell adult, I witnessed the power of the ghost candle.

They naturally did not hesitate to agree.

The chill of the dark sacred palace saved the **** of the Hell House and gave the Hell House the means to improve its strength.

This is indeed a big favor for the Hell House.

"A few days ago, chilly found us, saying that we are using the space to burst the sorcerer, swallowing a space in the lower bound, we should be the repayment of the dark palace, then it should be down!

We...we don’t know at all, the people in the dark palace, the wife you have to deal with...

I don't know, there is an emperor in the space that the dark palace let us devour...

The people in the dark palace did not tell us anything, just that the Miao people had offended the second house of the dark palace and wanted to give the Miao a lesson..."

The eyes of the people in Hell House looked at the evil tyrants and the cold buds lying on the ground.

This is clearly, that is, the dark palace wants to borrow the hand of the Hell House, killing the Emperor Xu Xuan and the night clear...

(End of this chapter)

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