Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2885: Is this preparation, forcing the Virgin?

Chapter 2885 This is preparation, forcing the Virgin?

"Little girl, do you think this way, you can trap your seat?"

The evil smack snorted and stared at the silver wire that was constantly embedded in his own flesh, and the coldness between the eyebrows was even worse.

This is his second time, he was hurt by this little girl!

I thought that using the wire net made by the fan fan, can you trap him?

The little girl is a little girl.

After all, it is still too tender!

"Is it? Then, even if you try..." The night cleared his lips and smiled.

The fundus is full of disdain and ridicule against the evil tyrant.

It seems to have absolute confidence in the net made by myself.

Immediately, the night cleared and released the mysterious force, transmitted to the fan fan.

The evil tyrant can clearly feel that the silver thread wrapped around himself has become more and more tight.

"No coffin, no tears!"

Xu is the wire network that is disturbed by this, and the **** is a little painful.

Perhaps it was the confidence and provocation of the night, which annoyed him.

The evil tyrant suddenly tightened his eyebrows, his tight arms, and suddenly lifted hard.

The dry five fingers are also clenched into fists.

The next moment.

The black mysterious air that was cut off by the net was suddenly like a spiritual sensation, and the raging gathering gathered in the direction of the evil tyrant.

Rich and powerful energy.

Instantly surged in the body of the evil tyrant.

The mysterious force of rolling is like a stormy wave, constantly tumbling.


A few shatters of sound.

The black evil spirits are like a thunderstorm.

The enchanting red silver wire that wraps around the body instantly bursts and pours out.


The night was cleared by this force, forced to fly out, and hit a piece of waste rock.


A cold smile, overflowing from the mouth of the evil tyrant.

The waves are scattered.

The evil tyrant stood there safely.

In addition to the blood of the body cut by the wire mesh.

His whole person is like nothing has happened.

His face has never changed a point.

And this scene.

Those who are onlookers, those who are greedy and fearful of death, have sucked up the air.

The evil tyrant... actually shattered the net network that was cleared at night.

Is it really... there is really nothing that can hold this terrible person? !

The night that was shot and flew out was clear, and slowly propped up.

The slender fingers are still pressed on their chests.

The failure of the net **** did not make her feel pity or frustrated.

Instead, it was shaken by the evil fighter.

There was a sneer sneer.

That smile, brilliant to...

The heart of the evil tyrant is somewhat inexplicable.

Originally thought that the shattering network, can make the night clear and stunned.

In this way, it slowly dissipated.

Something is wrong...

Very wrong!

The feeling of clearing at night is too strange!

It is in this atmosphere, when there is no speech, silence and depression.

Suddenly, there was a deafening noise from the distance.



Followed by two sharp beasts.

The horizon is instantly shrouded in a flame.

The night cleared and heard the sound, and the back was stiff, and quickly turned over and looked at the direction of the sound.

I saw the horizon, and the phoenix feathers of Chi Yan’s body smashed the sky.

The sly figure also flashed from time to time.

It is the direction of the Virgin!

The air waves over there are rolling.

There was a splash of sand and a hurricane.

The hazelnuts that fell in the night were expanding.

The raised smile on the corner of his mouth slowly stagnated on his face.

The dark palace has found the direction of the Virgin...

Is this ready to forge the Virgin? !

(End of this chapter)

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