Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2884: Will not give you a chance

Chapter 2884 won't give you a chance

The glaring red awns bloom in the palm of your hand.

The enchanting fan-shaped fan seems to be integrated into the flame, constantly burning with the mysterious gas.

She smirked and sighed and went straight.

The speed of the night is very fast, and the figure is quickly attached to the evil tyrant.

"Little girl, this seat will not let you have a second chance!" Cheat sneer.

After eating and paying off a loss for the night, he was already wary of the shape of the night.

In addition, the night has cleared the consolidation of the power of artifacts.

The evil tyrant is only a little careful, and it is easy to see the footsteps of the night and the speed of the rotation.

He slammed his mouth and slammed his mouth, quickly giving him a counterattack in the direction of use.

Both sides are entangled in the same time.

The entire space is shrouded in this oppressive terror.


At night, the handcuffs fell, and there was no meaning of a half-off.

The evil tyrant was wounded by the night.

It is already anger.

In the fight, dozens of strokes.

At night, when I fell on my body, I had already hanged a lot of scars.

At this time, the evil tyrants have completely seen through all the roads that have cleared the night.

Whenever there is a next wave of attacks at night.

Can quickly counterattack.

This makes it harder to get up and down at night.

This kind of change, the night clear itself is very clear.

Whether it is a tyrant, or a group of disciples who have long since escaped from the distance, but constantly probe the brain, watch the war, or the people.

I will see the situation in front of me very clearly.

Night clearance is definitely not an opponent of the evil tyrant.

Moreover, the disparity in the gap is too great.

"Small girl, the farce should be over, and in addition to bringing you back, there are other tasks."

The evil tyrant was once again repelled at night, and when the mouth vomited blood, the lips were cold and cold, and the coldness was open.

At night, the hands of the fan-shaped fan were pinched and tightened.

Her breathing also had a bit of confusion.

After hearing the words of the evil tyrant, the face with no emotions faintly reveals a trace of complex fluctuations.

The two charming, can not help but flash a few times.


The task of the evil tyrant.

Is it the emperor?

The twilight of the night fell, sinking.

Immediately, a sly look, a sly cold, like a sharp blade, smashed to the evil tyrant.

Then she lifted the slender fingers and quickly went to her chest and pressed it down.

The evil tyrant only works when the night falls and is seriously injured, which leads to discomfort in the body.

I did not put the action of clearing the night at all.

More precisely, he is totally dissatisfied with the strength of the night.

Even, the night fell and hurt him once.

This is the looseness of the evil tyrant.

When he returns to God.

The night fell and suddenly waved the fan fan in his hand.

Numerous enchanting Xuan Mang, from the flame fan, turned into a red silver wire, entangled in all directions toward the evil tyrant.

The slaying of the evil tyrant.

He has not reacted yet.

The limbs have been completely bound by the red silver wire.

The night is clear and the fingers are closed.

The fan flame fan is close to the close.

The countless silver filaments wrapped around the evil tyrants are also tightened.

The evil tyrant frowned, and the bottom of his eyes was covered with ice.

"Fighting tyrants." The sound of the night clearing is cool, the lips are lightly hooked, and the blood is bloodthirsty. "I won't let you have the opportunity to do other tasks."

With the fall of her voice.

Her five fingers are tighter.

Red silver wire, cut into the flesh of the evil tyrant.

The evil spirits that linger in the evil tyrants are scattered at the speed visible to the naked eye by the red silver wire and bit by bit.


[After writing this chapter, I found that the plot is wrong, and I have re-adjusted the story, resulting in an update of the late ~ ~, continue to write later. 】

(End of this chapter)

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