Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2834: Instead, it will speed up the destruction of your Miao people.

Chapter 2834 will instead accelerate the destruction of your Hmong.

That smile, it looks like charm.

It seems to be a enchanting fairy.

Can look at it, but it can be seen, among them.

At night, I stared at the people below, my eyebrows were glaring, and I lifted the jug in one hand and poured out the wine entrance. This reminded her of her lazy voice: "What is the matter of the right judge's elders running here in the middle of the night?"

The people below are not others, they are the elders of the right judges.

In the dark night, the girl's charming, like a star, is extremely extreme.

The elders of the right jury were reminded by the night that they were so clear that they were shocked by a little girl.

He licked his head and quickly said his own intentions: "Night girl, I and Lao Zuo have followed your opinion, using the nursery seal, sealed the guards of the five dark palaces in the tunnel, will also Yesterday, the Miao guards who had carried the Guards of the Dark Palace all found out one by one."

Speaking of this, his face is obviously ugly: "Sure enough, as the night girl said, those guards are very different from the ordinary days, and even ... some Miao guards have actually produced a rebellious mentality, the following commits! ”

Until now, the elders of the right jury still feel that there is a lingering fear.

The guards of the dark palace, after he and the old left asked a few words, they directly started, and the recruits were extremely fierce, just like the face of killing the enemy.

They think of what they reminded before the night falls.

If you are greedy, if the darkness is too deep, it will be easy, and it will be eroded by the evil spirits involved in these shackles.

The elders of the judges can no longer doubt the authenticity of the night.

"The Miao guards who have been completely swallowed up by evil spirits, I and the old left, have all... killed." When the elders of the right judges said this sentence, the tone was obviously heavy.

“Yeah.” The night’s clear voice responded faintly.

The right jury presbyterian will make such a choice, and it is indeed an elder, what to do.

After all, killing a few people, the preservation is the entire Miao.

The elders of the right jury took a deep breath and calmed down their emotions: "The night girl, the remaining guards, although not lost, but obviously... some are wrong, I and the old left to make their own ideas, turn them off In the firewood house, I came here specially, just want to ask, can the night girl have a solution? Let these guards who have not been completely eroded by evil spirits return to normal?"

"It's very difficult." The night was lazy and leaned back on the branches. The eyes were faint and looked at the dark sky. "For those evils on the shackles, I am currently at a loss."

The face of the elders of the right jury was suddenly white and his hands clenched into fists.

On the surface, full of struggles.

The Miao people are less.

And, getting along for so many years, there are feelings.

If it is ok, can not kill, the right judges elders will try to retain these people's lives.

Yes, if there is no way to clear the night.

For the future of the Miao, he must kneel down.

This thought made the face of the elders of the right jury more and more pale.

"Those... are the guards of the Dark Palace, what is the organization of the Dark Palace, why... Why are there such strange things... Can you control the hearts? Influence the hearts?!"

The elders of the right judges are ashamed, and their throats are full of sorrow.

At night, she swayed the white jade jug in her hand and heard the sound of a few drops of wine. She twitched her lips: "I know, but... will speed up the destruction of your Miao."

She tilted her head and smiled and looked at the elders of the right judge: "So, you are obedient, be careful of the dark palace, don't believe in the dark palace."


[Today's six chapters have been updated. The four chapters owed yesterday, when I adjust my body, I will make up. Orz, just finished filling all the owe, and started to owe, heart plug QAQ]

(End of this chapter)

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