Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2833: Something to ask for

Chapter 2833 has something to do

If it is accompanied by the night clear.

The night was cleared to make her feel at ease.

It will only maintain this smirk and maintain a calm mask.

This will only be more tiring for the night.

Not to accompany the night, worrying about the night and clear will be cranky, a person is more lonely and sad.

With the clearing of the night, and worried that the night falls in the face of her, she is still suppressing her emotions and is not willing to vent.

Just because I care.

Just because of care.

The more you talk about the night, the more you think about it.

"You and Jinzi go to rest." The night clears the gaze of the eyes, and as soon as he turns, he bumps into a pair of eyes full of worry.

The night was clear and the smile was warmer. "I should take a rest and rest. In these few days, my mood has always been tight."

As she said, she also yawned and made a sleepy look.

I want to say something.

I have been interrupted by the night and clear: "Well, I don't want to look at everyone tomorrow. After the departure, I still have a sleepy look."

After that, the night clearing did not give the opportunity to speak.

I have already stretched out and walked towards my room and walked over.

"Clearing..." The words speed up the pace and keep up with the first few steps.

Qiao Jin took her hand: "Go back, let her be quiet, and later, we will stand by the spit and drink with her."


It’s not a lie to say that you are sleepy at night.

It is really sleepy.

The kind of body and mind fatigue.

However, how tired and tired the body is.

Her eyes are still unable to close.

Once closed, her mind will show the beauty of the face, like a god's face.

I will think of his pale face and the frown of the plot.

I will think of his face in a coma, lying on a stone bed.

She simply can't control her emotions.

Can not control, think of Emperor Xu Xuan.

Under such circumstances, how could she possibly fall asleep while she was exhausted?

The night is gradually coming.

In the courtyard, there was silence.

The moonlight is like water, with a cool chill.

The sky is dark, and the moonlight can't illuminate the black.

Just in this quiet atmosphere.

Outside the courtyard, a few bunches of burning torches suddenly appeared.

Those torches are approaching quickly.

When I arrived at the courtyard, I saw a white shadow and rushed into the yard: "Night girl...night girl..."

That person's voice is not small.

Under this quietness, it is particularly bright.

In the call, the man has stepped into the yard, looking around with anxious eyes.

However, there is no half-personality.

"Night girl... I have something to ask..." The man didn't know the room where the night fell. He naturally didn't dare to go to the house, but he stood outside the courtyard and shouted loudly.

"Is there something?"

Suddenly, a light voice was introduced into the ear of the man.

The man slammed and turned sharply.

Seeing a majestic tree, a girl in red, leaning obliquely above the trunk.

A blue silk that was scattered on the shoulders and completely untouched, like a waterfall, poured down.

The dark night sky, no starlight.

It can be partial, this girl seems to have gathered all the light.

Shining is eye-catching.

Like the elves in the night, they exude their endless charm.

The evil spirits have reached the extreme.

The girl lazily squinted at the person below, a hand like a white jade, carrying a white jade jug, gently swaying.

The beautiful face of the city, with a hint of shallow smile.

(End of this chapter)

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