Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2796: I must know that I have nothing to say.

Chapter 2796 must know all the words and words.

Just as the night is clear.

Falling in the hands of the night, he is dead.

He can only choose to believe that the night is clear, there is no other way.

When the white breath completely broke into the yin body.

You Yin really feels that ample power is constantly growing in the bottom of my heart.

His looming, translucent figure gradually revealed the entity.

The strength of the whole body also recovered a few points.

Although, it only recovered about 40%.

But at least, it can make him move freely.

"This, this is incredible..." Yu Yin was shocked and stood up, raising his hand and looking left and right.

How badly he suffered.

He is the most clear about himself.

In such a short period of time, he was only "smart", and he quickly recovered 40% of the power...

This is impossible even for the Sayādaw.

At this time, it is already convinced that the night can be restored for him.

Looking at the sorrowful and sorrowful look, I saw that it was not a good-looking face, showing a full of ecstatic smiles.

The night clears that when the **** sticks, it is actually quite fun.

In particular, watching the yin was smashed by her.

She couldn't help but want to laugh.

It is no wonder that there are so many gods and false doctors.

She tried to laugh and immediately removed her hand.

At the time of letting go, I did not forget to deliberately let my face become slightly paler.

At night, there was a pale face, and a long breath of suffocation. When I stepped back, I also shook a few times in a timely manner.

The man behind him, but cooperated to help her.

One hand wrapped her waist.

Put her soft body in her arms.

The night fell slightly and struggled to break free.

She still had to play the show, naturally she did not dare to struggle, but she had to bite her head and lean on the emperor.

Then raise your hand, the slender white fingers, gently press the sweat on your forehead, there is no sweat, a bit of excessive energy.

"Okay, I have fixed your mental internal injuries for the time being."

The night was clear and "weak", and the eyes swept up and down.

Then, following the mind, a voice reminding her, said to the yin: "The spiritual knowledge is controlled by the mental power. My mental strength is not as good as you. It is not good to repair and heal. If you really want to live in the form of human beings, You must find your spirit."

The yin and sputum are bright and bright.

He grinned and smiled excitedly: "Good! Xiaogu, ... the emperor's mother, I will bring back my spirit, when it is time, trouble you... trouble you..."

The words of the night clearing are completely dispelling all doubts about the yin.

A person who can understand such things as spiritual and spiritual things.

It is certainly capable, to help him recover from the human body!

Even if the night is clear, I can't do it.

There is also the Emperor of the Emperor!

Thinking like this, Yu Yin seems to have thought of it, and he can live in the world with the human body...

"Don't be too happy." The night fell like a slow breath, her face, recovered a few points, on the support of Emperor Xu Xuan, straight up, "you promise me, if you can not let me If you are satisfied, your wish, I will not help you."

You Yin looked at the Emperor Xu Xuan, and immediately smiled like a chrysanthemum bloom: "The Emperor Palace mother, you rest assured, you rest assured... This is our transaction, what do you want to know, although you ask, I know absolutely nothing, There is nothing in it!"


[Explosion is on the 26th, next Tuesday, what?]

Updated today~

(End of this chapter)

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