Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2795: You can only believe me

Chapter 2795, you can only believe me.

At night, the lower part of the body fell down and squatted, looking at the faintness.

The shape of the black robe is already transparent.

It’s impossible to see clearly at night, and what the people under the black robe look like.

"Gloomy... secluded..." The night whispered their names. "Do you know chills, secluded women and ghosts?"

Mentioned the names of the three people.

The figure under the black robe moved.

A transparent, completely invisible face, exposed from the black robe.

But the night clear can clearly feel.

From the sullen face, the shocked expression came.

It seems to be horrified, how can she make the name of chilly and so on, so clear.

"It seems that I know it." The night cleared the hook. "I am very curious, what is your so-called sage, what is the relationship with the island?"

The sullen body is getting more and more fierce.

The night is clear and the smile is more intense: "If you can answer my question well, tell me everything you know, I have a way to let you live."

After a pause, she smiled and cursed: "Live in the form of humanity."

In the last sentence, Yu Yin suddenly raised his head.

It seems to be exhausting all the strength of the whole body. He stares at the night and clears his words. "Is it true?"

The night fell to the ground and the tone was relaxed: "You are not very curious, why do I use the teleportation secret?"

The five fingers under the black robes of the yin are all curled up.

Then listened to the night, and smiled and continued: "So, I can let you change from the spirit to the real human, and ... retain all your strength."

What she seemed to think of, added another sentence: "Of course, after becoming a real human being, you must use it for me."

As the yin is excited, the spirit becomes more and more transparent.

You can clearly understand that all the power in him is constantly decreasing.


The power is completely exhausted.

He didn't even have the strength to return to his own spirit.

Once you have more than twelve hours, you cannot return to your own spirit.

He will die completely.

Even the soul will not stay in this world.

Have to admit.

On this dying festival.

If the night is clear, it is a huge temptation for him.

At this time, the night is clear and hot, and the temptation continues: "Yinyin, you should be very clear... you can only choose to believe me, only me... can let you live."

She smiled slyly, slender fingers, little by little, across her arms, the imprint of the cherry blossom pattern.

Gently laughed out: "As long as you nod, I will let you immediately... Witness, I have it, help you."

This sentence, let the heart of the yin and tightness, completely relaxed.

He is afraid of death.

Extravagant, everything that can make him live.

He nodded hard.

The gloom of excitement has not been discovered.

Just the moment he nodded.

A scent of white, from the cherry blossom pattern that the fingers cleared across the night, overflowing little by little.

Slowly, it floated into his body.

At the same time, the night fell and held down the shoulders of the yin, so it was a mysterious slap in the face: "Now, let me restore your spiritual power as a 'deposit' for the time being. The rest, wait for you to answer After finishing my question, I will help you and fulfill your wish."

This, it sounds, how to listen, how not credible.

Can be partial, a heart of survival.

At this point, I have not considered that much.

(End of this chapter)

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